Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Nobody Knows If De Niro and Redford Are Trump Haters: YES!

Nobody Knows

I love it. The Impeachment Shifty show didn’t go over so well, so the heated hatred for the President by movie star has tripled in its attacks.

Deniro: Robert De Niro says life for Americans during the Trump presidency is like “living in an abusive household.”

“It’s a really, really serious situation we’re in,” the “Irishman” star said in a Monday interview on CBS’s “The Late Show.”
“It’s like a pall around certain things,” De Niro — who’s called Trump the “jerk-off in chief” and a “f—— fool” — told host Stephen Colbert. “It’s like living in an abusive household. You feel you don’t know what’s going to happen next, what crazy thing is going to happen next, what’s going to make you say what the hell’s going on?”

I for one am SO glad to hear De Niro is being abused. He’s is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO stupid. Right. Evidently, he only reads scripts. De Niro is more French than America. And his wife just divorced him and is taking a good chunk of his money. If he had read any of Trump’s book, he would find out that one of Trump’s very clever stragegies is  never let your enemies know what you are doing next.

On top of that he’s a foul mouth…dare I say it and be like him? No, no…no…no..Okay:  He’s a Dick wad.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: He plays thugs on the screen and he’s a thug in real life.

Redford: “We’re up against a crisis I never thought I’d see in my lifetime: a dictator-like attack by President Donald Trump on everything this country stands for,” Redford writes. “It’s time for Trump to go — along with those in Congress who have chosen party loyalty over their oath to ‘solemnly affirm’ their support for the Constitution of the United States. And it’s up to us to make that happen, through the power of our votes.”

“The vast majority of Americans are busy with real life; trying to make ends meet and deeply frustrated by how hard

Washington makes it to do just that.

Okay. Porn hoarder (Yes, he has a barn full of porn video’s) probably thinks Castro was a great guy. Trump STANDS for everything American, so hey Redford…what country are YOU in?

And like a true liberal, he blames TRUMP for the chaos and the impeachment. Guess what Cowboy Bob…America is not that stupid. Guess you are too busy in your barn to pay attention.

We must not forget; Redford is a big friend of those two deeply broads without brains: Streisand and Fonda. And all the rich liberals will be supporting Bloomberg.


Because the planet is being destroyed by fossil fuels and Bloomberg will make sure we all get taxed big time for it. And Bloomberg will make sure these rich movie stars can keep getting richer.

What’s it’s really all about is getting the rich richer, and the poor in city communities where they can’t REACH the rich…ever.

Also, the global marketplace for movie stars. SO very important.

Today on C-Span there was a EU representative talking about how Europe was going to handle ALL the migrants from Africa.

Lots of them were young men, and most of these young men needed jobs, and if not gotten all the goodies they were promised, there WILL be a problem.

It seems, the RICH politicians have spent all the money, and they won’t be able to take care of this vast population.

This very huge problem needs to be fixed, he said. And the U.S. and E.U. don’t have the money.

Answer: MORE MONEY…more taxes. And therefore, we MUST have a global tax. And where do they get the global tax?

Why from ‘climate change’ of course!

Two days ago, I saw the chemtrails in the sky. I said to my husband: Well, they’re seeding the rain forecast for next week.

Sure enough, they are expecting tornadoes tonight.

I have been paying very close attention to these chemtrails. One or two days before the front moves in…there they are! And the storms are MUCH worse than normal.

Next time you, my readers, you see a storm forecast being foretold in your area, Look up in the sky:
If you see chemtrails, then watch: You TOO can experience…. climate change!

Nobody Knows when they are going to stop this scam, but It’s been written in the United Nations Agenda 21.

And Nobody Knows just how MUCH of Utah, Robert Redford owns. And how much of his land has a fence around it.


November 26, 2019 Posted by | Elites | , , | Leave a comment