Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Do NOT be Alone on Easter.

Nobody Opinion


This was the first Easter since I’ve had a blog, that I didn’t wish everyone a Happy Easter.

Please forgive me. I hope everyone had lots of joy, and grandkids, and children, hiding eggs all day.

It was almost 80 here today, finally spring. The flowers are already blooming. My crabapple tree is in full bloom. But my trouble started on Friday night, continued into Saturday night, and all through the Easter day.

Let’s just say I was in too dark a mood to write.

So, how about a few random thoughts of news of today….because I’m still having trouble snapping out of it.


About that bridge collapse. Who knows what really happened, but it’s a first in history. And since Baltimore IS the port where all the cars come in, how convenient it is to destroy the bridge, which will affect car sales won’t it? Who will benefit from this? China, who want Elon Musk’s cars to be stopped here in the U.S? John Kerry? And so now the United States will bail out Baltimore and all its citizens?

Will illegals get the jobs to repair that bridge? And why didn’t the insurance pay for it?

To me it looks like one more knock to tear down the America economy. Bit by bit by bit.


I watched Rosanne Barr today, being interviewed by Tucker Carlson. I didn’t realize she was such a brave and deep thinker. And not afraid. She wants to save America. And she was so much fun to listen to. A Jew, who believes in her God. If you get a chance to watch that interview, you will be amazed at the woman.


Just how ignorant and uneducated our government workers are. Surely, bringing diversity into the workforce will make all our lives less safe. As in medicine, air travel, and the running of all the major institutions that once only hired the best. Like the CIA, the FBI. And let’s not forget, the democratic Congress is full of the most uneducated, and unethical bunch of morons that has ever walked the halls of Congress. Do we trust any of them? I don’t.


They are pushing abortion pill here in the city of St. Louis, to make sure all the young girls can destroy their babies. As Elon Musk has pointed out, this will not end well.


Remember your holidays with your kids. I remember when my son was about 6, I had to hide Easter eggs ALL DAY LONG in the house. He would hide them, then I would. The game got old after half the day, but the memory of how much fun he had…you can’t take that away. So cherish these memories when their babies, and see joy that comes with the simple things. Don’t let them play video games all day. They can do that anytime.

Here’s another memory…my mother always wanted to boil eggs and paint them JUST WITH ME, every Easter. I thought it was silly…here she is 78. She died that year. I have this picture on my desk.

Always love your mom. Mother’s Day is coming up…don’t forget her. Mothers deserve all our love.

So, I’m off, hopefully, you all had a great Easter!

And hopefull, this dark mood will go away.

All suggestions welcomed.

March 31, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , | Leave a comment

And so…It Begins

Christians all over the world unite in quiet contemplation of Christ upon the cross and the many crosses millions bear in THEIR lives around the world, and they will find strenght, in the ressurection of Jesus and his life. God be with us all on this holy weekend of worship.

March 29, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | 1 Comment

The Land of Wal-Marts

Nobody Wins

I stopped the car. I was in the Wal-Mart Parking lot, looking for a parking space. She came out of the main door, pushing the walker in front of her…gray dirty hair, floating like thin spaghetti down past her shoulder. Mixed with white, to match her white skin. Every step was a struggle, as she pushed then stepped across my path. My heart went out to her.  It took her quite a while to get across.

How many times have I seen the old, walking with pain, but having to shop by themselves. No one to help them. And mostly at Wal-Mart. Yes, mostly alone.

I’m not a big fan of Wal Mart. I remember listening to Rush Limbaugh for years, and he always praised Wal-Mart. How it was great for America. If you read the stories online, at the time, you’d think, really? Town after Town, Wal-Mart came in by giving money to the local politicians, and the surrounding grocery stores and hardware stores, moved out. But Rush was Bush’s great buddy. He was the voice of the GOP, and the Bush’s always gave him a birthday cake, and Rush, got very rich.

Until the Clintons.

When Trump became President, suddenly Rush got wiser, but by then, the landscapes all over America had turned in back-to-back Wal-Marts, dollar Stores, and chain retails.

