Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Elon Musk: An Innocent Man

Nobody Flashes

This was the video that is causing all the destroyers of men like Elon Musk to lose billions of future stock evenue with so many of the lying media coming out and saying he’s a pot-head.

Listen to the whole interview, not just the part where he takes a drag.

First, Rogen set him up. You can’t tell me that Joe didn’t KNOW how Musk might be attacked. Sure he did. There was no reason to bring out a joint and sort of put Elon on the line.

After this almost innocent drag on a joint, and washing it down with a whiskey, Tesla’s shares crashed and Musk and his employees had to submit to random drug tests.

And Space X had to also be investigated.

NASA will embark next year on a months-long investigation into SpaceX and Boeing to “ensure the companies are meeting NASA’s requirements for workplace safety, including the adherence to a drug-free environment.” 

Okay, THIS pisses me off. (By the way, they wouldn’t let me upload Hunter smoking crack._

We have watched hundreds of videos of Hunter Biden smoking crack, and cocaine is found in the White House, and yet? Nobody drug tests HIM. He is flying around the world on OUR money.

If you listen to the end of the interview, Musk says the correct thing: He doesn’t smoke pot because he likes to get things done. If Musk was the big drug addict, they are saying he is. He couldn’t have put rockets into space and landed them back on the ground, or made the best Electric car, or solar panels. or any of the stuff he does.

Give me a break. Everybody knows this fact.

Here’s my Nobody Opinion on Marijuana

The country was flooded with it during the Vietnam war. All the guys who went over there got the most potent stuff. My boyfriend at the time, who introduced me to Tolkien, volunteered to serve and came back having smoked so much stuff, he could barely form a sentence. He got up every morning and smoked, and later on ended up getting hooked on heroin.

Of course, I was a musician and most musicians always did drugs. I didn’t. My parents were smokers and to me, it was smoke. So, I was always the designated driver and watched my friends smoke, eat pizza, and laugh all night long. It was very entertaining to watch, but even then, I knew that you don’t know WHAT’s in that joint. You could just go to any concert in the sixites and get stoned because the whole crowd was smoking.

Weed, makes you lazy. Sleepy. Hungry, and let’s not kid ourselves…driving stoned is not good either.

And here we are in 2024, it’s been legalized, and even cops get stoned. Many of my friends from the sixties STILL get stoned. Sure, it might be fun, but for serious work? Musk says, it’s not good. And he’s right.

Most everyone in the United States has gotten stoned in college. Drunk. Stoned. It was the pastime.

So, when they legalized it, I thought “Oh no…that’s means a lot of stupid people too stoned to vote or pay attention to anything but the next pizza. Not to mention, most all the politicians went out and bought stock in it.

Is it any wonder our government wanted a stoned population? Of COURSE they do. When you are stoned, you really don’t care about much. You don’t care about anything.

Now, in the case of pain or severe anxiety…I’m told it helps. But for Joe Rogan to pull out a joint and put Musk on the spot? Was that intentional?

I think so. I don’t trust Joe anymore. Unless he just wanted to look “cool” as being the “cool” cat that got Musk to smoke a joint. And that would show extreme immaturity.

What would have happened if Elon refused? Like I said, there are millions of people in the United States that smoke. They might have thought he was …not cool.

If you read the medical synopsis on the effect of the brain, you would stay far away from it. Smoke enough, and it CAN destroy your brain. More than alchohol.

And now, it could be laced with Fentanyl.

Open up any media on the internet and they are all saying Elon Musk, could be a drug addic.

AGAIN. Remember, Bill Clinton in his youth ran drugs out of Arkansas. Obama was on ALL The drugs and probably still is. Hunter Biden? He’s a poster boy for drugs.

It’s okay for our politicians? But why destroy a CEO, who does more the planet in all their green energy dreams to be destroyed by their puppet-controlled media?

Give me a break.

This is all about breaking Elon Musk. China wants him broken, his cars are the best and they are the best seller from around the world. China as usual, wants to rule in the electric car market.

He bought Twitter. That was the end of it in their eyes. Elon Musk is not controlled by anyone. and one puff of a joint to TASTE the new product is what anyone with curiosity would do.

And if Elon is one thing, he’s curious. And sweet.

Joe Rogan on the other hand, should NOT have done that.

I think I’ll stick with Tucker Carlson.

In the end, they are crucifying an innocent man, just like they are crucifying President Trump.

Once upon a time, the rich did the same to another peace-loving man…and his name was Jesus.

Yeah, so I’m pissed at Joe.

Bribing an innocent and honest man.

But I’m just a Nobody…

Trump told all his kids: Don’t drink: Don’t smoke. Don’t do drugs. They all turned out great.

I hope Elon tells his kids the same.

You only have one brain: I’ve watched too many people ruin their lives because they smoked every day. Really, drinking every day does less damage on the brain.

Still, I’d like to ask Joe why he did such a stupid trick? For ratings? Well…what can I say.

Thanks a lot Joe. Next time, don’t get stoned.

February 6, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , | Leave a comment