Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Nobody Sends Message to Tesla Voters:

Nobody’s Opinion

If you own stocks in Tesla, and you have been listening to all the doom and gloomers saying that the stock is down, and no man should get that much money…let me say this:

I do NOT own Tesla stock. I’m not in the game. The schools in America are SO bad and have been for years, that people just go to the biggest banks and put their money where they are told to. They are barely taught how to read or do simple math, let alone about the stock market or capitalism.

No, only a dumb population can be controlled. I can’t vote to help out Elon Musk tomorrow. But what I can do, is remind you that AMERICA is being destroyed “ON PURPOSE”, in order for a small group of elite and evil snobs at the top to gain power and control forever of the planet.

They have even stated that’s their plan.

We are being destroyed step by step. One by one…and unless the world wakes up…we are doomed to poverty, and so are our children.

I WANT you to look at this picture: THAT’s the world lite up, at the hands and hard work of ONE man:

Thomas Alva Edison. Now, I don’t know about Tesla, he was certainly a genius, but did he light up the world? No Edison, like Musk, was all about leaving a useful product for humanity. And he worked his ass off every day, JUST LIKE ELON…to get it done.

Edison made it a point to help the regular man. Elon is the same.

Our educational systems have made SURE that we take our greatest inventors for granted. WHY? Because the bankers don’t WANT the individual to succeed. It’s all about “the collective”

Which is doublespeak for 1984 communism.

Edison not only gave us electric light, but SOUND, and MOVIES—THINK about that?

And yet, there is no mention of him anywhere.

Elon’s biographer, Walter Isaacson, tells the story of how Elon on Christmas Eve, went into the twitter serves, borrowed a knife from his bodyguard, and cut terminals, and moved them.

He was told it could not be done. Don’t tell Elon that. Put him down, he will come back with a roar so strong your ears would pop.  

Edison once did the same thing. He was laying cable to light up some streets of New York, and there was trouble laying the wires. Edison went out into the streets himself, and got down in the holes, and pretty much did a lot of it himself. He also that night, helped the gigantic generators that were going to run that electric. Like Elon, he was everywhere.

By the way, BOTH Ford and Edison worked on an electric car for 2 years. They gave up. Elon? He did it. He didn’t give up. He worked 80 to over 100 hours a day to make it happen.

How DARE one woman take that away.

 President Trump has said: We must protect our genius. And as usual—He’s right.

Yes, Elon worked for nothing, for ten years, day and night, and succeeded into making it the top electric car company IN THE WORLD, he was promised his reward if he did the impossible.

He did. It was a PROMISE.

So, if you are thinking well the stock went down…Think: Why did the stock go down?

Biden. China. Biden personally went on to destroy Elon, just as he is trying to destroy Trump.

Remember that when you vote. Biden is a criminal. His son, who was just convicted of the small crime of buying a gun will just go into rehab. You watch. They’ve made millions off the taxpayers and also got many of our military finest killed.

Biden and his family are crooks. Everybody knows it.

Now, you may not like electric cars. But there is NO doubt, electric care are superior. And will save many lives. The whole infrastructure will have to be changed. Instead of endless wars we could be laying out the infrastructure for electric cars. We all must get to our jobs. Eisenhower built the highway system. And he also warned us about the military complex becoming evil.

 Our government, once again, is trying to get rid of Elon. They are still angry that he bought Twitter. Complete control of ALL media was a must for them.

They want to control Elon Musk. AND then want to control you.

  Elon Musk is our Thomas Edison. Elon Musk will lead the world into a future that one day, those left to actually THINK, will know: Elon Musk did this, bought us into a future that we only dreamed of. Like Edison, Elon is changing the planet: internet, Boring company, Electric cars, and soon interplanetary travel. Elon will go beyond Edison…because Elon is managing all these different inventions and companies…Edison only had a few.

 Just like Thomas Edison did long ago…he lit up the world…gave us sound, and music, he gave us LIGHT. And that was a leap forward in mankind. Good god people! Think about that. Everything you do or see, one man worked to give it to us all, on which all was built.

You think that was easy? It just happened?

Elon will do the same. Someday, on Mars, or the Moon, or in a driverless car, or you recover you speech from a stroke, or get your sight back if your blind. Elon is one of the world’s priceless treasures, and frankly if ONE idiotic woman can stop him, then forget even starting a business again. The rich will get everything, and you will. As they like to tell you:


And trust me: they mean it.

 Do you really want that world?

 If you do NOT vote to give Elon his power, and the money he so much deserves, then Telsa will no longer be the same. Electric cars made in China and Mexico, will have A.I. in them and THEY, the powerful, will USE that A.I. to make sure you go only where they want you to go.

Elon will not let that happen. He protected free speech; he will protect your right to take those beautiful cars wherever you like.

Elon will take all of humanity into a future where the individual will proper. The whole world will change.

So ask yourself: if this future is going to happen, and they’ve already started on it: wouldn’t you want a man like Elon Musk on your side controlling the outcomes instead of Joe Biden?

Or Klaus the swab?

Or would you rather be poor, watch your country continue to be destroyed and your children’s future to go on being controlled by an elite evil few at the global top? And end up eating bugs the rest of your life while watching soccer games on cable: hiding in your house with fear due to the crime outside.

Like I said: I’m too poor to own stock in Tesla. But your vote could literally save the world.

I love America. I love the rest of the world. I hope you to too…

I hope tomorrow the voters of Tesla will make a resounding vote: Vote for the man who will protect you all…Because without our genius, without our inventors…

The world will surely sink into darkness.

June 11, 2024 - Posted by | Uncategorized

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