Now, those are disappearing. The Dollar Store is not the $7 dollar store.

As I was leaving Wal-Mart, a black lady in a very expensive wheel chair stopped me and asked me for my receipt. I had so much on my mind, I just stuffed it in my purse.

You don’t want to go into my purse. It’s like a Chinse puzzle box. Try as you might, you won’t find what you are looking for.

“I’m sorry, I can’t find it.” I told her. “Call the manager.”

She didn’t want to do that. WHY? Probably because the manager would be mad.

“NO, really, call the manager.”

I don’t think anybody had said that to her before.

There was another black lady who worked there and asked what was wrong.

She told to go on.

I’m there every week, not because I want to be there, but because I can’t find what I need online, and that’s a whole other story. Online shopping.

Some people love it. I hate it.

In fact, it makes me feel old.

I want to TOUCH the merchandize…try it on, smell it. I’m the same way with people.

I want to touch the person, look into their eyes when talking.

Now, everybody video chats, and you can make yourself look like your 16 again.

Elon Musk was warning recently in many talks, that the people of the Western world will collapse if people didn’t have more children.

The old are everywhere, wondering if they can afford to eat out anymore.

Sure, things were worse in history. But things were BETTER 20 years ago, during Ronald Reagan’s presidency.

America, was booming.

No longer.

China will be the new superpower. Even Elon Musk will tell you that.

Our politicians sacrificed our lives, our country, and our cultures to make themselves rich.

The democrats will run on a right to choose, because the men aren’t getting married, and the woman cannot afford babies. People are replacing babies with dogs and cats.

It’s that simple.

As I watched the poor lady walking across in front of me I thought to myself, that I’d better, no matter what, keep exercising every day.

I know this is a pessimistic way to look at things, but damn it…it took us years to get to this point. And it was done so very slowly. The news always put on a good face, WE ARE THE SAME!

Empires die. We are dying…slowly.  And Wal-Mart will die too someday. I don’t know how anyone can ignore it.

God help us all…let’s hope, they keep the slow pace going… don’t start any more wars. Let’s hope they let all the Americans survive peacefully.

While they replace us with younger, can cheaper workers from around the world.

We deserve at least that.

March 28, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , | Leave a comment

Nobody Goes to the Art Museum…Report.

Nobody Knows

That I went to the St. Louis Art Museum today.

It’s what I call a trip to what the humanity USED to produce…GREAT works of art, and now..lots of crappy junk.

If art reflects the culture, and society, what is it saying about us?

For instance:

There weren’t many pieces on the Greeks and Romans, but what they did have was astounding. There I am, standing in front of one.

As you walk into the main lobby, trying to get away from Max Beckman, and also the Picasso’s which you swear you could paint in one afternoon, (Why is he so honored?) you see on display, the things that the blacks in St. Louis love the most: Sneakers. Giant Sneakers. Next to that was a destroyed car with graffiti!

Hey, nothing like giving the swamp artists another idea! If the cars aren’t worth stealing, they could use some really cool “I WAS HERE” graffiti.

Then you go past the masters…the Rembrandts, The Dutch painters…the Flemish, the ones who really could paint.

And then…the modern museum.

And you think. WHAT THE HELL  HAPPENED? We went from carving waves of sheer fabric into marble to a giant picture of solid red? Huh?

Also to report, they have mostly liberals working there. I had to go to the bathroom and some black guy was cleaning it. Well, being as I don’t have a gall bladder I said, “Hey, the nearest girls’ restroom is almost half a mile THAT WAY…why don’t you just step out for a second, I’ll only be a minute”

He got this look on his face as if I had thrown chocolate pecan pie on the Mona Liza.

He stepped into the entrance to block my entering and said with his eyes bugging out:
“No, you CANNOT come in!”

 There was a lady employee a foot away.

“Hey, tell him to step away for a minute.”

“No, you’ll have to wait.”

“But, I Don’t have a gall bladder! Where’s your common sense!?”

“No…you can’t go in” she said.

Down the hall was the boys’ restroom.

“Can I use that one?“ I asked.

“Sure! Go ahead” she said…knowing that she had been ordered that our culture is now unisex and that’s very permissible. Very hip. Very cool. You could tell she felt so good giving me permission to use the men’s restroom.

My husband blocked the door.

So, what I did get out of my visit.

Humanity has left the building. It died with the Greeks and Romans. And Gays have ALWAYS been in San Franscisco:

And Elvis is still waiting to get into the men’s restroom, because it’s being cleaned.

March 26, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , | 3 Comments

Will Our Libraries Disappear?

Nobody’s Opinion

Here’s a topic nobody seemed to have notice: During the Obama administration, here in St. Louis, ALL the libraires were completely transformed into internet hubs. I ought to know, all the libraries were selling all their books for 10 cents on the dollar. I spent a whole summer collecting books on sale.

Now, don’t get wrong, the internet is wonderful. As Elon Musk has pointed out, you can learn ANYTHING on the internet. Get any book you want, on the internet.

But the books disappeared. On the shelves were mostly junk stuff: Basketball hero’s and black history, and now LGBQ books for the kids. Good luck trying to find a classic like Huckleberry Finn.

And here’s what I fear: If every book is on the internet, what’s to keep them from rewriting, or censoring, or even worst, just disappearing, all the novels they DON’T want you to read? Off the internet?

Like George’s Orwell’s 1984.

Couldn’t happen?

I think that’s the long-term plan. Control what the people read. Make the books hard to get.

I remember during the Clinton administration, I tried to get a book about their corruption.

I was 90 on the waiting list. The library only had ONE copy. It’s a big city and county, and that’s all they could afford?

I waited a year, and finally just bought the book. And that was another problem

Many of the bookstores during the last decade have closed down. Only a very few are left. And when you walk in the store, you only see the new releases by mostly the left leaning authors.

BUT…turn on your TV and ALL the reporters and commentators love to sit with their libraries at their backs, as if saying “Look how smart I am!”

My friend who worked in TV, said some of those people PAY someone to put them there.

So, will books go into the dustbin of history?

Someday, books will be worth a fortune.

Ask yourself: Do you trust the library associations?

Maybe Elon Musk will have to take over our libraries and try to preserve them. Or not. He’s got enough on his plate.

But I do wish, somebody would…preserve them..or they will end up as fuel for the winter fire, once the grid starts being controlled or worse yet, destroyed.

One cold winter, and everybody will be running to the libraries for fuel.

Maybe I’m being too pessimistic about the internet. But then again…I am still collecting books.


March 25, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , | 2 Comments

Nobody’s Fool: Elon Musk on Immigration

I have lived in my city for most of my life. And while the immigration problem seems a big problem now, what many people don’t realize is that our politicians have been flooding our country with immigrants since Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter started dumping Muslims into downtown St. Louis, and Michigan.

Now, there are more Mosques here than churches. The Catholic chruches here in St. Louis are being closed or just burned down.

Nobody Cares.

We had a Muslim family move in about 10 years ago. My husband and I saw them making boxes filled with some kind of explosives at midnight. I called the FBI. (the local guys were great) but they couldn’t do a thing, unless something happened. Bombs. Yeah.

As we walked around the block we noticed that many strange immigrants cooked in their backyard on pits on the ground. Mexicans? Who knew?

One day, while walking around the block I met a very tall black man from Haiti. He had just arrived. He was so happy. Every day a Haitian grandmother walks a small child around the block while she talks on here cell phone. She speaks no English. The kid should be in school.

And then there’s the Chinese guy who kept walking up and taking pictures of my house. Ignored me, when I tried to talk to him and ask him what the hell he was doing.

The local high school is coming and helping out the many African illegals that are flooding the neighborhood. One lady that works at the school said they now have to have 42 different language interpretors.

