Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Elon’s Neurolink Will Prove to Be Amazing.

Nobody Wonders

Recently, I was listening to some pundit on TV discuss Elon Musk’s great achievement with his company Neurolink. They weren’t so sure that Elon, or anybody for that matter, should be messing around with the human brain.

Like most people, fear ruled their minds. Basically, that nobody should put electronic chips into brains, the human brain was one of the most magnificent computers, never to be understood, or even messed with. As we can see from Elon’s brain alone, it does seem logical.

And I always held that line of thought…but…let me tell you a story about my own experience.

As I told you yesterday, my father also had a massive stroke. It started slowly at first. One time he fell on the golf course. The men thought he was drunk. He got tired easily, and had headaches. I really was too busy with my own life to be concerned.

But one day, I walked into the kitchen and he was lying on the kitchen floor. It was a Friday afternoon.

“Dad…what are you DOING down there?”
“I was trying to get the dog some food.”

He kept raising his right arm up and down, and so, I got him in the car and took him to the nearest urgent care, where the doctor told us to have him see a doctor, on Monday morning.

Well, we knew THAT was BS. So, we drove him to a hospital downtown. It was a Friday night. No doctors were on call. So they put him in a bed and said he’d see one on Monday.

He went glassy eyed, drugged, and slept.

What we didn’t know at the time, was that, blood was being dispersed all over his brain, so much in fact that for the next year, they couldn’t see a thing, because of all the blood covering up the brain images.

So much for hospitals on weekends. If you are over 60, you will be triaged.

He could still talk, was still sort of in the know…and then, one day, a doctor asked permission to insert a long needle down into his brain to see WHAT had caused the damage. They said that it had a 90% rate of success.

The next day, when I came into the hospital room, Dad was delirious. He was hallucinating that Spanish Horses were out in the parking lot out his window. He was thrashing about, talking, clearly something they had hit in that probe had damaged him further.

It was downhill from then on in. My father was 63. He lived quite a while, paralyzed, and I took care of him at home. He was heavy to lift, but somehow I managed to hop up on the bed and stradle:Take a deep breathe, and lift.

Now, having gone through this, you would THINK, since I had watched my father’s struggle with his brain, I would think Elon’s research into the brain was kind of dangerious to say the least. They finally determined after he died, that two huge cancerous tumors caused the stroke.

Because I watched my father’s brain slowly disappear with each day, and he KNEW it was going, I have come to a different conclusion about the human brain.

You CAN fix it.

Let me say this: Elon is doing something that no man on the planet would ever think of doing. Recently, he gave a man, who couldn’t even move his hands, the gift of using JUST HIS MIND, to move a cursor on the internet.

THINK about that. Really.

The small implant they put in his brain gave this man the incredible, miraculous, gift of being able to even play a video game…WITH HIS MIND!!

Someday, Elon will make a blind man see. You can bet on it.

Elon Musk, and his teams of great minds, are doing things for the human race that are so unbelievable that frankly, not only is Elon a national treasure, we should have government agencies protecting him at all times.

The advancements in neurology will be discovered, and that will benefit the whole human race.

So, yes…even though I saw the demise in my father, my mother, on the hand, kept her brilliant mind until the day she died of pneumonia. I know. I was there.

She just lost a part of her speech. With Elon’s research, in the future, they will be able to put in a small chip and bring that back, without making you repeat nursery rhymes!

(My mother hated that.)

Yes, the human mind is an incredible thing. But God has given us the best one on the planet.

And we should calm our fears, and let the rocket man, take control.

To the moon, to Mars, and to the inner mind of the human race, what can’t that man do?

Who knows? Maybe one day, with the research being done by Neurolink, Human brains and the memories can be recorded and replayed in the demented mind, and Alzheimer’s patients will no longer forget their loved ones.

With Elon Musk?

Anything is possible. Most anything. And we will live to see it happen.

You can bet your new Tesla stock on that one: (vote yes!)

(By the way…sorry Biden. You might have to wait.)

May 2, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , | Leave a comment