Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

The Wired World: Human or Not?

Nobody Wonders

The other day, I was watching a video where Elon Musk said that he thought there were too many old people in government. Yes, I agree. Biden is senile, and these people stay in their positions mostly because they are making SO much money, and their families are also getting rich. Do you think they really want to give up? No way, so Congress has put its job, onto various departments created by them, and they can stay in office forever because they don’t make the laws anymore: And so, they can’t be blamed when an unpopular one passes.

They pass it on to various departments. This was not the idea of the founders. Congress was sent to serve and go back home. Now they stay forever and become multimillionaires. This war in Ukraine is making them all rich, because they can do insider trading.

Very clever, but they are destroying the very country they serve. They don’t care, they have mansions on islands around the world.

The populations of the West are old. Japan’s population is old. China had a policy of one child per couple for years, and so the young girl babies were destroyed and now they are sending those excess male military age men over our borders. China controls our ‘President’ Biden so that’s not a good thing. Biden is handing our country over to them.

Today, I was watching the APPLE launch of its new vision pro headset.  They had an older lady talking about how she had ALL the Apple products ever made, and she was very excited to get her new ones. Some of the old people have a lot of time on their hands, being retired. But some of us, don’t. I started out on Gates’s 3.1 computer and by the time I learned that one, bought a book of instruction and FOUND the time to read it, it was already replaced. ($5,299.00)

That’s, of course how these people get so rich. Tech improves, even if it’s only more pixels on your camera, and then you fork out thousands for the new iPhone, or IPAD, or whatever and they have you hooked for your life.

Then there are those of us who remember that you didn’t HAVE to carry your phone everywhere. If you got in trouble, you went to the nearest phone booth.

Life was simply. More enjoyable. Less stress. Now, I realize that the world will all be digitized…We will live more and more in our cocoons, never walking, always wired up, addicted to the latest tech…but some of us are going…what?

What happened to “life?” The joy of talking to someone ON THE PHONE, hearing their voice, instead of ‘texting” The sound of the human voice? Will that disappear? Well, you can NOW see their picture and talk to them too?

Okay. That’s good. But what if I don’t want you to see me? What if I just got out of the shower and I’m not dressed…uh…the older generation is having trouble with this. The younger ones: nope. They have been online since they were kids.

So— Houston, there is a bit of a problem here. Tech is going so fast, in a few months even the 30-year-olds won’t be able to keep up.

Sure, the car was a miracle, the plane, the electric grid, the phone, all this tech made all our lives easier, but now, it takes hours out of your day just to do what you need to do online. And frankly, I’d rather learn something new on my piano.

And when it goes down? What then? EVERYTHING is plugged into it.

Have they thought this out?

They don’t care, because it’s a good chance that it can all disappear in a flash.

So, Elon may be right. People like him should be running things because they can get the tech in right away…the older people, they would just walk out and say “Screw it, I’m tired of dealing with it.”

They’d run out to their porch and watch the sunset.

Yes, there is a problem. Maybe that’s why they want to ‘kill’ off the old. I’ve taken care of my diapered parents. Watch their brains wither away. It was hard work, but I would have done it again.

Tech will be ruthless in getting rid of them.

Families as we know will disappear.

“To each to his ability” will be the communist norm.

And do they care? Was the atomic bomb the answer to everything? Nuclear energy is a good thing, but it wasn’t in Japan now, was it?

We need leaders who will keep us free as well as protected against the dangers of the coming tech revolution, for it will be more dangerous, as Elon said than the nuclear war.

And so…it begins…the dawn of the non…human.

Frankly, I’m going to try to stay as human as possible until I die.

And the young, won’t miss me when I go. They will be on the Moon, playing video games and eating fake meat. So, tomorrow in celebration of the New World, I’m having REAL chicken for dinner.

February 3, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , | Leave a comment