Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Nobody Fool: Matt Kim’s Response to Biden

Not only was the State of the Union, the only moment in which you will see Joe Biden until the election, but it was a mountain full of BS and lies.

Matt Kim’s response was perfect.

All the democrats made SO much noise shouting “FOUR MORE YEARS” while hooting and clapping Aed at every single word, I wonder just how MUCH those people are making being in Congress all their lives. There are more millionaires around D.C. then anywhere else in the country and we are going to have to DRAG our freedoms, in the words of late great Charleston Heston “Out of their cold dead hands.”

And most of them are so old, we won’t have to drag a thing. As Bob Dylan said in his song “I’ll stand over your grave to make sure that your dead.”

I was literally sick to my stomach watching them all kiss and swoon over each other. The CLUB of the great Biden democratic party.

The Parliment of Whores….(Thank you P.J. O’Rourke)

Even worse, all the Republicans were on their cell phones. They should have been making noise too.

Did any of our elected leaders say much today?

No. Of course not. Just a handfull of conservative talk show hosts, but this guy..this guy, represented the people.

Don’t miss Matt Kim…He wins the Nobody’s Fool Award for the night.

March 8, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment