Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Nobody Goes to the Art Museum…Report.

Nobody Knows

That I went to the St. Louis Art Museum today.

It’s what I call a trip to what the humanity USED to produce…GREAT works of art, and now..lots of crappy junk.

If art reflects the culture, and society, what is it saying about us?

For instance:

There weren’t many pieces on the Greeks and Romans, but what they did have was astounding. There I am, standing in front of one.

As you walk into the main lobby, trying to get away from Max Beckman, and also the Picasso’s which you swear you could paint in one afternoon, (Why is he so honored?) you see on display, the things that the blacks in St. Louis love the most: Sneakers. Giant Sneakers. Next to that was a destroyed car with graffiti!

Hey, nothing like giving the swamp artists another idea! If the cars aren’t worth stealing, they could use some really cool “I WAS HERE” graffiti.

Then you go past the masters…the Rembrandts, The Dutch painters…the Flemish, the ones who really could paint.

And then…the modern museum.

And you think. WHAT THE HELL  HAPPENED? We went from carving waves of sheer fabric into marble to a giant picture of solid red? Huh?

Also to report, they have mostly liberals working there. I had to go to the bathroom and some black guy was cleaning it. Well, being as I don’t have a gall bladder I said, “Hey, the nearest girls’ restroom is almost half a mile THAT WAY…why don’t you just step out for a second, I’ll only be a minute”

He got this look on his face as if I had thrown chocolate pecan pie on the Mona Liza.

He stepped into the entrance to block my entering and said with his eyes bugging out:
“No, you CANNOT come in!”

 There was a lady employee a foot away.

“Hey, tell him to step away for a minute.”

“No, you’ll have to wait.”

“But, I Don’t have a gall bladder! Where’s your common sense!?”

“No…you can’t go in” she said.

Down the hall was the boys’ restroom.

“Can I use that one?“ I asked.

“Sure! Go ahead” she said…knowing that she had been ordered that our culture is now unisex and that’s very permissible. Very hip. Very cool. You could tell she felt so good giving me permission to use the men’s restroom.

My husband blocked the door.

So, what I did get out of my visit.

Humanity has left the building. It died with the Greeks and Romans. And Gays have ALWAYS been in San Franscisco:

And Elvis is still waiting to get into the men’s restroom, because it’s being cleaned.

March 26, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , | 3 Comments