Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Will Our Libraries Disappear?

Nobody’s Opinion

Here’s a topic nobody seemed to have notice: During the Obama administration, here in St. Louis, ALL the libraires were completely transformed into internet hubs. I ought to know, all the libraries were selling all their books for 10 cents on the dollar. I spent a whole summer collecting books on sale.

Now, don’t get wrong, the internet is wonderful. As Elon Musk has pointed out, you can learn ANYTHING on the internet. Get any book you want, on the internet.

But the books disappeared. On the shelves were mostly junk stuff: Basketball hero’s and black history, and now LGBQ books for the kids. Good luck trying to find a classic like Huckleberry Finn.

And here’s what I fear: If every book is on the internet, what’s to keep them from rewriting, or censoring, or even worst, just disappearing, all the novels they DON’T want you to read? Off the internet?

Like George’s Orwell’s 1984.

Couldn’t happen?

I think that’s the long-term plan. Control what the people read. Make the books hard to get.

I remember during the Clinton administration, I tried to get a book about their corruption.

I was 90 on the waiting list. The library only had ONE copy. It’s a big city and county, and that’s all they could afford?

I waited a year, and finally just bought the book. And that was another problem

Many of the bookstores during the last decade have closed down. Only a very few are left. And when you walk in the store, you only see the new releases by mostly the left leaning authors.

BUT…turn on your TV and ALL the reporters and commentators love to sit with their libraries at their backs, as if saying “Look how smart I am!”

My friend who worked in TV, said some of those people PAY someone to put them there.

So, will books go into the dustbin of history?

Someday, books will be worth a fortune.

Ask yourself: Do you trust the library associations?

Maybe Elon Musk will have to take over our libraries and try to preserve them. Or not. He’s got enough on his plate.

But I do wish, somebody would…preserve them..or they will end up as fuel for the winter fire, once the grid starts being controlled or worse yet, destroyed.

One cold winter, and everybody will be running to the libraries for fuel.

Maybe I’m being too pessimistic about the internet. But then again…I am still collecting books.


March 25, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , | 2 Comments