Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Why Are the Jews Hated Throughout History?

Nobody Knows

The war by Hamas against the Jews is now bringing back memories of the Holocaust. We see this discussion on all our media sites, and the consensus is: the Jews must not try to destroy Gaza.

It’s like a father being told to ‘turn the other cheek’ because he wants to kill the man that raped and killed his 16-year-old daughter. Easier said than done.

The media sides against the Jews. History keeps repeating itself…and why?

Why have the Jews been hated so much throughout all human history?

Is it simple jealousy?  I was brought up a Methodist as a child. We were taught the Old Testament, the Ten commandments, but it was never taught that Moses was a Jew. Or was the father of the Jews. Or even that Jesus was a Jew before he rose to fame. No Moses was a prophet.

The word JEW was never mentioned in my Bible classes.

In Christian theology, they sort of want you to forget the “Jews.” After all, didn’t Jesus go into the temple and attack the “money lenders?” Weren’t they Jews? Remember, Mel Gibson got crucified in the press for insinuating the historical fact that it was the Jews who turned in Jesus.

Blame the Jews…Because they have always risen to the top of the pyramid of mankind, precisely because they were so smart and stayed within their tribe, procreated within their tribe, and helped each other rise to the top.

Did simple genetics do this? Or was it their culture?

And if they were SO smart, how did they let themselves be exterminated by Hitler? Not a question anybody has asked. I have always wondered if the Jews had the biggest brains, highest intelligence, why did they just WALK into the gas chambers? Surely, they knew. (That’s another blog)

The Muslim tribes called out: “Not fair!” Muhammad was certainly jealous, studied this “Jesus” who came before him, and decided to copy his life, but include in it: “Kill the infidels.” Which was anyone who wasn’t in his tribe of “Kill” was condemned. Muhammed declared that it was HIS religion and ONLY his that was the true religion.

Bow to him five times a day, on your knees.

Jesus, didn’t do that. All his lessons were very kind, and non-violent based on the Ten Commandments from the Old Testament. After all it wasn’t Moses who put the curses on the Pharoh, it was GOD. But the God of the Old Testament was certainly a rather war-like tough cookie. And the first commandments were all about honoring the Jewish God, and having no other God before them.

The JEWS were God’s chosen people. If you weren’t Jewish, you. Well, who knows? How does that make any difference than the Muslim God being the only chosen ones? Jews are the only chosen ones. Muslims are the only chosen ones.

It’s like two brothers fighting for mom’s affection.

There is something so against human nature when ONE God claims to be the ONLY God. Both the Jews AND the Muslims make that claim.

And then along came Jesus. And then the Catholic church, who got in bed with the governments.  And then Martin Luther who made the individual his own source of power to God.

It’s been interesting to say the least.

Which brings us back to “Why hate the Jews?”

In the book, “The Bell Curve” the Jews came out on top in the I.Q test: next the Chinese, next the ‘whites’ and next the blacks. The Jews have given more to the world in Nobel Peace Prizes and inventions, medical advancements, just about everything and yes, their intelligence DOES give them the advantage.

But are Jews superior because of their genetics or because of their culture?

As humans, we tend to ignore DNA, genetics, and nature itself. Is not a hummingbird different than an Ostrich? And yet, they are both birds. Are the different tribes really different genetically?

Thomas Sowell pointed out that the black African male has a genetic advantage at basketball due to his ancestors from Africa who had to run everywhere. Did the Jew grow smarter brain wise in order to survive the years of persecution?

Nobody Knows.

Spielberg is Jewish right? He made the movie Schindler’s List. But then again, he backed Obama.

That, to the secular Christians is hypocrisy at the highest, unless of course you need Obama’s money to continue to enrich the world, so the Jewish business man has to decide: Do I make this movie, or bite the hand that feeds me?

Most of the time, Spielberg’s messages in his movies were secular, and honoring the common man.

Elon Musk was ostracized for retweeting a tweet that said that a lot of the top Jews at the top were silent on their own being persecuted.

He was right. Told by the elites that he was antisemitic. He went to Israel to correct that lie.

Or does education trump I.Q. every time? Can you be superior in your brain power and remain stupid and easily brainwashed when it comes to your education?

I think, as history has shown, the answer to that is: YES.

And we get back to the question: Why are Jews hated?

Well, there’s a big clue right there: Jews always seem to come out on top in the Power and money game.

Why is that?

It is a fact that it is true, that Jews are among the richest elites that control most everything: Banks, Hollywood, D.C, — Mel Gibson wasn’t kidding.

From the Bell Curve:

This part of the book discusses ethnic differences in cognitive ability and social behavior. Herrnstein and Murray report that Asian Americans have a higher mean IQ than white Americans, who in turn outscore black Americans. The book argues that the black-white gap is not due to test bias, noting that IQ tests do not tend to underpredict the school or job performance of black individuals and that the gap is larger on apparently culturally neutral test items than on more culturally loaded items. The authors also note that adjusting for socioeconomic status does not eliminate the black-white IQ gap. However, they argue that the gap is narrowing.[5] Herrnstein and Murray argued the average genetic IQ of the United States is declining, owing to the tendency of the more intelligent having fewer children than the less intelligent, the generation length to be shorter for the less intelligent, and the large-scale immigration to the United States of those with low intelligence. The Southern Poverty Law Center reports that 20 of the signers were recipients of funding from the white-supremacist organization the Pioneer Fund, including Gottfredson herself.[19]

In the end, humanity has to figure out, how to make all the TRIBES get along. Despite their genetic and cultural differenced.

Not an easy task. So…once again…

Why are the Jews hated?

Simple. They succeed.

January 25, 2024 - Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , ,

1 Comment »

  1. Liberal left hates Israel because it became independent and strong. Israel doesn’t need their sympathy. Thus they hate them, the liberal thrives on groups that are dependent on government help. One reason why they really don’t help those that blindly vote for them and hate those that are independent.


    Comment by Anonymous | January 25, 2024 | Reply

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