Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Do NOT Break the Covenant!

Nobody Knows

Promises. Trust. Words that are so important to people. Whether it’s in a marriage, a business deal, or trust between friends. Break that promise, and it leaves a scar that never heals.

Once you break your word, trust never come back. Not really. You make a promise and break it, the party hurt will never trust you again. It takes honor. Something we see very little of these days.

Do not break a covenant. And that was the name of the movie I just watched:

Covenant. A movie written by Guy Richie, Modonna’s X.

It was about how, after 9/11, Bush sent 98,000 troops to Afghanistan, and thousands of Afganistan interpreters signed up to help the American soldiers defeat the Taliban. A war that lasted 20 years. All of these interpreters were promised visas to America. Out of the thousands that were hired, only a few were given those visas. The ones left behind had to go into hiding, or were killed by the Taliban, who by the way, are still in control.

Remember, money was the bribe given every single day in that war. Money. LOTS of money. Not the politicians’ money, U.S. Taxpayers money. Obama sent a billion in plane at midnight to Iran. Was that a traitorous act?

Not much is ever said about it.

As I watched this I was ashamed of all the wars that the Americans have been suckered into: WWI..WWII…the Korean War, Vietnam, the Gulf War, the Ukrainian War, and the soon to be WWIII.

Elon Musk once said it very succinctly:

War is game played by rich men in power, to make money. Eisenhower put it succinclty:

“Beware the military complex.”

Reagan was the last President I trusted. Daddy Bush, his son, Bill Clinton, Obama, all kept us in Wars. The only one who kept us out was President Trump.

Many American, MANY are dead. What’s left? Notice in the movies the WOMEN are now the fighters? Did they run out men?

You tell me. We have veterans who are treated like shit, while the terrorits pouring across out borders, unvetted, are given hot meals, and rooms at our finest hotels.

Not to mention, they are working with the Chinese.

Which brings me back to the movie. In the movie, the translator saves the lives of the American soldier, and then HE has to go into hiding. But the American soldier goes BACK to keep the promise that America did not hold.

Honor. Happens. You just don’t hear about it.

Tell me, is Biden trying to get our American hostages captured by the Taliban back home?

Biden gave EVERYTHING to the Taliban, just like Obama.

IRight now, a vote is going on at Tesla to give Elon Musk the money he was promised, he WORKED ten years for without pay, and yet, it just took one Biden appointed judge to deprive him of the $46 billion promised.

Broken promies. Right now, Biden has broken his promise to the Jews. He is bringing the very Muslims over to America.

Broken promies. You don’t forget them.

In a marriage, if one partner has sex with another besides his wife or in her case, her husband, that marriage usually is over.

This may sound silly, but one time my husband was on a business trip. Since I worked in hotel lounges most of my life, I knew when the business guys were in town, without their wives, they always went to the strip bars. I remember making my husband promise not to go to one.

“I promise.” he said. “I swear” he said. Then that night, I got a phone call, it was his voice…somehow his phone had been turned on in the car. “I can still smell her perfume” he exclaimed with almost sexual ecstasy. Which means, he got a lap dance.

It nearly broke me that day. While most married couple would see no problem with it, the fact that he BROKE the promise meant, I never trusted his word again.

If he had said to me, “Honey, I will probably go because all the guys do.” I would have not been so hurt. That is trust. Trust is important in every human encounter.

Millions of Muslims have been killed by American soldiers. Millions of soldiers have given their lives for what? Once upon a time America kept her promises.

No longer

Trust is betrayal. And the history of broken promises goes on. Americans just witnessed it from the newly elected Speaker of the House, Johnson.

He made MANY promises he did not keep.

Recently, I’ve had a lot of promises made and not kept. I don’t think I trust anyone anymore.

So, there are two solutions: One: bring back the importance of the concept of honor…or

Two: Start a colony on Mars because humans are not going to change. You can’t trust them.

Which do you think is the hardest?

Where’s my spacesuit?

May 21, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , | Leave a comment