Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Mother Nature Loves Me

Nobody’s Fool

Well, I’ve been thinking about this: I may be the biggest fool around. Why?

I”m too softhearted. Can there BE such a thing? And is there a fine line between being soft hearted and just a stupid fool?


Because I’ve just got this little blog, I won’t go into my BIGGEST mistakes, BUT…I was thinking tonight: I’m a bit too sentimental when it comes to mother nature. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a die-hard tree hugger, (Even though I HAVE hugged a few) but because I am alone much of the time, the nature around my house…well, it’s my family. You see, I don’t have a family. None. I don’t talk to my son, or my brother. Both my parents are dead. I am married, but we don’t talk much. Soo…I talk to my…plants.

And I pretent that they hear me. Yes!

Tonight I noticed this while I was raking leaves:

Oh-oh. THAT is right underneath my huge gumball tree. It’s just a baby. But, once upon a time I ignored another baby just like that one…and it did grow,the years when by and …well, that tree becamse a real problem.

Who knew a tree could grow between a fence and a concrete porch? On the other side of the fence is the driveway…pushed up about two feet. It’s just a few feet from the back of the house, and the only good news about this tree is that a tornado hit our street, all the other trees fell on the roofs of house, but this big guy didn’t move an inch.

Saved by a fool.

I tried pulling up that little tree a month ago, but it’s attached to it’s mother’s root.


And what is wrong with me? I feel bad just pulling up a newly born baby tree? OMG…they arrested the 75 years old women for praying for a baby’s life in a abortion clinic recently: She got 2 years. If I went near one, I’d get life plus 60.

I also talk to my plants. Well, it seems to work. And it’s not just plants that I love. For instance I just saw this butterfly on my trash can today: Yes, I talked to ‘him’ for a bit. He seemed to enjoy it.

But…you want to know the REAL problem? I can’t kill anything. Well, I did once, a mama rat. She had 19 babies and they were nasty things really. Rat…mmmm, they were right near the house. They got there because I was feeding the birds.

I know. Stupid.

The worst of my ‘mental problem’ is I had a mouse investation in my house several years ago. Because they were sooooo cute, like litttle gerbils, I put up mouse traps where they live…and I drove a mile somewhere and released them. I caught over 60 mice, and it took me a year to clean out all fhe nests from the house. They also destroyed a couch,and a matress, and lots of clothes…yeah.

They are gone thank goodness. Nevertheless, because of my love or thought that all animals on the planet have a right to live, I am..pretty…what’s wrong with me?

Seriously? Jordan Perterson would say I need a life. I’ve been told I’m ‘sensitive.’ But I think it’s just becase I live isolated and alone. So…they are all my…friends…and bring me joy. It’s pretty simple really.

I’ve never killed a rattlesnake, because if you don’t bother them they won’t bother you.

To me, there is a balance in nature, and I knew that all the mice I took and released in the woods, would probably end up as somebodies dinner. But hey, that’s mother nature.

And I’m a hypocrite because I LOVE hamburgers.

Anyway, I’m the fool.

And I don’t care. I like the fact that I am “sensitive.” And even if nobody else understands it…

To me, it’s one of my finest traits.

I love…just about everything.

P.S. Don’t get me around a baby elephant.

June 3, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , | 1 Comment