Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Nobody Remembers: Axes and Star Wars

Nobody Remember…

The first movie I ever saw: it was in a small theater, in Naples, Florida, and I was about six. NOBODY else was there. It was the middle of the afternoon.

And while I don’t remember the name of the movie, I do remember Joan Crawford played Lucy Borden, and I STILL remember the song that was repeated…

“Lucy Bordon took an axe, gave her husband 40 wacks. When she saw what she had done, gave his girlfriend 41.”

Okay, that might NOT be right, remember, I was six.

And the sight of Joan Crawford Davis chopping off the head (well that’s what I remember) of her husband made me SO scared, I kept my hands behind my neck all that night and after I went to bed.

So, did it effect me? Not really. I knew it was fake even at six, but the next movie I saw was the Ten Commandments, where Charles Heston played Moses. Back then, the cinematography was pretty amazing. Especially when Charles stood on a rock and parted the sea and the Egyptians and their chariots were drowned.

I was six then too. I guess my mother wanted to go shopping. Again, I was alone.

THAT movie did make a big impression on me. Finally, there was a God to keep Lucy Bordon from chopping my head off.

Today I was watching some interview where Elon Musk said the first movie HE saw was the first Star Wars…HE was six.

What’s my point?

Elon took the movie and turned that experience into real life. He will now take us all into space, and soon to the moon and Mars. AND he is fighting the evils of the world as best he can…that’s a theme throughout Star Wars.


I’m still waiting around afraid someone (Probably a politician or a husband) will chop off my head, and I’m HOPING Moses was right.

God will come in at the last minute and save me.

THAT’s the difference between genius and your average Nobody.

Something tells me my mother wasn’t thinking, or she let me go because she wanted me to stop my BROTHER from making out with his new girlfriend.

Didn’t work. He sat in the last row, and made me sit in the front.

God did one thing good: He gave us George Lucas…and….

Elon Musk

The force is at least with SOMEBODY. Lucas: Musk: Lil x somday…

With the force of god and Elon Musk: The Pharaoh’s will NOT have a chance.

As for me? I’ll let you know…my husband COLLECTS knives and axes.


May 30, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment