Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Nobody Says It Better than Kate

Her name is Kate, and she is British, she’s a Christian, and if you think I’m crazy, then I stand in line with her. It’s not crazy when you have facts to back it all up.

She’s a nurse who is putting the puzzle pieces together, and…well…I’m glad I watched it.

A remarkable woman. Kate. She is educated. And Wise.

November 19, 2022 Posted by | Uncategorized | | 2 Comments

Nobody Flashes

First up, what’s happening with the Dutch farmers…Bill Gates should be put away. As soon as possible.

And then…this poor woman.

And then, Just ONE MORE…

July 25, 2022 Posted by | Uncategorized | | Leave a comment

Nobody Wins: If we LOSE, DO NOT MISS GLENN BECK’s Interview with Peter Schweizer

If you add all the last years up, The GREAT RESET, has been stolen by China, with the help of our own elites.

I’ve said it before, China OWNS and controls Biden. I mean really…did you ever think in our lifetime that not only would we leave BILLIONS of high-tech weapons in Afghanistan for China, and then our President came out and issued an unconstitutional mandate for all our military men to take OR they have to quit?

EVERYTHING Biden has done has destroyed our country, in so many ways. AND our children now are being aimed at.

Tonight, I thought I was dreaming. Nancy Pelosi was on TV saying that it’s time we start manufacturing computer chips here. It was a speech President Trump has given a million times, and here she was, FOR THE FIRST TIME, talking about well…you know, electric cars need over 2,000 chips to work, and it was a national security problem..yada, yada..

I was like WHAT! What happened to her?

The last speech President Trump made, he said that right after the Olympics, we should…watch China.

Insinuating that China was going to take over Taiwan, which is of course, where all the chips are made.

Why is Nancy all of a sudden concerned? Well, if you watch this video, you will know why.

Peter has exposed them all, so this might be one of the most important interviews made in the year so far.

Glenn Beck is on a roll. This IS one great interview. Neither one of these guys miss anything.

The only thing that was disturbing was what they think we should do about our corrupted politicians and CEOs who have sold America to China. Nay, GIVEN us to China.

The answer is to shame them.

Uh…is that enough?

Nobody Wonders, but I doubt it.

February 3, 2022 Posted by | Uncategorized | , | Leave a comment

Nobody Reports: Pelosi’s REAL Job

October 1, 2021 Posted by | Uncategorized | | Leave a comment


Nobody’s Opinion

The terrible news is constant. The other day I flipped on Steve Bannon in War Room and some guy was on saying that we should all just turn off our TV’s and turn to Jesus. I can just imagine some priest long ago telling some man who lost his family to the Black Plague to stop watching the bodies being carted out in the streets and turn to Jesus.

While religion has always been good for the soul, a way to comfort us from the horrors we see in life, I have always been suspicious of the “turn the other cheek” remark, or that you can survive on Jesus alone. THAT can get you killed. We are watching it now being used all over America in the Black Lives Matter Marxist movement.

I was thinking today about our ‘government’ and the crazy thing we have seen over and over: We hear both sides…if you are a liberal, you go to CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, and watch the propaganda on most of the TV programs. Every hour you hear alarm about fires, weather, climate change…and how black lives matter.

Add to that the ENDLESS lies of our politicians. Now trying to tell us all that anybody who loves America is a traitor to ‘democracy.’ And if you are white, you are born a racist.

Yes, then we all turn to FOX or our favorite conservative who pontificates about the democrats: they are Marxists, and they ARE destroying our country. WE MUST STOP THEM! VOTE!

Right. But let’s not fix the voting machines. (Proving how stupid we are, and my point.)

Do you REALLY think that is going to happen?

Which is: They all talk. It’s all talk. They continue to do what they want. It’s like they are giving you something to help you release your anger…and your hope. It’s pretty sad really when you think about it.

But. Here’s the catch. Massive crimes have been committed by our so called “Leaders” in Washington D.C. for decades:  Bill Clinton gave us NAFTA (And nuked up China and North Korea) with the blessings of Daddy Bush watching him sign the papers. America lost its jobs. Lots of GOP complained about it, and YET…here we are…watching an invasion.

What can Congress do? Why…nothing dear people! Wait until the NEXT election!

 Obama passed Obamacare…costing everyone’s health care to go up. Many complained…, but now, we just hear silence. Hillary sold Russia our uranium. That crime is completely ignored. Hunter Biden? We all KNOW the crimes of him and his father and YET, all of Congress says…well, he won. Let the media discuss it.

And letting two tech giants run the world…well…let’s not forget Fauci and the millions of our money sent to Wuhan to kill off the old basically. The West just can’t support those useless eaters anymore.

They have the “PLANET” to consider.

We are now…Russia. In fact, Russia is starting to look more democratic.

 And let’s not even count how many of our representatives…lie to the people.

Trump never lied. But that’s all you heard EVERYWHERE: Trump lies! And then they tried to do whatever they could to get rid of him.

What I’m trying to say is: I think our political government has been a well-planned staged game, for years, and we have been brainwashed to think what they say…is honest and true.  The elites in Washington have put on quite a show for the world: They ACT as if there ARE two parties. But both parties have committed egregious crimes against our country, and they protect each other.

They both TALK a great game, but NOTHING is ever done, except they get richer. They now see the world as their playground, and we are just the peasants to be sucked dry.

Call it communism, but As Mark Levine says, it’s American. It’s our own special brand.

About 8 years ago, I noticed that all of a sudden, the TV was FULL of contests. Game shows, where people are pitted against each other. It came out of nowhere. And I thought at the time…what’s up with this?

Games have been used for all of history to ‘calm’ and control the people. Even in sports, the people can feel like they have won, when their home teams win. Their politicians can continue to screw them until the cows come home as long as they can FEEL like…you can still win. There are still umpires to judge fairly.

That’s smoke and mirrors in real life.

Have you noticed, after Covid, the games were all shut down? Biden gets elected and VIOLA! The games are back!

If we think back, you have to admit that this GOP VS DEM has kept the same families at the top of the government. The Clintons and the Bush family ruled us all for over forty years, all the time accusing each other of crimes, and YET…and YET…(Remember, Bush voted for Hillary and LOVES Michelle Obama.)

Do ANY of these politicians EVER get punished for their crimes? Bill Clinton and Daddy Bush were BEST buds. The Bushes never talked against the Clintons. Ever.

And it wasn’t because they are such decent people as they want you to believe.

NO. All that happens is the citizen is hooked on the game of “WHO WILL WIN THE NEXT ELECTION?”

THAT”S the money ticket that keeps the ALL…democrats and republicans…in their mansions. And they control the outcome…at the very top.

It’s all in the book of ‘How to rule the masses.” Yes, divide and conquer, and never let them know. The Roman Rulers knew it, and it’s always been the case.

Already, the elites know the democrats are destroying us, and we are pissed, and so, the next President WILL be a GOP…he is already hand-picked. And he will promise the moon, but the damage will already be done. As planned.

And Trump will continue to be attacked, because Trump is the man the people really trust.

He destroyed their game of smoke and mirrors.

Today, I got a magazine from Newsmax. Dick Morris said that Trump lost the election. Dick Morris, the man who destroyed the Clintons in his many books. Like Ann Coulter, he has made a lot of bucks choosing ‘sides.”  I must admit, he said that Hillary would win, and she lost. I was surprised. Despite all the video’s he put out supporting Trump, if HE doesn’t know that Biden was not elected, then it’s all about the money.

 It doesn’t matter what person you like to watch on cable. Tucker, or anyone, because in the end, the people who run the world want us ALL to think that what we see in front of us WILL be taken care of. Someday YOUR side will win!

But guess what? It won’t be. They’ve rigged it pretty well.

P.T. Barnum would tell you…it’s all about the con.

And that’s why I was so furious seeing Jenna Bush jump out of a plane in honor of her Gampy.

This Nobody sees no honor in any of them. It truly think our elections have been rigged for many, many years.

It should end in states fighting back…but then again. When the FBI and the NSA are out to get you…

And smart meters will control your house, and “woke” will control your job, and Gates will control your food..

Nobody will this end?

June 20, 2021 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , | 2 Comments

Nobody Flashes…Email

Nobody Flashes: I got this from an email I subscribe to. Thought it was interesting enough to share. Just another ‘nobody’ who puts out his opinions…And while everyone still hopes WHEN the election is proven to be stolen, Biden will leave the White House, this Nobody has to think that the global cartel would NOT let that happen…ever.

Most people with a brain know it was stolen, and already the ‘conservatives’ that SHOULD be supporting Trump…are not.

Like Dick Morris, who said in Newsmax magazine that Trump actually lost the election. We can tell by the ‘actions’ and words of them all…they talk a good game, then prepare us all for the NEXT election, where the next President is probably already lined up. They will do as much damage as they can until then, so even if Mike Pence manages to be put in the White House, and talks a great game of patriotic political lies, the charade goes on.

Well, we can HOPE not. Pray not. And try to fight it, but sorry. I’ve been out of the loop for about 2 weeks.

Anyway, I’m ranting…on a Sunday. Enjoy THIS rant…a man with more hope…


The bad news for you is I am back.   The good news is we are absolutely on the precipice of all hell breaking loose for dems.  They SHOULD have finished the hand count of the ballots by now, and preliminary reports say that Trump has a 254,000 vote lead over Pedo Joe despite the fact that HUNDREDS of thousands of ballots are missing, and there are boxes full of nothing but blank ballots.  Both of those invalidate the election.   The law is SO CLEAR on this.  An audit of the full state will show Trump won by 750,000+ votes.   While that is great news, even better is an insane THIRTEEN states have sent delegates to review the audit process.   Some of the states were hotly contested, but about HALF of them weren’t, and were won handily by Trump.   Despite that, an audit will show rampant fraud and Trump winning by an even larger margin.   I keep saying we MUST know the legit election results for all state and local officials and for all ballot initiatives.   Dems know they are in DEEP trouble.   The corrupt state AG threatened to intervene in the completely legal audit process, and threatened to bring the Dept of Injustice with him which would be genuinely illegal.   An AZ senator posted to Twitter in response a tweet to him saying if he comes near the ballots or the voting machines he can expect to be going to an AZ prison.  He added the DOJ was one of the most corrupt institutions in the country.   WOW!   Republicans are growing backbones, and it is WAY past due time.  We learned that the AZ Rangers are providing security for everything related to the audit showing our side had the forethought to know the depths of evil the left would go to to stop this.   

Some interesting side news related to all this.   Myanmar is in the process of executing traitors over the election theft.   A preview of coming events?   I sure hope so.   Remember one of the last EO’s signed into action by Trump was an EO allowing traitors to be executed by firing squad, hopefully on pay per view.   Another side note is Pedo Joe is trying to close Gitmo.   No chance in hell that will happen.  So the BIG question is what happens next and when.   Most people are claiming the AZ audit will end today, which happens to be Trump’s 75th birthday.   I don’t think so.   CodeMonkey refers to “splunk logs” which are logs that record internet access to the machines.   The audit has been denied access to those logs for obvious reasons, and CM is pushing to get them for review which would obviously delay the end of the audit.   Regardless, we are REALLY close to the end of this audit, and preliminary pseudo-audit news from other states shows rampant fraud which we all already knew.  Let’s assume the audit DOES end this week.   The question then becomes what next which is the quagmire.   This is the great unknown.   Simon Parkes actually addressed this.   He said if the media refuses to report the results, the military will step in.   He said if they do report the results, the dems will then work to discredit them, call for another audit to verify the results, try to delay audits in other states, etc.   In other words, the longest delay game in the history of the world.   Simon Parkes offers no details but said that “wouldn’t be allowed to happen”.   I sure hope so because my greatest fear is they delay this thing until the end of 2023 which a corrupt judicial system could EASILY do.  

June 19, 2021 Posted by | Uncategorized | | Leave a comment

January 6th: A Patriotic Day. Sorry Joe.

Nobody Remembers

After listening to Joe Biden’s remarks last night on how our “democracy” is under attack from the MOB that attacked the Capitol on January the 6th, and how those Americans are more dangerous than…anything else happening, I’m more convinced than ever that we truly NEED to resist Joe Biden, and all those tyrants in Washington D.C. who are acting just like King George. We might as well be living under a King.

Have we finally come full circle? Let’s look at January 6th from THEIR point of view.

