Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Thanks to Glenn Beck, Carney Has An Excuse

Nobody Wonders

As you see in the above video, Carney used the “crazy birthers” excuse to dismiss any wrongdoing against ‘President’ Obama that comes up. Obama could order his administration to kill everyone over 65, in order to save the economy, and Carney would come out and say that was just silly, and to say that Obamacare is going to kill anyone over 65 was just like the old “birther” movement attack. Silly.

(Even though it actually will condemn many over that age to die sooner rather than later.)

One of the reason that Carney can use such a lame excuse is precisely because Glenn Beck attacked anyone who thought it was important that we follow the constitution and screamed at them for days because he thought there was nothing to it.

Long ago, when logic ruled the land and before major media moguls had major economic and political agenda’s, nobody would have voted for a man named Gunther Hitler Goebbels, or Barack Hirohito Obama. And for a man who ran for President, to change his name from Barry to Barack and include his middle name Hussein, after the very man who attacked and killed over 3,000 innocent American people, well most Americans from the greatest generation would have been downright insulted about it.

It was an INSULT for this man to use the name Barack Hussein Obama, to run as an American president. IF he was a true American, he would have kept the name of his childhood, Barry Soetoro. Even if that’s not the name he wanted to go by. EVEN if Barack Hussein Obama is his real name. I certainly wouldn’t have run for President calling myself Joyanna Hussein Adams—-would you have done such a thing?

And BECAUSE our Congress did not even check to see if he was authorized to run for office, we now have a madman who is bent on the destruction of our country, holding the most power. And that’s what happens when a foreigner gets into the highest office. That’s why our founders put that into our Constitution, it’s the worst possible scenario. And Glenn Beck swears by our Constitution…just not on this.

Nobody Wonders…why?

So, sorry Glenn. You were dead wrong on this. You can’t just uphold SOME of the Constitution. We realize you thought it was too late to change the fact that Obama was President and we should focus on other things, but to damn the logical people who see the lies and forgeries coming from his birth certificate, was not very smart, or honest. Because of your past actions on this matter,  you helped lead us to this point, where Obama and Carney can say every accusation is stupid…just like that ”birther” thing.

Glenn Beck is doing exactly what he condemns the left for doing: Picking and choosing whatever law they want to. And Glenn was pretty vicious in his attacks. All the while good men were trying to point out that Obama is a fraud.

Not exactly Glenn’s finest moment.

May 22, 2013 - Posted by | American History, Barack Obama, corruption, Uncategorized | , , , ,


  1. Just another media presstitute. I was suspect of Becks motives for quite a long while and then when he called Zimmerman a racist I knew he was yet another faux conservative darling whipping up his groupies for moola.
    He’s in the same class as Shawn ‘show me the money’ Hannity. Or maybe I am just too conservative?


    Comment by YesIdo | May 22, 2013 | Reply

    • I went to a Beck book signing and there is just something very strange about him.   I can’t put my finger on it. Just a gut feeling.

      Joyanna Adams



      Comment by joyannaadams | May 22, 2013 | Reply

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