Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

To Loot, or NOT to Loot?

Nobody Wonders….

One of the first things I learned in Sunday School, which most kids who go to Sunday school learn is: The 8th commandment: Thou shall not steal. That was so much imbedded in my young brain, that I thought if I stole, God would smite me down, I wouldn’t ever get to ever go outside to play, and I would NEVER get to have a Hostess Cupcake in my life ever again. And my brother would beat me up every day.

God replaced my parents as the ultimate punisher.

Because that message was put forth into my little Sunday School brain with such force, the only time I ever sole anything was…a piece of bubble gum. Yes, I was about seven, and after school my older brother and I would jump off the bus, and run to the store. A five and dime store.

We were on a mission for the highlight of our day after sitting in the boring schools.

I always had a dime to spend. My brother also. And this one afternoon, my brother was standing in front of the Superman comics and didn’t have his dime.

“Come ON!” he said to me.” I really want this Superman comic! Come on…let me have your dime, you don’t need it.”

I loved my brother, so I gave it to him. BUT…I also loved my biggest treat of the day which was Double Bubble gum. I still love Double Bubble gum. As I stood in front of the gum, I couldn’t help myself.

I stole one piece of Double Bubble gum. The rest of the day, I thought that God would smite me down: I had committed a most hostile acts of sin: I stole gum. And what’s worse, I knew my brother would never pay me back.

The next day, I went up to the store, after getting off the bus, and told the check-out man the great sin that I had committed, and gave him the money that I owed him. He laughed. And told me “It’s okay, keep your dime”…and he kept laughing.

Now, YOU might be laughing, and remembering all the stuff you stole in life. I have never EVER stolen a single thing in my life, so traumatized and so entranced was I by the Ten commandments, which may I add are the basis for Western Civilization’s laws. The Christian teachings of those laws helped formed the free market system of trust that made capitalism so fruitful.

Nobody likes to be cheated. In Muslim religion, they will cut off your hand.

(Can you imagine wondering what would happen to that Muslim kid if HE stole a piece of gum?)


The thing should have been taken by stealth; if it was not taken by stealth, then the hand should not be cut off, such as when property has been seized by force in …(mmmm…so they will cut your hand off if you steal some clothes, but NOT if you steal land?)


Stealing in Japan is a serious offense. There are cameras everywhere.

Stealing in China? Depending on the crime, years in prison.

Stealing in the United States: Why, if you black, it’s “Hey, it’s okay…you’re black!” When Obama became president, we watched so much being stolen from so many flash mobs at Walmart’s, Drugs stores, And just about everywhere you go. Stealing cigars? You become a hero. Then there’s the glorifying stealing cars in our movies and video games… Why stealing is now endorsed as a pretty exciting thing.

Letting the punishments of stealing merchandise or even elections, has destroyed half the country. Thousands of stores have closed down all across our nation because the stores could not bear the costs. California passed a law saying that you can’t even stopped the thieves, or YOU will suffer.

So how did this happen?

Kids just aren’t learning morals from Sunday School. Moses, whatever you may think of him, was pretty smart in demanding that everyone obey God’s law. Which made perfect sense for a people to not fight among selves and prosper.

And how about the biggest thief of all? Governments now, steal from us daily. They are the biggest thieves, and they have made it a permanent business to steal as much as they can, and suck as much money as they can from the poor.

But not only the poor. If you are rich and they don’t like you…they come after your money.

Look what they just did to Elon Musk? One judge stole what…$56 billion of his hard-earned money?

ONE LOUSEY JUDGE? That judge should be put in jail for life.

One thing I have noticed though. I had a lot of my Catholic friends, were raised with the Ten Commandments. And when I told them my story, they laughed and didn’t believe it. Then they bragged about how much stuff they stole when they were kids. And they thought nothing of it. They thought I was lying.

So why? It’s my opinion that the Catholics were always forgiven of their ‘sins’ in the confession, which gave them permission to go out and sin the next week: and sin became all the more sweeter.

Because, God would forgive them, no matter what.

I could be wrong…but there IS right and wrong, and stealing is wrong. No matter whether its among friends, among people, even among animals. And parents should teach the kids when very young,

Thou shoal not steal.

Why not? Everybody does it…says the child.”

Because how would you feel if I stole your new bike? You could tell them.

And what do we do now that the churches are being destroyed all over the world?

Our government is stealing its citizens future and selling us off to the highest bidder.

Communists know: you kill religion first. The rest will fall like ripe fruit on the vine.

It’s up to us now: To teach the young. Stealing is not good. And what happens to a nation that allows this to go on?

God or no god. It’s just plain stupid.

February 16, 2024 - Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , ,

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