Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Nobody’s Fool: Jordan Peterson explains ADHD

This is a great insite into just how many people have ADHD.

I was telling a friend today, that when I was young, my mother bought this toy plastic clock that taught you how to tell time. I was about five. I HATED that toy. She made me sit every day to learn it, but I knew that this was bascially a CONTROL lesson, and there was no way that I was going to have MY time controlled by any clock. And I knew she would use it to do just that.

I did not actually learn how to read a watch until I was a freshman in college. As Jordan says, they controlled all of us through bells. You didn’t have to know a thing about time except you couldn’t WAIT to get out of the school.

Years late, my doctor put me on Ritalin he said to “Help me with all my racing thoughts.” It was a form of speed…and I took it for years, in fact, when I got pregant I asked my doctor what the drug would do to the baby, and he said, “We don’t know.”

My son was born at 6 months premature, and while he was in his incubator at Children’s Hospital downtown, I asked him why my baby was shaking?

He said, “We think he’s coming off the Ritalin.”

The next day, I went cold turkey. Never took another pill.

My son has been diagnosed with ADHD.

And now he’s on some kinds of drugs.

The thing is: It’s not normal for kids to sit in a classroom all day and ‘obey’ and ‘memorzie’ when they want to be playing.

Elon Musk has started schools that I wish every child could go to. Google his schools, you will wish your kids could go there too.

Yes, once again, Jordan Peterson’s great truth comes out to help us all.

Even if it’s too late for me, it’s not for you or your kids.

Don’t let them put your kids on drugs to ‘calm’ them down.

Let the kids, be kids.

April 9, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , | 1 Comment

Jordan Peterson: Advice on How to Deal with Anxiety and Negative Emotions

Nobody Wonders

In this video, I found at least ten rants I wanted to go on, but there is one thing that I agree with: not every depression is mental. I know this from my own experience.

Every month, since puberty, I became horrible depressed, and it was right before my periods. They now call it PMS, and then PPMS…multiply mine by 10. I suffered a lifetime of it. Doctor after doctor could not help me. I was smart enought to know I wasn’t “MENTAL”, and proud that I came out of it every month intact, but I suffered. Horribly.

Even Stephen King couldn’t fathom it.

Then, after menopause, the world opened up like a beautiful rose. Oh sure, I got sad at normal things, but a short cry, and I am fine. I feel normal now. But most of my life? You don’t want to know.

Last year, I was walking around the block with a woman my age, and she said the doctors ‘balanced’ her hormones…she suffered too. That cured it.

I can’t TELL you how ANGRY I was. All those years I suffered…for WHAT? Even though Doctor Peterson does attack the problem here, he makes no mention of hormones.

Hormones play a very critical role in the body, and yet, nobody much talks about them. Men OR women.

They never have. They don’t now. It’s like we are still in the dark ages.

I often wonder if this brand new awakening of gay men and woman is not due to something being put our water, or food to cause such an outbreak. I wouldn’t put it pass them. Estrogen is in all our food. They put it in to make the chickens and the cows grow faster, and bigger, and produce more milk.

It stays in the food.

Anyway, if you have a daughter that gets really depressed before her period, find a doctor that will take a hormonal test and treat her right away. Don’t let her go through a lifetime of emotional pain.

It could mean the difference between life and death.

Anyway, Please enjoy some good tips from my favorite psychologial thinker: Mr. Peterson.

Who, by the way, cries on video a lot.

Maybe HE should have his hormones checked out…

February 22, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , | Leave a comment

We are ALL Video Gamers Now

Nobody Wonders

Many years ago, I was in California, dating a music producer, and we went to a restaurant, where they had on the table, the video game PONG. It was so easy. And I beat the poor guy every time. He didn’t take it well, although he was gracious. Today, I couldn’t beat anyone even at Donkey Kong. So, this whole rant about video games is from the perspective of a woman, who really, never had the time to play them. I was too busy working or cooking, or cleaning, all the things that women do every single day. I was a caretaker typical woman. But…I was thinking, Atari started it all.

Atari started the computer addiction. There was Pac Man…and two guys fighting games, and the kids would spend HOURS having fun. Every mother loved it. “Go play with Richard.” And so, the kids would be laughing for days, and we didn’t see any harm in it. It was simply, a game. Much like Monopoly. Or…so we thought. And we could get our work done. Built in baby sitter. It was great.

Then came the Nintendo days. As I remember, TWO or even FOUR kids could play in the same room on the same game. And what was the most popular game? Mario Brothers.  I wish I had a 100-dollar bill for every time I went to a store at Christmas time looking for the NEXT NEWEST Mario Brothers game. And not only did you have to find the games, you had to upgrade the systems. Wow. Talk about a money maker, and all the parents had to get them because that was the biggest thrill to the kids.

