Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Nobody’s Fool: Elon Musk on Immigration

I have lived in my city for most of my life. And while the immigration problem seems a big problem now, what many people don’t realize is that our politicians have been flooding our country with immigrants since Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter started dumping Muslims into downtown St. Louis, and Michigan.

Now, there are more Mosques here than churches. The Catholic chruches here in St. Louis are being closed or just burned down.

Nobody Cares.

We had a Muslim family move in about 10 years ago. My husband and I saw them making boxes filled with some kind of explosives at midnight. I called the FBI. (the local guys were great) but they couldn’t do a thing, unless something happened. Bombs. Yeah.

As we walked around the block we noticed that many strange immigrants cooked in their backyard on pits on the ground. Mexicans? Who knew?

One day, while walking around the block I met a very tall black man from Haiti. He had just arrived. He was so happy. Every day a Haitian grandmother walks a small child around the block while she talks on here cell phone. She speaks no English. The kid should be in school.

And then there’s the Chinese guy who kept walking up and taking pictures of my house. Ignored me, when I tried to talk to him and ask him what the hell he was doing.

The local high school is coming and helping out the many African illegals that are flooding the neighborhood. One lady that works at the school said they now have to have 42 different language interpretors.

We all have seen our cities, being havens of lslam. They have thier laws. Not ours. Our city mayors are hand picked by the criminals that lead the country.

So, let’s not kid ourselves, this ‘illegal’ immigrant problem has been going on a long, long time. Bush, Clinton, Carter, Obama, have all been making sure the masses get in.

But now, there is a crisis. The country is being destroyed from the inside out.

We see it everywhere. Our stores…our restarants, our economy…our TAXES…we can’t win. All we can do is watch.

And they have kept this all hidden. Nobody talked about it. Nobody. If you did, you were targeted.

You could lose your job. And the churches have been at the fore front of helping it happen.

Thank the pope for that.

So, here we are…what do we do?

If I could make Elon Musk President, I would. But they are now after him…the courst are rigged, the laws are ignored, and the whites are being slowly eliminated.

Sounds Dire? Yes, it is. Because they keep you entertained on your BIG screen TV and your Tik Tok and you won’t know what happened when one day you wake up, and you have to eat meat with bugs in it.

WAKE UP AMERICA! It’s not too late.

Elon, Trump, Vivek…many need our help…Beck.

We must do…something….just something.

But…we wait…don’t we? For the final nail.

March 22, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , | Leave a comment