Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Nobody Wonders About the Dragon Blade

Last night I watched the movie released in 2015, starring Jackie Chan, Adrian Brody, and John Cusack. It was probably the most blatent Chinese propaganda film I had ever seen. Why?

Because all throughout the movie the Belt and Road initiative was mention in almost every other scene. How China was going to unite, with the building of the ‘silk road’, peace, with all nations under it’s wing of caring Chinese rulers. Sure, they didn’t come right out and SAY it…they couldn’t, because this was 2015, but this movie was a smash hit in China when it was released.

In the beginning of the movie it’s claimed that the event REALLY happened. But many historians won’t lay claim to that.

Basically, the story goes: Rome wanted to take over the Han dynsasty. The evil Roman ruler played by Adrian Brody, tries to poison his brother (next in line to the throne) and the gaurdian of the child escapes and goes east…to hide and takes the blind child with him. He runs into Jackie Chan, who plays the “protector of the road’ and they duel and suddenly WOW...they become great friends! A man from the West, and a man from China. They build a city together, and go on to unite 36 nations of the world, with Jackie of course becomeng the final ruler of nations after killing the evil Adrian.

Sure, the costumes alone make it worth watching, but to me, the incredible and ostentatious Chinese propaganda is in EVERY SINGLE SCENE. The message is: The west is evil, the east is kind, benevolent, and even though it doesn’t have the training of the Romans, they are very clever and end up, in the end scene gatherting all the nations together to defeat the evil West: They even Include the Muslims, to defeat the West. And this ROAD will unite the world, and their will be peace, and it’s almost nauseating to watch this. Clearly it was made to brainwash not only it’s own people, but the rest of the world.

The fight scenes? Compared to what WE are used to; pretty boring. Typical Jackie Chan without his usual creativity.

So, if you want to see exactly how China expects to sell the world on it’s Belt and Road Initiative…where the West HELPS the Chinese build their cities, (Like they do in Africa right now) you might want to watch this…be warned, it’s half in Chinese. Although they did put in the English translations.

China is known for it’s long term patience…and make no mistake, this Belt Road Initative is being put into place at record speed as I write.

An inititive where China is in control of all the world! Peace! Yeah right.

And at the top of that list now coming into OUR country is: Chinese military age men.

They are coming to build the Belt and Road Initiative to your town real soon.

Rome was invaded by Barbarins. Remember that. And educated yourself on the coming of the Chinese.

Because they are already here.

February 7, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , | Leave a comment