Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Do NOT be Alone on Easter.

Nobody Opinion


This was the first Easter since I’ve had a blog, that I didn’t wish everyone a Happy Easter.

Please forgive me. I hope everyone had lots of joy, and grandkids, and children, hiding eggs all day.

It was almost 80 here today, finally spring. The flowers are already blooming. My crabapple tree is in full bloom. But my trouble started on Friday night, continued into Saturday night, and all through the Easter day.

Let’s just say I was in too dark a mood to write.

So, how about a few random thoughts of news of today….because I’m still having trouble snapping out of it.


About that bridge collapse. Who knows what really happened, but it’s a first in history. And since Baltimore IS the port where all the cars come in, how convenient it is to destroy the bridge, which will affect car sales won’t it? Who will benefit from this? China, who want Elon Musk’s cars to be stopped here in the U.S? John Kerry? And so now the United States will bail out Baltimore and all its citizens?

Will illegals get the jobs to repair that bridge? And why didn’t the insurance pay for it?

To me it looks like one more knock to tear down the America economy. Bit by bit by bit.


I watched Rosanne Barr today, being interviewed by Tucker Carlson. I didn’t realize she was such a brave and deep thinker. And not afraid. She wants to save America. And she was so much fun to listen to. A Jew, who believes in her God. If you get a chance to watch that interview, you will be amazed at the woman.


Just how ignorant and uneducated our government workers are. Surely, bringing diversity into the workforce will make all our lives less safe. As in medicine, air travel, and the running of all the major institutions that once only hired the best. Like the CIA, the FBI. And let’s not forget, the democratic Congress is full of the most uneducated, and unethical bunch of morons that has ever walked the halls of Congress. Do we trust any of them? I don’t.


They are pushing abortion pill here in the city of St. Louis, to make sure all the young girls can destroy their babies. As Elon Musk has pointed out, this will not end well.


Remember your holidays with your kids. I remember when my son was about 6, I had to hide Easter eggs ALL DAY LONG in the house. He would hide them, then I would. The game got old after half the day, but the memory of how much fun he had…you can’t take that away. So cherish these memories when their babies, and see joy that comes with the simple things. Don’t let them play video games all day. They can do that anytime.

Here’s another memory…my mother always wanted to boil eggs and paint them JUST WITH ME, every Easter. I thought it was silly…here she is 78. She died that year. I have this picture on my desk.

Always love your mom. Mother’s Day is coming up…don’t forget her. Mothers deserve all our love.

So, I’m off, hopefully, you all had a great Easter!

And hopefull, this dark mood will go away.

All suggestions welcomed.

March 31, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , | Leave a comment