Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Nobody’s Perfect: Hillary Clinton

Nobody’s PerfectHillary crook two

It thought that this week, it would be a good thing to refresh in our minds, the many crimes that Bill AND Hillary have committed, and because Hillary thinks we are all so stupid to remember even what she said yesterday, I am posting this fine list…which I lifted from an WMD’s exclusive—to refresh the minds of all my readers, whether familiar with them all or not…to go back and review:

Here’s they are:

Hillary’s 22 biggest scandals ever. (From WND) 

Here’s a list of Hillary’s crimes:

  1. Clintons turn IRS into ‘Gestapo.

(What? You thought Obama invented this?)

  1. Covering Bill’s dirty deeds

(Money and the IRS go a long way into shutting up Bill’s sexual crimes.)

  1. Looting the White House

(If it wasn’t nailed down, they took it with them.)

  1. Filegate: FBI files on GOP enemiesHillary crooks seven

(Bill was still building the NSA)

  1. Hillary’s ‘Muslim Brotherhood princess’

(Huma. Muslim. Huma, Brotherhood. Huma–emails.)

  1. Vince Foster’s 1993 death

(Vince knew it all: Hillary got to his files FIRST.)

  1. Emailgate: ‘She should go to prison for this’

(Hillary puts us all in danger, but so what?)

  1. Chinagate: Sale of high-tech secrets

          Technology companies allegedly made donations of millions of dollars to various Democratic Party entities, including President Bill Clinton’s 1996 re-election campaign, in return for permission to sell high-tech secrets to China. (No jail time for this either.)Hillary poor

9. Travelgate: Always room for Friends

(Yes, keep your friends close.)

  1. Whitewater: Jail for friends, but not Clintons

(And…why is that?)

  1. ‘Landing under sniper fire in Bosnia’

(Hillary the hawk… wearing Mao suits with bullet proof girdles.)

  1. Hillary’s ‘missing’ law firm billing records

(The law firm paid for her Yoga.  )

  1. Pardongate: Hillary Senate contributions

(Hillary’s brother sold pardons, and got mining rights in Haiti.)

  1. Hillary’s cash cows and 9,987 percent profit

(This was BEFORE her Cayman accounts)

  1. Clinton body count: ‘You find dead people’

(And lots of other stuff.)

  1. Hillary’s radical pal Saul Alinsky

(Obama knew him too. What a..coincidence!)

  1. Hillary laughs about defending child rapist.

(Yes, she has been protecting a rapist all her life—lots of practice.)

  1. Hill cashes in: Iranian fundraising

(Ties to Iran?)

  1. Clinton Foundation :Scandals keep comingHillary corruptin four

(Bill gets BIG bucks for speeches, millions pour in)

  1. Benghazi: 4 American lives lost

(And it made a HUGE difference)

  1. Peter Franklin Paul: Another Hillary friend goes to prison

(Hillary and Bill never go to jail, only their friends.)

  1. Watergate: Fired for being a liar


And last but not least: Dick Morris said that

“Hillary Clinton got many expensive and personal gifts during her eight years as first lady and never disclosed them.”

So–the “poor” Clintons have made millions off the Presidency and her Senate and cabinet positions:

EVERYTHING was for sale.

1) seats on overseas trade missions; 2) export licenses for high technology sales to communist China and elsewhere; 3) commissionerships and judgeships; 4) rides on Air Force One; 5) overnight stays in the White House’s Lincoln Bedroom; 6) graves at Arlington Cemetery; 7) meetings with key Clinton-Gore administration leaders; and other favors.

With all the disasters Obama is doing to the country, we forget the biggest crooks him.I just thought, that we should all remember…and tell our kids. Even I forget some of these there are SOOOOOOOOOOOOO  many.


Take a good look at the WND piece, they have done a fantastic job trashing out the Clintons. They BOTH should be in jail, and that’s shows just how corrupt our system really is. And it’s time our liberal friends hear about this all over again.

Don’t you think?

August 24, 2015 - Posted by | Hillary, Uncategorized |

1 Comment »

  1. How true- -“nobody is perfect”; wonder how many have noticed “some are a lot LESS perfect than others”?


    Comment by madmemere | August 27, 2015 | Reply

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