Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

More Precious Than Your Grandmother’s China

Nobody Reads.

Last year, my husband had two major surgeries. Just this month, he had spinal surgery. It will take two months to heal the cut in his neck. Because of this, I have been taking over ALL the jobs of the house, plus being the caretaker, and THAT is why I don’t have time to read much or write for that matter. Many of you might have notice my daily rants are not daily anymore. But tonight, I had the chance to visit one of the most precious objects in my whole house: The 20 volume set of the Annals of America put out by the Encyclopedia Britannica.

I got them for free! They were placed outside my local library, in an old cardboard box, during the Obama administration when he quietly turned all the libraries into compute hubs.

If there was a fire: Those books would be one of my top priorities after my pets.

So…I found out while glancing at volume 11 tonight, that this NEW WORLD ORDER is a very OLD WORLD ORDER idea. I read an article written by Laurence Gronlund, called: Collective Control of the Instruments of Production.

Here are a few examples of his writings; and an intro:

Before the Civil War, reform movements with a socialist orientation had been semi utopian in outlook, hoping by their communal experiments to crate ideal conditions for the development of a new order. After the war, the older theories of social reform no longer seemed adequate to the new industrial society, which was marked by problems of monopoly, labor strife and prevailing social discontent. Social and economic thinkers such as Karl Marx wrote of the total transformation of society. Laurence Gronland was an avowed Marxist who adapted Marx’s idea to American society. Without the class struggles. He called his ideas the New Commonwealth.

“The Cooperative Commonwealth, then, is that the future social order…the natural heir of the present one…in which all important instruments of production have been taken under collective control, in which the citizens are consciously public functionaries and in which their labors are rewarded according to results.”

NOBODY NOTES: Think about how they have taken over our institutions, our farms, our Constitution, our Presidency, Our economy, our lives. And to get to this communism you must first go through socialism.

He goes on:

“Has not wholesale production already vindicated its right to be the ruling system, and is it utopian to assert that private ownership of capital, so far from being necessary to production in wholesale, will prove a greater and great obstruction to its inevitable development?”

NOBODY NOTES: Who makes spaceships and cars better? Elon Musk or our government?

Later Mr. Gronlund portends that his New Order is NOT communism, but the natural growth of government. Communism makes ALL property everybody’s, while his New Order give it unto the hands of a few elites.

The mistake he makes is that he assumes these elites will NOT fleece everybody else. Uh…wrong.

It goes on, but the point I wanted to make is this idea of putting the control of production into ‘capable’ hands, and call it the New Order has been around since 1840, when Marxist ruled in some kind of “Hey, that guy has TOO much money”

We see it happening to Trump and Musk now.

The New World Order of today, which as we see, started long ago, and continued throughout our Presidential history, has put the Marxists back in charge, and all the leaders of the world are following the plan, of which they will benefit the most.

Yeah, I miss my books, And nothing is more educational than reading the very words of the people themselves.

If you can find this set somewhere: I’d get them.

More valuable than your grandmother’s old china.

May 18, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | 1 Comment