Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Nobody’s Perfect: ME

Nobody’s Perfect

I just saw my girlfriend Rosa, from Puerto Rico. Her and her husband drove to Wisconsin to attend her son’s wedding, so we watched the dog.  They came over tonight to pick up CHICO, and she showed me the wedding pictures and I had to ask her…was that a SnapChat one?

Most of them were.

Rosa introduced me to this app. You put it on your phone, and you can pick all kinds of effects. And some of these effects can make you look like the movie star you are NOT.

Any woman that spent 30 minutes putting on makeup, can tell you, it takes time to correct imperfections. This app puts makeup on you in seconds and you can instantly send it to your friends.

The picture above is Smapchat. It’s called “glamerous.”

And there I was: Hooked on selfies: “Why I look ten years younger!” I would tell myself. And then I realized that all these models you see on TV, splashed on the front cover of magazines…must have the same tech to make THEM look beautiful. What do they REALLY look like I wondered.

Tonight I looked at my phone and saw I had taken almost 100 Snapchats of myself.

“WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!”  I said to myself.

“Are you crazy?!”

So, I decided to get rid of them. And then I thought, it’s one thing for an older woman to try to make herself look younger, what happens to all those young girls who spend hours on social media getting depressed because they don’t look like Taylor Swift?

Some commit suicide.

Last summer, some of the old gals at the pool had this app, and they looked 30 years younger. All winkles are erased, and then I thought…there’s a danger here. Some of them started believing they really looked like that. Sort of how liars start believing the lies they tell all the time.

Liar Joe Biden could use a Snapchat.

I thought of dating sites. Men AND woman could be sending out these pictures…and show up and maybe NOT look like the picture the man or woman thought they were going to meet. Not good.

We have become a nation of youth, and beauty.  And the population now is growing very old, being replaced gleefully by a younger invasion of NOT WHITE, as the elites so joyfully express. And yet, when was the last time you actaully saw a girl like THIS at the pool?

And yet, we have VERY old politicians.

Go figure.

Anyway, this tech is here to stay. And what do we do about it?

I’m hoping more of the elites and professionals who use this tech admit it. In the latest Indianna Jones movie they admitted they used tech to make Harrison Ford look younger. He did many interviews and looked his real age. I think more movie stars should do that.

Yep.LOL…No glamour…just a smile.

Yeah…I prefer the first one too.

Still…I wasn’t born pretty. And my mother never put beauty of any importance, so when I had buck teeth as a child, she told me…not to smile. “Stop it! She would yell at me.” Try living your childhood NOT smiling. I do a lot of it now.

She would also say: “You walk like a farmer.” So, I never thought I was ‘pretty’ in any way, and in this world where all men love beauty, it was a curse to grow up thinking you’d never be beautiful.

I look back now at my old pictures and think “Gee, I wasn’t THAT bad!” But it didn’t do me any good then, and much to my mother’s delight…she was happy that I didn’t become a ‘snobby’ bitch.

“Remember. There will ALWAYS be somebody better than you no matter how good you get at anything!”

She loved to say that. Well, why the hell try? I laugh at it now, but not a big confidence builder my mother.

My mother looke a lot like John Adams so I see her reasoning now.

Still we all love beauty, and the wisest of us know that beauty is also what comes out from inside.

In that respect, while the second picture is truly me..the first one shows the feelings from my soul through my eyes.

So, what to do? Men can stare at porn for hours, and never meet that dream woman. What do I do?

LOL…I’m getting rid of all those pictures. Nevertheless, I learned from Rosa…why get plastic surgery when you can just put an app on your phone?

What will they think of next?

Now, someone please me if there is a body makeover app…

Calling Mr. Speilburg…..I’m ready for my closeup.

June 24, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , | 1 Comment