Joe might as well be the reincarnation of King George. That “mob” that was outside the Capitol on January the 6th was there to protest a fraudulent election. A blatant “coup” by the democrats and their corporate sponsors. While Joe keeps suggesting that the crowd was a “minority” all reports indicted that over a million people were there that day. And for that many to show up in this poor economy was nothing short of a miracle. To this day, all video’s of the REST of the crowd has been demolished. It was a lie that so many were killed. In fact that only one killed that day was a Trump supporter woman who was just standing there. Joe keeps lying about that.

When the fence and the National Gurad went up so quickly, there was only one reason for it: The crooks in D.C. FEAR the American people. They KNOW what they did, and they are bound to shut us all down. AND, let’s not forget, I’m sure they get daily updates from the NSA telling them just HOW pissed off the American people are. I’m surprised any of them come out of their mansions.

As we all know, history in America has been rewritten mostly, and if you want to know the truth, you must get it from the very words of the founders.

So, let’s remember shall we? Let’s remember how the people of America reacted when King George and Parliament passed the Stamp Act:

Below is a remembrance from John Quincy Adams own words, on the REASON so many people in America were pissed off at their government : It started with the Stamp Act.


It was known that Andrew Oliver, the secretary of the province, had solicited the office of distributor of the stamps when they should arrive. The person appointed as distributor for the colony of Connecticut arrived, in the beginning of August, from England. The government party received him with an affectation of distinction, and, when he left Boston to proceed to Connecticut, his colleague, the distributor for Massachusetts Bay, accompanied him out of town. In the expectation of a press of official duties, Oliver had erected, near the custom-house, a building for a stamp office. Early in the morning of the 14th of August an effigy of Oliver was found hanging high in air, suspended to a branch of an old tree at the south part of the Main Street of Boston.

By whom it had been placed there never was known, but it soon gathered a crowd of persons round the tree. Hutchinson, as chief justice of the province, ordered the sheriff to remove the effigy, and, if opposition should be made, to report the names of the opposers, that he might issue warrants for their arrest. The sheriff sent some of his deputies to execute their order, but they were overawed by the determination manifested by the people assembled, not to suffer the image to be taken away. The governor convened the council, but they were in consternation, and declined interfering in the affair. He called the council a second time in the afternoon. Still, nothing was done. A crowd of people continued assembled around the tree till late in the afternoon, when the effigy was taken down, placed on a bier, carried in solemn procession amidst the acclamations of a large concourse of people through the long Main Street, and over the floor of the town-house, while the governor and council were in session in a chamber overhead. It was thence taken down to Oliver’s projected stamp office, which, in a few minutes, was levelled with the ground. They next proceeded to Fort Hill, upon which they kindled a fire, and burnt the obnoxious effigy to ashes. Oliver’s house was not far off, and was not spared by the enraged populace. He and his family betook themselves to flight. The fence before the house was broken down, sundry windows demolished and the furniture of the house was roughly handled. Hutchinson undertook to disperse the rioters, not only without success, but to the imminent danger of his own person. He finally effected his retreat—of which he says not one world in his “history.”

The next day, Oliver resigned his office of distributor of stamps: and gave a declaration in writing, and under his signature, to be communicated to the inhabitants of the town, pledging himself to transmit his resignation immediately to England and promising, with earnest asseveration, that he never would act in that capacity. In the evening of the same day the house of the Lieutenant-Governor and Chief Justice, Hutchinson, was surround and threatened. The multitude clamorously called for his appearance in the balcony, to make a declaration that he had NOT been in favor of the Stamp Act. One of his friends expostulated with the people in his favor, and finally assured them that he was not in the house, but had been seen going to his country seat at Milton: upon which they dispersed, without doing much damage to the house.

But twelve days afterwards, on the 26th of August, on the night of the day upon which he had returned to town, his house was again attacked, and destroyed. He and his family having scarcely time to effect their escape from the fury of the populace. The Houses of the register of the admiralty and of the comptroller of the customs without being absolutely destroyed was plundered, and rifled, and robbed by “That worst of tyrants, an usurping crowds.”