The last generation grew up on video games. Think about that. Not all of them became Elon Musk.

Nintendo made SURE they always had a shortage. I went around so many times, in the snow, rain, tired, cold, after work, on weekends. Sometimes all over the city, cursing at the manufacturers.

 I spent so many days of my life looking for the latest game.
My son was being raised on Video games, and I figured, hand eye coordination, friends. Can’t be all bad.

Or so I told myself.

EXCEPT, because the American kids never came out of their bedrooms. Sports suffered. The baseball teams filled up with poor Spanish kids who went outside to play baseball all day. I read that in Whitey Herzog’s book. That’s his explanation. I think he’s right.

Now…back then, tech was innocent. But boy has it evolved. My husband plays video games now. He now has to play others online. The games are so addicting that you have to wonder…did all those kids growing up actually BECOME addicted to video games? Like drugs? Where once they were kids’ games, now they are close to soft porn, and the violence is overwhelming.

And the challenges are almost psychologically made to make SURE you can’t win on the first try…you have to keep at it for hours until you conquer. HOURS.

It’s like putting a ball in front of a dog, and chaining him up, and making SURE he can’t get it.

Is it any wonder males love it? They might feel powerless in the outside world, with romance or whatever, but in the video world? They are King.

Zuckerface wanted to take that video world into the Meta universe where humans would do nothing but sit around talking to people with their stupid looking head things on. It really didn’t catch on. I mean, you could get your own avatar…whoopee. You are now, a cartoon!
That’s coming from someone who runs to books not videos.

The video revolution led to all the computer advances that we have today. Some of those kids learned how to code, like Elon Musk, and grew up to become heads of companies. And that’s a good thing. But not all the men did that. Many of them are still playing on them. Instead of being with their wives.

And that’s a big change. Less kids? You tell me. Good for the population? Good for training future soldiers? Good for…late night dreams of Zena the 42-16-34 figure?

My son lost his job three years ago. You know what he did? He was 40, not married. He sat around playing video games all night and all day. For a month. It was his escape. It soothed his ego, his soul. He would watch South Park for hours and then go back to playing video games.

As a mother I thought he was just plain lazy and stupid, but he was on Adderal. What could I do?

So, I ask myself: Did I destroy him? I remember Steven Spielberg saying quite some time ago that he didn’t let his kids use cell phones or watch too much TV.

Creativity is not born playing a game. Unless of course, you are Elon Musk. But not many people are.

But here’s where I think we’ve come. NOW they want to interface the brain with the computer. Does that mean that all of humanity will be hooked online and playing games instead of living life?

And let’s not even talk about tyrannical governmental control through ports of your brain, and then if you disobey, a simple virus will do. ZAP. You die. But unlike the games, you don’t come back.

So, I ask this one question: Right now, scams, bots, criminals, viruses, they can shut down whole countries with the right internet connection.

They have no protection against that. There is ALWAYS a way to destroy.

What makes us think, that they wouldn’t be able to do that when all the humans are hooked up to their ‘video’ world?

I don’t know.

Video games are certainly fun. Men enjoy them so much. The women that grew up with them do to. No doubt I would too…if there was someone that I was having fun with.

I just am not sure that seeing the last planet on earth in REAL time, wouldn’t be more enjoyable, before they decide to blow it all up, then having us all connected and blow up our brains.

Sure, some of us wouldn’t be connected but…what if you have to get connected to get your food stamps?

They are so good at ‘nudging.’

Joyanna, you’re cynical? Uh…no. The sheer artistry in video games matches anything you see in museums. And that’s the problem. It’s many times more beautiful than the real world. The artists are incredible.

The world could very well be destroyed in a make-believe fantasy.

The question will be…do you want to HOLD that real woman? Or feel sex in the virtual world?

We already are seeing the answer to that transformation right now. Less kids. Less marriage. More violence. Did video games have a hand in that? And more importantly, was that the long term plan to begin with? We all KNOW they want less kids, less population. Keep them busy!

Bring on the GAMES!

Nobody Knows. But one thing is for sure:

It’s here to stay. And when A.I. takes over?

I’m going to become the first avatar to leave the planet. Hopefully, I won’t land in Mordor. Because that’s where many would place me. In the volcano of fire. To die


January 3, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , | Leave a comment

Nobody’s Perfect: China VS United States–Or Dead Babies VS Sick People

Nobody’s Perfect:

When it comes to making money, nobody is better at it than “governments.” This time, we have China VS the United States: Which one is better at making a profit off the suffering of it’s people? Let’s see.

