Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Nobody Remembers Mary Antin

Nobody Remembers

Donald Trump spoke again today on his immigration policies. Donald thinks, the United States should build a wall, and start letting in those people who are smart, have degrees, have other words, people who can help the country, instead of flooding our countries with their poorest and most immigration 2

Everyone last week, saw Donald’s tiff with —Jorge Ramos, Univision’s  poster boy for the mass invasion of Hispanics. You might think Ramos is an original, but he is nothing new. Before Jorge there was

Drum roll…Mary Antin

Mary Antin came to America as a child in 1894 from Russia. She wrote a book called The Complete Gospel of Immigration, in which she gave pretty much the same arguments on immigration as you hear Ramos and Bush spout out today–which is- immigrants are great. Let them ALL in!Mary-Antin-c.-1912

Back then, there were as many arguments as today, against flooding the nation with immigrants. In fact the phrase that they had “Taken the bread from the mouth of the American workingman.” was repeated often, much like it is today —-but that was 200 years ago.

Mary like to say that the  Russian immigrant was just as brave as America’s first colonists:

“The Minutemen at Concord Bridge defied a bully: the rioters in St. Petersburg challenged a tiger.”

Translation: Russians are BETTER and braver than the original immigrants.

“The fact about the modern immigrant is that he is everywhere continuing the work begun by our pioneer ancestors. They supply most of the animal strength and primitive patience that are at the bottom of our civilization.  In California they gather the harvest, in Arizona they dig irrigation ditches, in Oregon they fell forests, in West Virginia they tunnel coal., in Massachusetts they plant the tedious crops suitable to an exhausted soil. In the cities they build subways and skyscraper and railroad terminals that were the wonder of the world. Whenever rough work and low wages go together, we have a job of the immigrant.”

Translation: Without immigrants, America is nothing.Mary Antin

“Better a hard bed in the shelter of justice than a stuffed couch under the black canopy of despotism.”

Translation: Where we lived sucked, so we came to you. Not our fault.  We could have stayed in our own country and fought to make it better, but why do that, when it was much easier to come here? We were powerless to change the dictators….life is short. Better to just move than wait for better times.

“Immigrants are accused of civil indifference if they do not become naturalized, but when we look into the conditions affecting naturalization, we wonder at the numbers who do become citizens. Facilities of civic education of the adult are very scant and dependent mostly on the fluctuating enthusiasm of private philanthropies. We leave his citizenship to chance, or to the most corrupt political agencies.”

Translation: It’s not OUR fault if you don’t give us special classes to learn to be Americans.

“Let it be definitely noted that to admit that groups of immigrants under economic control fall an easy prey to political corruptions is very far from proving any inherent viciousness in the immigrant themselves.”

Translation: It’s not OUR fault that your politicians use us for their own immigration 5

“We say that immigrants nowadays come only to exploit our country, because some of them go back after a few years, taking their savings with them. The real exploiter of our country’s wealth are not the foreign laborers but the capitalist who pay them wages.”

Translation: Hey, if those capitalists pigs weren’t hiring us, we wouldn’t have to come now, would we?

“From all this, does it follow that we should let down the bars and dispense with the guard at Ellis Island?”

And that’s exactly Ramos’s position today. No wall, just let everybody in.


And isn’t it funny, that after 200 years, we are hearing the same old arguments?

That’s gotta tell you something. When America is destroyed with mass invasion of illegals, and America becomes just another third world nation ruled by dictators on the planet…where do WE go?

September 4, 2015 - Posted by | imigration, Uncategorized | ,


  1. A lot of arguements, especially on TV, between people who refuse to stop interrupting, talking over, shouting, disrespecting. Let the fools condemn themselves from their own mouths.


    Comment by Amfortas | September 4, 2015 | Reply

    • Yes, it’s amazing how frustrating it is to try and talk common sense to those people, isn’t it? 


      Comment by Joyanna Adams | September 4, 2015 | Reply

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