Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Nobodys Perfect: Dianne Feinstein

Nobody’s Perfect

I don’t know about you, but as all the facts are coming out about a liberal/ pusseyhat wearing/ hysterical radical leftist professor being almost “KILLED” by Brett Kavanaugh 35 years ago, I’m ready to turn it all off.

I’d rather clean my gutters out then listen to these false accusations.

Come on Joyanna, how do you know they are false?

Really? You can ask that?

Which brings us to the imperfect woman of the week; Diane Feinstein.

Dianne Feinstein, who is at the end of her rein in Congress, is leading the charge to SAVE the United States from having a Conservative Supreme Court.

Desperate Times call for…the good old, “Let’s accuse him of RAPE!” game, and destroy him…attack. Besides, she is leading the way to stop all conservative Supreme Court nominations.

I don’t think Diane gives a hoot about Christine. There is much more at stake and we all know it.

The second amendment.

Feinstein very famously said that if it was up to her, ALL guns would be banned in the United States, and that progressive dream is much more important than protecting woman’s sexual assaults. After all, it was the women’s movement of the sixties that ‘liberated’ the women to have free sex just like the guys! 

Hey, what fun! Except the women ended up with having to raise the kids on her own. Thanks to the ‘progressives.”

Without our guns, we will be just another socialist/communist paradise for Feinstein to control.

Feinstein held on to this damning ‘evidence’ until the very last minute in hopes of derailing the confirmation vote until after the election.

Feinstein really doesn’t want us to hear this lady, because it’s the same old sexual scam they use to defeat their enemies because they can’t’ get the Americans to bend to their ‘progressive/Marxist/socialist NOW government. The only way they can rule is by packing the courts and the government with their OWN people. And the Supreme court is a lifetime appointment.

Oh my.

Is it any wonder they are freaking out about President Trump?

Feinstein was just caught having a limo driver who was part of Chinese military complex working for her for years and running her office.

It’s not only Google, Apple, Facebook and Ford who are bowing down to their new Chinese masters…its many of our politicians who are making deals and making money over there. Disney’s practically a Chinese company now. The market for movies is much bigger overseas.

And they have to shore up votes: The me-too movement is all about getting the women vote back: All the single women mostly, because the married women are wise to them. They are losing the black vote and the Hispanic vote, and so they must demonize men.

Women are in ALL cultures…the race card has been overplayed so much it’s starting to look like the joker.

Feinstein isn’t afraid of abortions being overturned. What she IS afraid of is not being able to get rid of the second amendment.

So, congratulations Dianne! You Win the Nobody’s Perfect Award for the week!

We don’t believe for a minute that you didn’t turn over Christine the abused surfer’s letter because you CARE about her.

We know how you guys work.

How long have you been working on these war plans?

Long enough to forget that you are making the same mistakes over and over again, and you have lost the element of surprise.

Nothing you do surprises us anymore Dianne.

Unless of course, you are wearing a wig. You ARE wearing a wig aren’t you? Is that post traumatic wig wearing you’re suffering from?



September 17, 2018 - Posted by | American History |

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