We all have seen our cities, being havens of lslam. They have thier laws. Not ours. Our city mayors are hand picked by the criminals that lead the country.

So, let’s not kid ourselves, this ‘illegal’ immigrant problem has been going on a long, long time. Bush, Clinton, Carter, Obama, have all been making sure the masses get in.

But now, there is a crisis. The country is being destroyed from the inside out.

We see it everywhere. Our stores…our restarants, our economy…our TAXES…we can’t win. All we can do is watch.

And they have kept this all hidden. Nobody talked about it. Nobody. If you did, you were targeted.

You could lose your job. And the churches have been at the fore front of helping it happen.

Thank the pope for that.

So, here we are…what do we do?

If I could make Elon Musk President, I would. But they are now after him…the courst are rigged, the laws are ignored, and the whites are being slowly eliminated.

Sounds Dire? Yes, it is. Because they keep you entertained on your BIG screen TV and your Tik Tok and you won’t know what happened when one day you wake up, and you have to eat meat with bugs in it.

WAKE UP AMERICA! It’s not too late.

Elon, Trump, Vivek…many need our help…Beck.

We must do…something….just something.

But…we wait…don’t we? For the final nail.

March 22, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , | Leave a comment

Elon Musk DOES it AGAIN!

Nobody Wonders….

How does this man do this! So many of us were against him fooling around with the human brain, but he was determined to put together the best brain experts, and give those who cannot use thier limbs, a new lease on life…

Don’t miss this video…a man plays chess with his mind. You just have to see this to believe it.

THAT is another miracle…THAT will lead to new hope for the millions of people in the world who suffer.

Elon Musk…does it again. Can somebody please give him another Nobel Prize?

Can some beautiful woman just give him a BIG kiss?

(I would, but I’d have trouble getting to Texas.)

March 20, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Can we re-awaken the Spirit of Sam Adams?

Nobody Reads Samuel Adams: A Life by Ira Stoll

One of the most horrible mistakes and unforgiveable habits of our public education system, is that the actual words written by our founding fathers are never even mentioned in any classroom. And one of the problems with getting rid of our libraires and putting in computers is that many books, just won’t go online.

If WOKE A.I. is allowed to rule, the actual words written by our founders will be lost forever. It’s bad enough that you have to buy a book to see them.

So, I’m going to put some quotes of Sam Adams…who had just as much to do with the revolution as the future presidents. He was on the  X platform of his day. He wrote and published his revolutionary ideas in pamphlets, which were delivered all over Boston.

Here’s a few examples from Ira’s book:

“Let us awaken then, and evince a different spirit,—a spirit that shall inspire the people with confidence in themselves and in us, —a spirit that will encourage them to persevere in this glorious struggle, until their rights and liberties shall be established on a rock.” Samuel Adams, 1777.”

Our schools do not teach much about Sam. His first wife and four of their children died of natural causes before the war. At the Battle of Bunker Hill British officers decapitated Samuel Adam’s close friend Joseph Warren and presented his head as a trophy to the British commanding general. He spent 3 years in Congress away from his second wife and two children. His own house in Boston was vandalized by British troops so badly that it was uninhabitable. Sam’s head was at top of the list of the King, who wanted him dead.  

AND YET…at the age of 55, Sam Adams gave this talk of encouragement to Congress:

“If we despond, public confidence is destroyed, the people will no longer yield their support to a hopeless contest, and American liberty is no more. Through the darkness which shrouds our prospects the ark of safety is visible. Despondency becomes not the dignity of our cause, nor the character of those who are its supporters. “

As I read these words, I hope for that same spirit today? Is it possible?

Or have they already defeated us?

Nobody Wins in America, if we don’t rekindle the that same spirit of Sam Adams.

And that’s why Biden has turned January the 6th into an insurrection. They fear another Sam Adams. And that day, there were many.

All it takes is one.

March 16, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , | 2 Comments

Historical Day for Humanity

Nobody’s Opinion

Somewhere in Haiti, a woman walked with food on her head, dodging bullets.