That these proceedings were sincerely disapproved and deeply lamented by Mr. Adams, there is evidence more unequivocal that that of attendance at a town meeting. He saw that the end of all popular movements of violence was destruction, and that they were ill adapted, under any circumstances whatever, to the furtherance of justice.


It’s this Nobody’s Opinion that the American people had had enough of the criminals that overtook the election with massive fraud, weaponizing all departments of justice, and destroying any trust at all in them. There were criminals of BOTH parties, who gleefully prosecuted innocent men all throughout the four years (and before) in President Trump’s four years in office. We were just fed up. Like their ancestors before them. The crowds that President Trump drew all over the United States were more than anybody in history could remember.

For years Americans watched a black President let mobs of Antifa and BLM roam through tout the cities and burn them. Cops were attacked. Killed. And the American people were told they deserved it. And now there is reverse discrimination against all whites.

How could this happen after so many Jews were gassed in the Holocaust? We were made to be silence when Obama insisted that Muslims helped found our country. Did you hear ANYBODY say: “PROVE IT!” No. Me Neither.

That was…insidious.

What happened in the Capitol was simple American people who wanted justice. The “mob” was instigated by a carefully planned ‘false flag” because the people in power MEAN to destroy and control the whole country. And they needed an excuse to further their plans to come down hard on all Patriots. There were many CIA false flags planted that day. Pelosi controlled the police, and they LET people in.

So, Joe Biden AND president George W. Bush are trying to make out January 6 as treason to the country. One of the most horrible days in American History.

Excuse my language but…Bullshit.

Over 300 people have been arrested from that day, for what? For the crime of just being there. Hutchinson didn’t have drones poor guy.

All the while, while, night after night, blacks and liberal whites are paid to go out and destroy and kill.

The elites at the top….are scared.

They are scared of what the American people might to…to THEM.

And when they control the courts, and elections can be stolen, and even Presidents don’t get a fair trial, Americans know, there IS no justice.

And THEY know, many have been buying guns.

You think they aren’t scared?

So, they keep saying that January 6, will be remember as an “insurrection,” They think if they just keep repeating it, it will go down in history as such.

Frankly, if those people had wanted to go in and kill those people, they would have.

What they wanted was justice, and they wanted Mike Pence to do the right thing,

He didn’t.

So, how will January the 6th be remembered?

As a day of patriots trying to plead with their government, and their government told them to go to hell.

Don’t let them rewrite it as anything else but that.. While it was a sad day for our country, which was betrayed by a Vice President, it was GOOD day for America. Let’s not let them rewrite it as anything but…what it was.

Patriotic Americans wanting justice.

We are STILL …out here. And they…know it.

April 29, 2021 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , | Leave a comment

We The People…HAVE A DUTY

Nobody Knows Part I

WE THE PEOPLE have been assaulted enough. Our country has been destroyed.

WE THE PEOPLE KNOW we have been stepped on, called siliceous names, attacked for the color of our skin with incredulous lies and controlled by the corporate media’s like rats in a maze. We are told what we can do, what we cannot do, and now, we will be punished if we outcry or complain about the lies told to us daily, on the Congress floor, and in our media, by the many criminals and liars that work, not for us but for a corporate state.

If I hear one more politician compare the ‘attack’ on the Capitol to 9/11, I will give Celente a run for best angry rant of the decade: (See Gerald’s rant below at this site, because I can’t copy it.)

Report: Jared Kushner ‘Intervened’ to Stop Pres. Trump From Joining Gab (

They bastardised the founders words on the floor of the House to sell their heinous crimes to America.

Steny Howyer is now on TV comparing this “attack” on 9/11. Liz Cheney, a father whose Halliburton company made BILLIONS in the wars in the Middle East, costing thousands of our young men and women’s lives, has the NERVE to call this gathering of protesters ‘terrorists.” Steny Howyer says the stealing of election was absurd, knowing that the THOUSANDS of testimony and proof the great steal never saw the light of day.

By any court. By most Americans. They are now censoring all the media.


The Tyrants are the democrats. THE LIES ARE unbearable.

The flame of destruction has been fanned for decades by progressives, in all of our institutions. Not by us.

Never by the people. The huge group that showed up on the Capitol that day were there, in hopes for Mike Pence to STICK TO THE CONSITUTION. Which…he did not.

