Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

The Land of Wal-Marts

Nobody Wins

I stopped the car. I was in the Wal-Mart Parking lot, looking for a parking space. She came out of the main door, pushing the walker in front of her…gray dirty hair, floating like thin spaghetti down past her shoulder. Mixed with white, to match her white skin. Every step was a struggle, as she pushed then stepped across my path. My heart went out to her.  It took her quite a while to get across.

How many times have I seen the old, walking with pain, but having to shop by themselves. No one to help them. And mostly at Wal-Mart. Yes, mostly alone.

I’m not a big fan of Wal Mart. I remember listening to Rush Limbaugh for years, and he always praised Wal-Mart. How it was great for America. If you read the stories online, at the time, you’d think, really? Town after Town, Wal-Mart came in by giving money to the local politicians, and the surrounding grocery stores and hardware stores, moved out. But Rush was Bush’s great buddy. He was the voice of the GOP, and the Bush’s always gave him a birthday cake, and Rush, got very rich.

Until the Clintons.

When Trump became President, suddenly Rush got wiser, but by then, the landscapes all over America had turned in back-to-back Wal-Marts, dollar Stores, and chain retails.

Now, those are disappearing. The Dollar Store is not the $7 dollar store.

As I was leaving Wal-Mart, a black lady in a very expensive wheel chair stopped me and asked me for my receipt. I had so much on my mind, I just stuffed it in my purse.

You don’t want to go into my purse. It’s like a Chinse puzzle box. Try as you might, you won’t find what you are looking for.

“I’m sorry, I can’t find it.” I told her. “Call the manager.”

She didn’t want to do that. WHY? Probably because the manager would be mad.

“NO, really, call the manager.”

I don’t think anybody had said that to her before.

There was another black lady who worked there and asked what was wrong.

She told to go on.

I’m there every week, not because I want to be there, but because I can’t find what I need online, and that’s a whole other story. Online shopping.

Some people love it. I hate it.

In fact, it makes me feel old.

I want to TOUCH the merchandize…try it on, smell it. I’m the same way with people.

I want to touch the person, look into their eyes when talking.

Now, everybody video chats, and you can make yourself look like your 16 again.

Elon Musk was warning recently in many talks, that the people of the Western world will collapse if people didn’t have more children.

The old are everywhere, wondering if they can afford to eat out anymore.

Sure, things were worse in history. But things were BETTER 20 years ago, during Ronald Reagan’s presidency.

America, was booming.

No longer.

China will be the new superpower. Even Elon Musk will tell you that.

Our politicians sacrificed our lives, our country, and our cultures to make themselves rich.

The democrats will run on a right to choose, because the men aren’t getting married, and the woman cannot afford babies. People are replacing babies with dogs and cats.

It’s that simple.

As I watched the poor lady walking across in front of me I thought to myself, that I’d better, no matter what, keep exercising every day.

I know this is a pessimistic way to look at things, but damn it…it took us years to get to this point. And it was done so very slowly. The news always put on a good face, WE ARE THE SAME!

Empires die. We are dying…slowly.  And Wal-Mart will die too someday. I don’t know how anyone can ignore it.

God help us all…let’s hope, they keep the slow pace going… don’t start any more wars. Let’s hope they let all the Americans survive peacefully.

While they replace us with younger, can cheaper workers from around the world.

We deserve at least that.

March 28, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , | Leave a comment