Somewhere in Russia, a mother mourns the death of her son to war.

Somewhere in Israel, a father comforts a wife, longing for her sister who might be dead.

Somewhere in Gaza, a young child is hungry.

Somewhere in the Ukraine, an old man is dragged out of his house to fight.

Somewhere on the Southern border of the United States, men sleep in the dirt. Waiting. Waiting.

Somewhere in Africa, the family waits for the lights to come back on.

Somewhere in Chicago, another child is lost to gunfire.

And most of them did not know, nor did they care, that somewhere in the state of Texas, a true miracle of humanity, done by the sheer persistence of just one man, just changed the course of human history.

The biggest rocket ever built was sent into space. The sheer magnitude of the thrush…pushing up against all odds, and against the sheer pull of our huge planet…was nothing short of a miracle.

That great rocket was NOT to be denied it’s freedom.

None who actually witness it will never forget it.

One step. One incommensurable step into the future of humanity was witnessed and performed today…by the gathering of our greatest rocket scientists, fulfilling the visions of— Just one man.

A man who wants to save the world, and its people, and send them into the future.

And that man is Elon Musk.

Sometimes, it just takes one to change the course of history. One brave man.

One very determined man who knows that humanity is worth saving.

And while the sadness of the world overwhelms much of the planet this night—

THIS day. THIS very day. Will go down as one of the greatest days in human history.

Someday, the children of the damned, the children of the forever wars, the children of the common man, will know the name…of Elon Musk.

And they will be walking on the cities of Mars.

Thanks to all the men and women who help make this historical moment come true.

And may God, or the universe, or whatever drives the fates of men, be blessed for giving us such a man to walk the planet…to show what just ONE man can do, no matter what the odds.

No matter what.

Elon Musk…we thank you, for being fearless for us all. For pushing humanity forward into the future of space exploration.

March, 14, 2024….a date to remember.

I know I’m not going to forget it. It’s embeded in my brain forever.

March 14, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , | 3 Comments

Nobody’s Fool: Elon Musk…Again

Nobody’s Fool

So, Google and Microsoft, used Elon Musk’s money, and his great ability to find the right talent, to build Open A. I. Now, as you hear him say, that wasn’t the deal. To which they posted a bunch of old emails saying that well, actaully he said we could money.

What? Sure, he did. As I’ve said before, when was Elon Musk ever against making money?

Now, why he trusted these guys, to not come back and want to make profit, shows you how honest and trustworthy HE is. So, when you are honest and trustworthy, and no doubt, if you listen to the video above there is not doubt about it–Elon wanted this to be for the beneift of all mankind, sure he trusted them.

But now, he’s suing them.

And he should.

He will get the best people in the world to PROVE beyond anyone’s imagination how really dangerious this tech is. And Elon would know. He’s been trying to tell all the leaders of the world.

China has listened, but not us. Nooooo, not Bill Gates.

Now, listen to Sam Altman, the man who Elon picked to do the job. Really, if you know anything about people, this kid, is not even close to Elon’s genuis, or maturity. He’s like a high school kid who just got noticed for something, and plans to cash in on his one time fame…and money. I’m sure Gates will give him a big cut. Look at him. Has he ever gone out of his cubicle?

And listen to him. He’s a “citizen of the world” and the SF crowd is all woke and well, poor Sam has no clue what woke means.

Not to mention, he kept calling Elon a ‘jerk’. How typical…call names. It’s what total idiots due when they want to win, and have no real rebuttel.

This nobody thinks he’s REALLY jealous of Elon, and he tries to hide it by saying “Oh, he was hero of mine” referring to Elon’s remarks about former astronauts who did not want him to go on with Space X.

Elon proved them wrong. And he will win in court (If it’s not in a liberal city) because everybody KNOWS by now, how really dangerous it is.

Elon is brillant in the above video. Sam Altman is a Elon Musk wannabe. And his logic is on the par of a 6th grader.

Sorry…Elon will win in the end.

BUT…can Microsoft build it and entrenched it BEFORE the court date?