So, here’s the question:

Do we the people have the right to overthrow our government, if that government is corrupt?

The Declaration of Independence says: Yes. WE DO.

It is not only our right, it is our duty. Is, or is it not, part of our rightful right as citizens to overturn a government that is so corrupt, they are now silencing all dissent?

According to Thomas Jefferson and the Declaration of Independence these patriotic people had a right, no, even a DUTY, to protest. Did they have a right to violence?

No. But the violence was caused by many Antifa members, who actually brag about it on the internet. That’s a video they are also trying to hide.

When the British came for our weapons in the American revolution, the battle of Lexington was fought, and the shot was heard round the world. For YEARS we celebrated those brave men.

No more. Today, they would be called ‘terrorists.’

This nation is not calling out for ‘healing.’ as everyone is saying. It is calling out for justice. Justices they KNOW will never, ever come. The most popular President, who won the most votes in American History, has been banned. Banned by his “brothers”. Judases. Brutus. Betrayal.


Let me get this straight. The ‘patriotic mob’ who ‘attacked’ the Capitol a few days ago, all waving American flags and Trump flags, with love and peace and heartache, and yes, anger, are now going to be prosecuted, by companies, by the FBI, by their teachers, their employers, their friends, their children,…and probably even their mailman. (This article explains it well.)

Americans forced underground (

Yes, hunted down like animals, along with President Trump, every day of their remaining lives for the ‘sin’ and ‘insurrection’ of even daring to come into their state capital to want their votes counted. You can BET that all the faces of everyone there, has been recorded…by drones and camera’s.

Like the man said in the video…he THOUGHT that building belonged to the people. What DO you do if nobody listens to you?

Not even that. What do you do when your politicians destroy your work, your kids, your lives, and all your pleasures?

So says the new administration, we are Nazi’s.

They are declaring the lie that President Trump called out his supporters to overtake the Congress. But…he didn’t say that. In fact, the riots were well under way before Trump ended his speech, in which he called for peaceful protests. To impeach the President for this is beyond absurd.

But so was his first impeachment. This is not only about Trump, it’s about getting rid of ALL of American culture. It’s about making America into…China TWO.

But they have to destroy the American patriot first.

I must even admit, when I saw the flyer advertising this, I thought to use the words “It’s going to be wild.” sounded more like something Alex Jones would put up. Lin Wood hasn’t helped lately with promoting his twitters with 1776…suggesting revolution.

Yes, those people in that crowd thought they were standing up for their own rights. What little they have left of them. And the video were the woman was shot dead? That policeman AIMED for HER. The men were doing the smashing. Really. Strange.

Oh sure, the FBI, we are being told, is going to just go after the ones who committed crimes right? BUT…

Even if you were not there, patriots are being silenced on all media platforms. They are being silenced for their speech, their patriotic thought, for even daring to come to the capital to express their concerns about the election fraud, and to have their votes counted. ALL the major companies are coming on board. Even talking about your love for Trump can get you kicked off your airplane. Congress now wants to BAN anyone who was there from ever flying again in their life. Ted Cruz and Josh Howley are at the top at that list.

Every single radio station, every media broadcasters, are all apologizing for the ‘riot’ that went on inside.

Here’s what you are NOT hearing, and you WILL not hear NOT ANYWHERE: While Pelosi likes to bloviated about the “Constitution” and she stands for “the People” you won’t hear her claim EVER that the people have a right to overthrow their government.

According to Thomas Jefferson and the Declaration of Independence these patriotic people had a right, no, even a DUTY, to protest.

The Declaration of Independence says that we not only have the right but we also have the duty to alter or abolish any government that does not secure our unalienable rights, including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Given that the U.S. was formed by settlers who threw off British government rule, there is also an historic precedent for overthrowing the government.


Rochester Institute of Technology Professor Sarah Burns explains that the message of the Declaration of Independence is that we – as a free people – have the right to stand up to an oppressive government. It is based on the philosophy that people have rights that no government can grant or deny.

According to John Locke, the fountainhead of this philosophy: There is no difference between an unjust government and a thief. Just like we are right to fight off a thief, we are right to fight off an oppressive government.


