Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

DoomsDay-$- Sell the FEAR!

Is anybody else besides me having trouble swallowing all this gloom and doomsday fear put out daily by every media News media movie, or pundit? I feel like I’ve been drowning in it for decades.

Remember the movie 2012? The world would die! But ONE white guy and his wife would survive?

And did YOU think you would be him? No I would be in the the one in the apartment falling into the ocean.

9/11 did it to us.

I remember back when the doomsday clock of Microsoft not updating 1999 to the year…was it 1984…or was it 2000? It scared us all. Even Prince had to make a song about it. The computers were going to freak out, and we had all better run out and grab water, toilet paper,—wait toilet paper and water in that order. And because of that, cops started guarding toilet paper. Somehow it all ended up on the banks of the Texas southern border.

But back in 1999, I DID stock up supplies in my basement. I was stepping over bottled water for year…way into 2005. I believe President Bill Clinton when he looked in the camera and said “ I did not have sex with that…woman.” No. Wait…he said we were all in danger from being put back into the stone age again, because somebody at Microsoft forgot to think of the future and the computers were all going to…blow up everything.

PREPARE! And don’t forget to remember what the word “Is” means. It’s important. Is means, you are all going to die. It IS going to happen. And soon. Just wait…it’s 2024.

Now, everybody is selling survival kits and they are NOT cheap.

But, have you SEEN these kits? Noodles. Macaroni and cheese. Rice. Lots of promised calories but do you really want to eat macaroni and cheese for months?

Sure, you won’t starve, but I’d rather stock up on peanut butter. And candy bars.

Having said that, there is Elon Musk’s threat of A.I. destroying us all. Or the volcano in Yellowstone will wipe us out, or a nuclear attack by North Korea, Russia, or Biden himself.

You know what I think? I think they make a LOT of money scaring us all to death.

The ones we have most to fear from are the handful of men in the World Economic Forum, who are handing over the planet to China so that they can make a lot money and get rid of the ‘roaches’ of humanity…Now THAT is scary.

Men like John Kerry.

Once again, it’s going to take good RICH men to go after these morons.

Elon Musk is trying. Trump did too. We just need more of them.

In the meantime, we need more movies that inspire good to triumphed over evil tyrants.

Remember those? Still…Only Rose lived to drop the diamond into the ocean on the Titanic.

I would have written that they BOTH survived, and sold the diamond and lived happily ever after.

But hey, I’m a romantic at heart. Make more love and inspiring movies. Not doomsday movies I say.

Who’s with me?

Getting up every morning and fearing the end of life, is getting really old.

I might turn to drinking if this keeps up.

May 13, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , | 1 Comment