Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Nobody Knows: G8, War Games, Hobby Lobby, Bill Clinton’s Sex Games

Nobody KnowsG7 Leaders Meet To Discuss Ukraine During Nuclear Summit

(1) Nobody Knows—who can spend more money on vacation? Michelle Obama or her husband? She’s in China, and he’s in Belgium, where even the Belgians had to fork out money for his visit.—–

As Belgium’s capital and host to the EU and Nato, Brussels is used to deploying heavy security when big names pop by. But US President Barack Obama‘s visit on Tuesday will strain the city like never before with €10m ($10.4m, £8.4m) of Belgian money being spent to cover his 24 hours in the country.

The president arrived on Tuesday night with a 900-strong entourage, including 45 vehicles and three cargo planes. Advance security teams orchestrating every last detail have combed Brussels already, checking the sewers and the major hospitals, while American military helicopters were last week given the green light for overflights. The city hosts at least four EU summits a year, with each of these gatherings costing €500,000 in extra police, military and transport expenses. “But this time round, you can multiply that figure by 20,” said Brussels mayor, Yvan Mayeur.

Excuse me. He needs 900 people? That’s a small town—who are, no doubt, staying at the best hotels. Is it me? HALF of his country is on food stamps, and part of the reason for that, is that we have to pay for the 900 people that Obama drags around the world. How many did Michelle take with her? Obama has spent more traveling in luxury than any President in history…not that we should complain…after all…it’s only FAIR being as he is the first ‘black’ president and all, right? He has all those years of slavery to make up for.

(2) Nobody Knows: In other news, all the nobodies are wondering if the Supreme Court will now decide that Hobby Lobby has as much religious freedom, as the rest of Congress, who all got excused from Obamacare. The argument from the women is they have a right to their “health.”Hobby Lobby

Frankly, they’d be healthier if they told the man to put on a condom, but I digress.

Will the Supreme Court uphold the Constitution? If Obama can exempt anyone he sees fit, (Like the elite ruling classes for no other reason than they are in the ruling class) then surely those who feel it’s against their religion to kill unborn babies…should be exempted. Nobody Knows what they will decide…but if they rule all companies have to pay regardless…you can call me comrade nobody from now on.

(3) Nobody Knows whose great idea was it to get the leaders at the G8 meeting to play a video nuclear war game? Yes, that’s what they did. They all played a game of “What if your cities were hits by nukes, what would you do? Ask for help? Call Joe Biden? Go to the Bunker? Send billions to Obama?”

Who thought of this? Bill Gates? Zuckerface? Steven Spielberg? It seems Obama is taking credit for this great idea. Merkel, the only women, didn’t want to play.

I love it. Instead of talking to military experts and generals, Obama thinks playing a video game would be good place to get all the of the world together and compare notes. But, what can you expect from a guy who’s idea of diplomacy is sending gay basketball players and gay sports players to talk to world leaders? I’m expecting Bruce Jenner to get an ambassadorship to China soon.War games

Really. Have you SEEN him lately?

I will bring the world into the 21st century with video war games!”

Something tells me, we should be glad Putin was kicked out of that meeting. Just THINK what he would have said about Obama playing war games.

(4) Nobody Knows why Obama said today in Brussels that he is more afraid of a nuke detonating in Manhattan than Russia. If you ask me, what Obama is most afraid of is the whole damn world wanting to get HIM. Why else would you need 900 people to protect you?

(5) Nobody Knows that despite the great Obama propaganda, SOME of the liberal press is getting tired of being shut out of the White House. Obama’s “picks’ his questions, and every reporter is handpicked, and given the answer that he is going to give them. You will now get more information from the National Enquirer.

New York Times reporter James Risen called the Obama administration “the greatest enemy of press freedom that we have encountered in at least a generation” on Friday, explaining that the White House seeks to control the flow of information and those who refuse to play along “will be punished.”

Nobody remembers that one of my favorite local news anchorman, Larry Connors, was fired, because Obama didn’t like some questions in his interview. And we have NO clue how many times this has happened in every city, but I bet it’s more than 900.

And my personal favorite this week:

(6) Nobody Knows that Bill Clinton is in a sex lawsuit involving underage girls, due to his close relationship with billionaire money manager Jeffrey Epstein, a convicted sex creep.

From National EnquirerBill Clinton island

According to the legal papers, Clinton traveled on Epstein’s private jet numerous times and partied on a Caribbean island owned by Epstein, who served 13 months for soliciting a minor for prostitution.

It seems this Epstein guy has all KINDS of powerful men to the island where they have orgies and young minors, and just a lot of fun.

Will Hillary come out and claim it’s a ‘right wing conspiracy?” Is ANYBODY reporting this but the tabloids?

That’s enough not knowing for one week. Oh…one last thing: they found the plane, but not actually. And it’s always what they DON’T want you to know, that conquers us all.

Tune in next week for more rants of complete ignorance. (At least I admit it.)


March 25, 2014 - Posted by | Barack Obama, Clintons, Constitution, corruption, sex, Uncategorized | , , , , , ,


  1. Sorry to tell you, no one can beat Mugabe at the “spending money we don’t have, on foreign travel” he holds the record for that one. Maybe its a black thing?


    Comment by frankiekay | March 26, 2014 | Reply

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