Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Nobody’s Fool: Elon Musk…Again

Nobody’s Fool

So, Google and Microsoft, used Elon Musk’s money, and his great ability to find the right talent, to build Open A. I. Now, as you hear him say, that wasn’t the deal. To which they posted a bunch of old emails saying that well, actaully he said we could money.

What? Sure, he did. As I’ve said before, when was Elon Musk ever against making money?

Now, why he trusted these guys, to not come back and want to make profit, shows you how honest and trustworthy HE is. So, when you are honest and trustworthy, and no doubt, if you listen to the video above there is not doubt about it–Elon wanted this to be for the beneift of all mankind, sure he trusted them.

But now, he’s suing them.

And he should.

He will get the best people in the world to PROVE beyond anyone’s imagination how really dangerious this tech is. And Elon would know. He’s been trying to tell all the leaders of the world.

China has listened, but not us. Nooooo, not Bill Gates.

Now, listen to Sam Altman, the man who Elon picked to do the job. Really, if you know anything about people, this kid, is not even close to Elon’s genuis, or maturity. He’s like a high school kid who just got noticed for something, and plans to cash in on his one time fame…and money. I’m sure Gates will give him a big cut. Look at him. Has he ever gone out of his cubicle?

And listen to him. He’s a “citizen of the world” and the SF crowd is all woke and well, poor Sam has no clue what woke means.

Not to mention, he kept calling Elon a ‘jerk’. How typical…call names. It’s what total idiots due when they want to win, and have no real rebuttel.

This nobody thinks he’s REALLY jealous of Elon, and he tries to hide it by saying “Oh, he was hero of mine” referring to Elon’s remarks about former astronauts who did not want him to go on with Space X.

Elon proved them wrong. And he will win in court (If it’s not in a liberal city) because everybody KNOWS by now, how really dangerous it is.

Elon is brillant in the above video. Sam Altman is a Elon Musk wannabe. And his logic is on the par of a 6th grader.

Sorry…Elon will win in the end.

BUT…can Microsoft build it and entrenched it BEFORE the court date?

That seems to be the plan.

Elon…please. Send Gates and Altman to the Moon. Put that on your “I am going to save the planet, list of to do’s”

I’m sorry.

This is why the next election is so important.

If not Trump, then we should start a movement to change the Constitution, and elect Elon Musk next time around.

Sam Altman, is a bonifide liar. Anybody who has been around liars can spot him a mile away.

Go get him Elon.

March 11, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , | Leave a comment