Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Nobody Knows: Will Obama Let a “Crisis” Go to Waste?

Nobody Knows

While there is no one in the world that can imagine a man taking the lives of innocent little children, for this horrible event to happen, on this day so near the end of the year, we all all  put in shock and double agony.

Because, as we watched a ‘crying’ President use this opportunity to remark on the event…..we know from past events that he will use this event to further his agenda of gun control.Angel in morning

For BEFORE this event, we had on the plate of events; A secretary of state who was called before Congress to testify in the biggest scandal since Watergate, decide she didn’t have to: a President willing to take the country into a deep depression for the sake of his own Marxist agenda: A President sending troops into another country–Turkey, expanding our involment in another ground war in the Middle East: a President mad about his favorite pick for Secretary of State being trumped by Congress, only to be replaced by other narfarious politicians like John Kerry, or Colin Powell: and a President asking for $60 billion to help out the victims of Sandy, only to pack it with millions of personal projects like fixing the sand dunes by the Kennedy Space Center.

This crisis, on a Friday afternoon, couldn’t have come at a more opportune time for the Prisident.

So: to make the day even sader, not only has the earth been robbed of innocent lives…we have a corrupt admininstration that will use this horrible event for it’s takeover of our right to bear arms…and he will do it “For the Children.”

Watch: For the executive order.

That’s why we saw his tears. (Although, while he kept wiping his eyes, I couldn’t see any.)

Am I cynical? You bet.

And so, we all pray for the parents, and kids who have to live with this nightmare the rest of their lives.

God be there to catch them all.


December 14, 2012 - Posted by | disasters, Gun Control, Obama | , , , , ,

1 Comment »

  1. I quote from another….

    “Who do you want your children to look to as a role model in twenty years, Barack Obama or you? Who defines our national character, the most humble among us or Obama?



    Comment by Amfortas | December 14, 2012 | Reply

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