Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Nobody’s Fool: Elon Musk-

Many of you might have noticed I’ve written quite a lot about this man lately. As a conservative, who voted for Trump…I wasn’t so sure about climate change and electric cars.

So I did some research, and realized that this one man…knows that the elites of the world, the banks, etc. are going to push all this anyway, and he will manage to put himself in the leading role, in order to make SURE that a handfull of global tryants do not control how this new technology will be used.

Not only is he the greatest mind in all history, he is also a very sweet, kind, and caring person.

This is…rare. He really does want to save humanity from itself. He sees the writing on the wall and is trying to warn us all every day.

And that’s another reason he should win the Nobel Peace Award. Not only for stopping WWIII, by stopping the use of his satellites, but by buying Twitter and giving us free speech. He took control of that company and fired most of the people.

And I can’t help it. As I watch my country die by the hands of the most corrupt Washington politicians, sellling us out…destroying us by overwhelming us with immigrants…I would think making a man like Elon Musk President for 8 years, would stop the bleeding. The world is in too much danger at the moment, and noone could protect the planet like Elon Musk.

As he said himself…the country needs a CEO. I voted twice for Perot, a businessman. I voted for Trump for the same reason, but Elon would go in and REALLY clean house.

Elon for President? Can’t happen? Really?

Obama was not eligeble and neither is Kamala Harris.

Even President Trump tried to prove Obama was not eligable, and yet, by all accounts, the democrats will run his ‘wife’ for Obama’s 4th term

Elon for President? We shoud be so lucky. Not only that, his stance on the Ukraine War is spot on.

Watch this to find out how Elon has hand-tied Russia. You won’t hear this on the news.

February 21, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , | Leave a comment