Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Nobody Wonders: Will the Next Election be Stolen?

Nobody Wonders

So many people on the internet and the vast majority of the media, pounded the message over and over and day after day that Trump lost the election, that it took years for the fact that the democrats actually war roomed the “how to steal an election) event (since Hillary lost). The proof that it was stolen, by Zuckerface spending millions, and the many machines that were corrupted, and the extentions of the votes, the late night ballots turning up in trucks…this information was buried deep.

Tucker is right here. The last Preisdential election was rigged, and Pence should have sent some of the votes back to be reexamined, but Pence was always a global place holder as Daddy Bush was for Reagan.

Junuary 6, the people came to Washington, because they KNEW it was stolen.

And even though Trump is killing everyone in the run up to the next Presidential election, you can bet you will see someone replace Biden, (MIchelle probably) and then it will be SOSOOO close that they will call it for Michelle. You can bet that the same corrurption is already being planned.

Nobody Wonders: Do we want another puppet Obama President? Or WWIII?

Tucker is right. They censored so much information before the last election, and the propaganda was so thick the uninformed could only imagine Trump will lose again.

Nikki Haley has already started out with that BS. “Nobody wants Trump or Biden” she keeps repeating.

We must fight back. And Nobody Wonders if this time, if Americans have had enough of corrupt elections. Or will they be silenced and jailed again?

Nobody Wonders, but I expect the worst.

February 27, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | 1 Comment