Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Jordan Peterson: Advice on How to Deal with Anxiety and Negative Emotions

Nobody Wonders

In this video, I found at least ten rants I wanted to go on, but there is one thing that I agree with: not every depression is mental. I know this from my own experience.

Every month, since puberty, I became horrible depressed, and it was right before my periods. They now call it PMS, and then PPMS…multiply mine by 10. I suffered a lifetime of it. Doctor after doctor could not help me. I was smart enought to know I wasn’t “MENTAL”, and proud that I came out of it every month intact, but I suffered. Horribly.

Even Stephen King couldn’t fathom it.

Then, after menopause, the world opened up like a beautiful rose. Oh sure, I got sad at normal things, but a short cry, and I am fine. I feel normal now. But most of my life? You don’t want to know.

Last year, I was walking around the block with a woman my age, and she said the doctors ‘balanced’ her hormones…she suffered too. That cured it.

I can’t TELL you how ANGRY I was. All those years I suffered…for WHAT? Even though Doctor Peterson does attack the problem here, he makes no mention of hormones.

Hormones play a very critical role in the body, and yet, nobody much talks about them. Men OR women.

They never have. They don’t now. It’s like we are still in the dark ages.

I often wonder if this brand new awakening of gay men and woman is not due to something being put our water, or food to cause such an outbreak. I wouldn’t put it pass them. Estrogen is in all our food. They put it in to make the chickens and the cows grow faster, and bigger, and produce more milk.

It stays in the food.

Anyway, if you have a daughter that gets really depressed before her period, find a doctor that will take a hormonal test and treat her right away. Don’t let her go through a lifetime of emotional pain.

It could mean the difference between life and death.

Anyway, Please enjoy some good tips from my favorite psychologial thinker: Mr. Peterson.

Who, by the way, cries on video a lot.

Maybe HE should have his hormones checked out…

February 22, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , | Leave a comment