That seems to be the plan.

Elon…please. Send Gates and Altman to the Moon. Put that on your “I am going to save the planet, list of to do’s”

I’m sorry.

This is why the next election is so important.

If not Trump, then we should start a movement to change the Constitution, and elect Elon Musk next time around.

Sam Altman, is a bonifide liar. Anybody who has been around liars can spot him a mile away.

Go get him Elon.

March 11, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , | Leave a comment

Nobody Wonders: Should I move?

Nobody’s Opinion

Yesterday morning this white girl was beaten viciously…this happened in front of the high school I graduated from.

On the news, they wouldn’t say who was severly injured, or why…and the school put out a statement that they want to protect “the children.”

Oh, Right. If they are black. And then they put out THIS absurdity:

Many are wondering if there are racial overtones.

Uh….ya think? This poor girl. She didn’t stand a chance, but if you watch the video, they pretty much ignore it. And also notice, she is lying on the ground and NOT ONE black kid goes over to help her.

View the disturbing video here:


A Missouri teenager is fighting for her life after her skull was repeatedly smashed into a concrete roadway during an after school fight. Video shows a black teenage girl pummeling the child until her body went lifeless.

Fox 2 reports the victim was discovered unconscious in the street near Hazlewood East High School suffering from a “severe head injury.”


When I went to that high school, it was mostly white. The blacks were brought from the city, and put into the suburbs…that took about 20 years. The whites moved out. Now we are a minority in our own town.

And most of the time, everyone gets along very well. But the kids? The kids?

The school is a joke. And the kids, are just bidding their time.

By the way, these kids are all from nice homes. Trust me. I live here.

And this is getting worse, and not just here.

March 10, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Nobody Fool: Matt Kim’s Response to Biden

Not only was the State of the Union, the only moment in which you will see Joe Biden until the election, but it was a mountain full of BS and lies.

Matt Kim’s response was perfect.

All the democrats made SO much noise shouting “FOUR MORE YEARS” while hooting and clapping Aed at every single word, I wonder just how MUCH those people are making being in Congress all their lives. There are more millionaires around D.C. then anywhere else in the country and we are going to have to DRAG our freedoms, in the words of late great Charleston Heston “Out of their cold dead hands.”

And most of them are so old, we won’t have to drag a thing. As Bob Dylan said in his song “I’ll stand over your grave to make sure that your dead.”

I was literally sick to my stomach watching them all kiss and swoon over each other. The CLUB of the great Biden democratic party.

The Parliment of Whores….(Thank you P.J. O’Rourke)

Even worse, all the Republicans were on their cell phones. They should have been making noise too.

Did any of our elected leaders say much today?

No. Of course not. Just a handfull of conservative talk show hosts, but this guy..this guy, represented the people.

Don’t miss Matt Kim…He wins the Nobody’s Fool Award for the night.

March 8, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

China’s Art Of War VS US Art Of Ignore

Nobody Wonders

While Russia and the upcoming elections bringing everyone to their ‘This is what we tell you to think today.” China’s slow takeover of the United States is being ignored.

China has already made progress here. You see them in all our commercials, movies, and now they are coming over by the millions across the border. They are dividing us, buying our politicians, and using WOKE to take over our whole culture.

Not to mention the thousands dying of drugs pouring over the border made by China.

China is going full force to take over America…and our politicians are silent.

China has delivered the Covid Virus, and now they are going into the next stage. The Belt and Road initiative.

The Unites States needs to be conquered, without a fight.

Google it. And catch up on it…. but I have a real concern here in my own town, which I will do in more detail in another blog because NO one is talking about it but me.

So, while the Muslim children are being taught to kill all Jews, the Chinese Children are bought up on Sun Tzu’s “ART OF WAR”

If you’ve never read it, I’d put it in your library. Anyway….

Here’s a few rock solid lessons from it;


Sun Tzu 18: All warfare is based on deception.

