Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Nobody Cares: Brainwashing Your Own Demise-

Nobody Cares

Often times, I go into an angry rant…I did it again tonight. My husband and I were meeting a friend at a restarant and I just started in: “HOW COME NOBODY NOTICES THIS STUFF HAPPENING!

For years I have written about this, and nobody ESLE is writing about it. The white American is being written out of our commercials, and now is being dubbed by our “President” as being more than a danger than terrorists to our country.

Robert Dinero went on a angry rant about how President Trump was a clear and present danger to our country! Of course…he was a big visitor to Epstein’s island, but that’s no danger now is it?

Well, this is how brainwashing the masses is done:

For years we’ve been seeing mixed race couples in our TV programs, commericals, movies…

Then we got the gay kissing and holding hands etc, in our TV programs, commericals, movies… attention: Chinese men and women who speak PERFECT English are in all our TV programs, commericals, movies….

They are getting us al primed for the New America.

What’s funny, is that now we are all seeing back to back, a commerical done in English, and then one in Spanish.

You have NO say whatsoever in your America anymore. And you, like a rat in a lab are being programmed to feel great compassion to those new illegals arriving every day who will REPLACE the white population.

It’s a very quiet and stealth way to transform the country.

Notice, you don’t see too many Muslims in the TV, commericals, or movies. do you?
Nobody Wonders why that is.

But…my Christians friends are all bending over backwards to show how loving and tolerant they are of “blacks, gays, Muslims” because they are being brainwashed too.

We are witnessing our own white demise. And if we don’t start having kids, then Elon Musk is right\”

Civilization as we know it, will fizzle out and die.

Or at least Western Civilization.

Can I have that drink now? PLEASE…Pay attention.

Really, Nobody Cares, it seems but me.

May 29, 2024 - Posted by | Uncategorized | ,


  1. Yep TV has become a brainwashing tool, nothing else. But for the younger generations they created the smartphone and now we have phone addicts brainwashed by the same s..t their parents were brainwashed on TV.

    The solution is clearly to ditch all these tools and choose wisely the content you want to read, listen or watch and specially for kids.

    Unless you’re a moron who doesn’t care about anything.


    Comment by Anonymous | May 30, 2024 | Reply

  2. 🕵️‍♂️

    That’s why I stopped watching television decades ago. They’re so tall messages were becoming more and more blatant in the movie and the commercials.

    That and the commercials were becoming longer, and longer to the point that they almost equaled the runtime of the movie.


    Comment by Anonymous | May 30, 2024 | Reply

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