First: In China, they have a “You can only have one baby.” policy…Yes, the government restricts you to just having one baby, leaving out all the fun of sibling rivalry…and so, LOTS of babies are aborted and put into the trash. But the clever Chinese have found a way to recycle those dead babies:  

Thousands of pills filled with powdered human flesh have been discovered by customs officials in South Korea, it was revealed today. The capsules are in demand because they are viewed as being a medicinal ‘cure-all.’

But that’s not all that they can use dead babies for! They are helping the American company PEPSI get just the right taste in their soda’s by using the dead babies from China.

(NaturalNews) The Obama Administration has given its blessing to PepsiCo to continue utilizing the services of a company that produces flavor chemicals for the beverage giant using aborted human fetal tissue. reports that the Obama Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) has decided that PepsiCo’s arrangement with San Diego, Cal.-based Senomyx, which produces flavor enhancing chemicals for Pepsi using human embryonic kidney tissue, simply constitutes “ordinary business operations.” Pepsi had many other options at its disposal to produce flavor chemicals, which is what its competitors do, but had instead chosen to continue using aborted fetal cells —

(Now I know why I never like the taste of Pepsi.)

Second: So, how does the United States make money off of the suffering of its people? Last week Drudge reported that 42% of the American population were obese. How did this happen? Are we really a bunch fat and lazy spoiled brats?

Part of the reason is the crap in our food and soda, but much more secretly, is what the government has been secretly doing to our thyroids since 1960’s…the “Healthy for your teeth!” poison that they been putting in our water: Fluoride is slowly making us all fat, sick…and poorer because we have to buy pills to treat our fat and poor sick selves.

(Have you noticed that all the ‘diet’ pills are really expensive?)

In the 1930’s, German and Austrian scientist found out that overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) could be treated by bathing patients in water containing minute amounts of fluoride. And 70% of America has been forced to drink floriated water.

Why? Because it’s good for business! The fertilizers companies and pharmaceuticals worked out a deal with our government. We get sick, they get rich.

Here’s a few facts on fluoride poisoning: (read more here)

Symptoms of thyroid damage and fluoride poisoning include weight gain, edema, kidney disease, kidney failure, hair loss, depression, aggression, aches, pains, skin problems, bone deformities (likely including “arthritis” and spontaneous fractures), sexual/erectile dysfunction, memory loss, weakness, fatigue, heart disease, irritability, cancer, digestive disorders including severe GERD as a result of swallowing fluoride, nausea, vomiting, visual problems, gum disease, “high cholesterol,” connective tissue damage, brittle teeth, wrinkles, premature aging, dehydration, and long, long after the whole body has been damaged, “cosmetic fluorosis” might finally show up in a tooth or two. Fluoride, bound to the calcium, confuses the normal functioning and cellular communication within the body, and causes arrhythmias.

The fluoride that is purchased by municipal waterworks and added into public drinking water is not even a “pharmaceutical grade” fluoride. It is primarily discarded waste,  a slurry of toxins not wanted by the phosphate fertilizer mining corporations that sell it to waterworks. From there, it is then disposed of (sometimes by unskilled workers) into our drinking water. For those who have swallowed the propaganda that fluoride is “completely safe,” and is some kind of a “nutrient” that is good for us, there is news footage available of a recent fluoride spill that took place in Illinois. A Hazmat team in protective gear was called in to clean up the mess, but not before the fluoride began eating through the concrete driveway it had spilled upon.  Fluoride can eat its way through a titanium container. Fluoride is converted in the stomach into hydrofluoric acid, an acid so strong that it cannot be stored in a glass container because it will eat the glass.

So the bull that they have been feeding us for decades about fluoride being good for our teeth, is just that: bull. Kentucky is the most floriated state, and it’s also rates NO 1 in cancer and worst rate of cavities in children and the most toothless adults. The fractures in race horses could be due to the water. And it’s getting into wine, grapes, and other portions of our food.

Try to prove it that our government cares about this, and you can’t. Our government doesn’t do any studies…don’t even bother to go there, because you will fall down a big black hole of nothing.

 Hospitals don’t test for fluoride poisoning, and the doctors don’t even think about it…because the pharmaceutical companies are making billions off of the slow growing population of diseased people, and there’s a whole industry in America of treating sick people.   

So, whose better at making money off the misery of people? Does China put fluoride in their water? Will Joe Biden suggest a “one child” policy for America any time soon?

Nobody Knows,  but everybody should care.  

May 8, 2012 Posted by | China, corruption, Deaths, Global Government, Uncategorized | , , , , , | 5 Comments