Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

The Laws of Human Nature and Who Need to Know?

Nobody Knows

Well, it might be obvious. I’ve been pretty fascinated with Elon Musk lately…and this morning I was watching an interview with the author of the 48 Laws of Robert Green

He was promoting his new book:

And he was telling very personal stories about WHY he wrote books. He didn’t really know how to read people he said. I’ve always had problem. So…he had this theory…you must examine your childhood, and really examine yourself when you become an adult.

The part I liked was when he said that he found he was always competitive. Had the be the best, a bit of a narcissistic personality. And that he found that painful to admit.

He also said he had a painful childhood, and if you USED that pain to become the BEST at something, then that’s a good thing!

And isn’t that exactly what Elon Musk did?

Nobody Wonders if Elon read this book. So I ordered it off Amazon.

The 48 Laws of Power is a book everyone should have in their library. It’s historical, well researched, and you won’t find a book like it anywhere.

Robert Greene has written other books. So, happy day to find another fountain of knowledge to explore.

Everybody has a weakness, and mine is books. So, I plan to get all of them.

It’s always a good day when you find a good author…who did ALL the research for you! Thank you Mr. Greene! I can’t wait to read it.

June 4, 2024 - Posted by | Uncategorized

1 Comment »

  1. Hi Joyanna,

    My weakness is books too; I have way too many in my TBR pile. Have boxes of books inherited from my mother when she passed away (19 yrs ago), plus all the books in the bookcases in every room in the house (except bathrooms); 10 at last count. And not counting all the e-books on my e-reader! I love books and have rarely been able to throw any away (have to be really bad).


    Comment by Mrs. O | June 5, 2024 | Reply

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