Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

The Obama Supporters…

Nobody Flashes

As the November deadline gets closer, the Obama voters are coming out in their finest clothes, to go that extra mile, to show us all that–only by voting for Obama, will we continue as a country to enjoy the many freedoms we have: like the freedom of tattooing your whole body , showing your underwear, wearing chains around your neck, getting fat, painting your face in rainbow colors, or  dressing up like a lobster just because you feel like it.

Word has it, that Lady Gaga is being seriously considered for the job of Secretary of Defense. All fashionable attire will be allowed in Obama’s next cabinet. The only thing you will not be allowed to wear are the colors red, white and blue. Unless of course, it has Obama’s logo on it. The 9/11 Teeshirt will be sure to make a big hit with the state Department! Get yours today, in order to remember that no one should make a video about Obama…I mean…Islam. What a better way to remind us all how we are all just one bump-in-the road away from being at peace with all nations and religions, and black panthers.

(Nobody Makes this stuff up.)


October 1, 2012 - Posted by | fashion, humor, Obama | , , ,

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