Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Nobody Saves a Butterfly

Yesterday…I saved a butterfly…

On my morning round to water my flowers, I looked down on the sidewalk in front of the house and there are the ground was a butterfly…struggling to fly, but ants were on it.

I genltly picked it up, because I love them. There are the most delicate and beautiful of God’s creations..and it was the third one I’d seen this summer. We’ve gone many summers here without seeing even one.

I made sure I picked him up ..very carefully, and I gently blew off the ants. She was still alive.

My heart sank, because I always in my life have experienced many an encounter with nature that seems to reveal some kind of message. I can see why the native Indians put so much into reading the signs of nature.

After my father died, my son was so upset. My father took the place of his real dad, who left us when he was one. A few days later, we were all walking out the back door, and walking up the driveway right up to my son …was turtle. It was a long a walk…and I’d never seen a turtle in the suburbs before. A box turtle, who, I laugh now, looked just like my dad before he passed. That turtle became the best friend of my son, and helped him buffer the pain. He/she lived with us until my son became a teenager. One day, some Mexican roofers must have took him home…with all his other five turtle companions. I had built a little garden for them in the back yard.

A year before my mother died, we were visited every single morning by a HUGE white pigeon. He hung out every morning entertaining us, chasing all the other famale doves around, cooing. My mother said he came to take her to heaven. A year later she died. And yes, he disappeared.

And there are many more stories like that of nature and me. So yesterday morning I was thinking “OH…this is NOT a good sign.” What does it mean? Am I the butterfly…getting ready to die?”

I picked him up and put him on one of my yellow double pagonias…he flexed his wings straight in the morning sun. Moved his antennas. Then opened his beautiful wings to the morning sun.

I kept coming back out to check on him?HER? She stayed..

Later on, she was gone….she did not fall down, I searched to make sure. She might have been eaten, but I wondered…what does this mean?

I have been suffering lately. Tired. Overwhelmed. Like I was fighting for hope in my life.

Was she a metarphor for me? Was someone going to save me…and help me fly away? Or was this a metaphore that I was actaully trying to save myself?

Pick myself off, brush off the ants. Rest in the sun?

I don’t know. It’s sounds silly, but I believe that I saved a butterfly yesterday.

And for that…maybe God will help me out. Butterflies are one of the most beautiful magical little wonders of this world.

We should…try to save them all.

June 26, 2024 - Posted by | Uncategorized

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