Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Happy Birthday ELON MUSK!

He’s 53? And …what can you say about him that hasn’t already been said?

A most amazing man. The most productive genuis in world history.

And that’s coming from a conservative like me.

I didn’t really notice him until 8 months ago…and then started listening to his interviews.

And I’ve come to the conclusion that Elon saw what was coming down the pike for humanity YEARS ago, and went to work.

Most of us are in denial. And that’s because, of how we have been manipulated to debunk anything that is new, or against the policies of the New World Order, which is following a huge plan on takeover put in place about 50 years ago, and the plans are monsterous.

Right now, Elon, is doing what he does best: Getting the best minds behind him to fight this curse that will be the end of humanity.

Let’s hope the people follow reason…and after the debate last night, it’s clear…the intentions of putting an small elite mob of imbeciles in charge of the planet will destroy us all.

Elon sees that, and I think, he’s wise to have done what he’s done. There are very few in the world that would have put in as much effort as he has.

So, Happy Birthday to a man who is out to save not only the West, but the entire planet.

I hope, he lives to be 110…I believe in him. If the people can get back control of the governments, Elon Musk will make sure, the future is bright.

You may think he’s nuts: but remember, they thought Galilio was too.

Let’s not let him down. We the people need to get our countries back.

So yeah, Happy Birthday Elon…go get em!

To the moon! To Mars! Rockets forever!

June 28, 2024 - Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , ,

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