Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Nobody’s Fool: Glenn Beck

This is worth the watch…

February 5, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

China in the Middle of America?

Nobody Flashes: America is in a crisis mode.

Millions upon millions are invading our country and the people are from all over the world. The governor of Texas, talked a good game, but let it happen. He could have protected his state, but what he did was just a little and much too late.

But the invasion that bothers me the most are the military age Chinese men. They are being controlled by the communist party, and I have great concerns in my area that they will be coming here, where I live.

I live near Lambert Field. It used to be a great hub for TWA, which went out of business. Then the planes stopped flying over. Around the airport, back even in the 80’s business was booming: Hotels, restaurants, all kids of bars, and then slowly…they ALL disappeared. You drive around the airport now, and all those places are gone, replaced by what looks to be a huge underground shelter, underneath the airport.

A few years ago, the politicians and CEOs tried to sell the people on letting China create a hub here in St. Louis. Boeing also resides here. It took years for them to get whole neighborhoods our of their homes so they could build a huge runway…which is very seldom used now. The people voted it down.

But Biden, China’s best man in the White House, is China’s friend. And I have noticed ALL around the area, big, huge warehouses with nothing in them are being built everywhere. Why? There are no businesses here. Oh sure, Amazon has a hub, but that’s about it.

So what do I think?

I think China slowly and very stealthy will take over America. They will have sleeper cells everywhere. They will buy up all the land around the airport, and if there are riot of any kind, those huge warehouses will no longer be empty.  After all, Biden let their spy plane go over all our military bases. They are planning on taking control. And St. Louis will be a hub for flying in whatever.

Remember, China was behind the fentanyl pandemic. Covid-19. Fauci helped them get it into the country, and now we have gain of function labs even here. They keep us busy looking at Jan 6, and Ukraine., Russia, anything but the border.

And that’s why I suspect my area will be taken over fast. I’ve already had Chinese men taking pictures of my house.

Oh, come on Joyanna…You’re Paranoid? Yeah, I guess I am. Now that they have A.I. we all will be targeted.

I only hope good men will come around and stop this. The last thing we need is giant planes filled with Chinses men pulling into our little town. All it would take would be one train wreak full of chemicals to make the citizens around the area, evacuate…and I can just imagine where they will tell us all to go.

Those empty warehouses…And if they let us out?

I don’t even want to think about it.

February 5, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , | Leave a comment