      NOBODY: Hey, our politicians must have read this book, but our generals have not. How many wars do we keep losing? How many lives do we need to lose before this madness stops?


Sun Tzu19: Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable: when using our forces, we must seem inactive: when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away: when far away, we must make him believe we are near.

     NOBODY: All our politicians say that they are not concerned about China, and Biden says China basically owns Tiawan. There will be no fight. We will not protect Tiawan with Biden in office.


Sun Tzu 22. If your opponent is of choleric temper, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant.

               NOBODY: China pretends to be weak, and our politicians are convinced China is no threat. Do you ever hear anybody talking bout China? Uh…only Glenn Beck. Did you watch Joe Biden’s State of the Union tonight? Could he have BEEN more arrogant?


Sun Tzu23: If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them.

     NOBODY: Is it the democrats who are dividing the country? Or do both parties work together to divide us? And is China behind it all? Nobody Wonders.


Sun Tzu: Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence: supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting.

NOBODY: When you have a President being paid millions to do their bidding, it’s easy to take us over. Biden has let in the drugs at the border…destroyed our military, and is letting China do just about anything to us.


Sun Tzu : Therefore the skillful leader subdues the enemy’s troops without any fighting.: he captures their cities without laying siege to them: he overthrow their kingdom without the lengthy operations in the fields.

NOBODY: Tell me, has this not happened? All our cities have been torn apart by riots. China controls the President and many of our top companies who make their products there. Disney now makes movies for China. So does Hollywood.

And the next step?

I don’t think any of us want to know, but you can be sure, our Congress knows exactly the plan, and doesn’t care.

Tonight is Joe Biden’s State of the Union address.

Watch it if you dare. I did, and decided P.J. O’Roarke book, Parliment of Whores decribed the whole debacle I watched tonight…perfectly.

It was a Parliment of Whores, with a whore of China at the top.

And that’s MY Nobody Opinion.

March 7, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , | 1 Comment

Nobody Must Honor X’s–Mr. T.

Nobody Wins

On X, I follow a man, (Or woman?) called Mr. T. And tonight, he wrote this piece on corruption. It pretty much describes, with one beautiful paragraph, the whole government apparatus that now controls, not only our country, but many of the countries around the world.

“Corruption is dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery.” dishonesty, dishonest dealings unscrupulousness, deceit, deception, duplicity, double-dealing, fraud fraudulence, misconduct lawbreaking, crime, criminality, delinquency, wrongdoing, villainy bribery, bribing, subornation venality, graft, extortion, jobbery profiteering, payola, crookedness, shadiness, sleaze, palm-greasing, malfeasance, misfeasance, knavery, malversation, sin, sinfulness, ungodliness, unrighteousness, profanity, impiety, impurity, immorality, depravity, vice, iniquity turpitude, degeneracy, perversion pervertedness, debauchery, dissolution, dissoluteness, decadence, profligacy, wantonness indecency, lasciviousness, lewdness lechery, wickedness, evil, baseness vileness. “The process by which a word or expression is changed from its original state to one regarded as erroneous or debased. the process of decay; putrefaction.–Mr. T.

It seems, sadly, that the state of corruption has been the norm throughout history.

Here’s a few quotes from “The Education of Henry Adams” and what he thought of politics.


“Politics, as a practice, whatever its professions, had always been the systematic organization of hatred.”

“No professional diplomatists worried about falsehoods. Words were with them forms of expression which varied with individuals, but falsehood was more or less necessary to all.”

“The effect of power and publicity on all men is the aggravation of self, a sort of tumor than ends by killing the victim’s sympathies: a diseased appetite, like a passion for drink or perverted tastes: one can scarcely use expressions too strong to describe the violence of egotism is stimulates.”

“The point set for study as the first condition of political life, was whether any politician could be believed or trusted.”

By the end of his famous book, Henry thought the whole government was so corrupt, it couldn’t be saved. He thought the Constitution was dead.

And not much has changed, has it? All you must do is listen and watch our news. To many, America will be gone by the next election

March 6, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | 1 Comment