So yes. The election was taken, stolen, and now the real overthrow of America will come swiftly. But it won’t be by the American loving people who supported Trump.

It will be by the corporate/fascistic/ Chinese takeover.

President Donald J. Trump, just might be the last President of the United States of America.

Will GOD intervene? As my reader Mrs. O. suggests: We pray.

January 14, 2021 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , | 2 Comments

The Detestable Vice of Politicians Supporting Biden

Nobody’s Opinion

Charlie Kirk, a leading young conservative, was just on Pluto (NOT the planet, the News channel, although it would seem the planet is now very much under alien direction right now.) laying out how basically the progressive plan is to completely destroy the small businesses all over the United States, with the weapon they have engineered as Covid-19. Yes, DESTROY the whole dynamic economy of the Trump’s engine, and put all the power in the hands of a few…and the global ‘reset’ can begin…

ALL the big international mega companies have been excused from the lockdowns. The Wal-Marts, Amazon, Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, Google, taking over the planet, working with our politicians who have been assured by THEIR leaders (Bush, Clinton, Obama) that this new diverse world will be a kind one.

For years, the American conservative, lovers of the Constitution, have TRUSTED their leaders. BOTH parties bring out the Constitution whenever they possibly can, to MAKE you trust them.

Who were we to doubt them?

But for generations, the citizens have had little say in the choices we have to pick from in our elections. They are picked by the top 2%.

Tell me. If you are a democrat, and hate Trump, would YOU have picked the elderly Joe Biden or even Kamala Harris to run against Trump?

No. More than likely you would have preferred Michelle Obama, or Bernie Sanders.

And as a conservative, did you EVER guess that Mitt Romney didn’t have a patriotic bone in his body and was all out for money, or that John McCain would have EVER won against Obama?

No. Both of them were lame ducks walking.

What I’m getting at is that NO citizen out in America picked these people to run. They were picked by elites. By the rich. It’s how we got the BUSH/CLINTON dynasties for over 40 years.

 Hillary ran against Trump, because SHE was picked as the next President. Except, the elite did not expect the America people to dislike her.

Now, with the overwhelming evidence that the 2020 election was stolen, America’s vote trashed by a secret coup orchestrated by past Presidents and office holders, the American people wonder HOW any GOP politicians could actually sit by and side with Joe Biden, thereby giving America over to the world and it’s own destruction?

Were they promised money? (Yes) Future jobs. (Yes) But, there IS something more, and one of our founders explained this ‘detestable vice’ long ago.

In the Federalists papers, No. 70, Alexander Hamilton wrote this:

Whenever two or more persons are engaged in any common enterprise or pursuit, there is always danger of difference of opinion. If it be a public trust or office, in which they are clothed with equal dignity and authority, there is peculiar danger of personal emulation and even animosity. From either, and especially from all these causes, the most bitter dissentions are apt to spring. Whenever these happen, they lessen the respectability, weaken the authority, and distract the plans and operations of those whom they divide. If they should unfortunately assail the supreme executive might impede or frustrate the most important measures of the government, in the most critical emergencies of the state. And what is still worse, they might split the community into violent and irreconcilable factions, adhering differently to the different individual who composed the magistracy.

Men often oppose a thing, merely because they have had no agency in planning it, or because it may have been planned by those whom they dislike. But if they have been consulted, and have happened to disapprove, opposition then becomes, in their estimation, an indispensable duty of self-love. They seem to think themselves bound in honor, and by all the motives of personal infallibility, to defeat the success of what has been resolved upon, contrary to their sentiments. Men of upright and benevolent tempers have too many opportunities of remarking, with horror, to what desperate lengths this disposition is sometimes carried, and to the conceit, and to the obstinacy of individuals, who have credit enough to make their passions and their caprices interesting to mankind. Perhaps the question now before the public may, in its consequences, afford melancholy proofs of the effects of this despicable frailty, or rather detestable vice in the human character.

Yes, Alexander Hamilton didn’t use the word “deplorable” but instead called the likes of our progressive politicians detestable.

And now that the ‘people’ realized what has happened to them, that they HAVE no power and all their rights are being systemically taken from them, will they rise up and fight?

Does everyone realized they are being slow boiled like a big Maine lobster for the next rich man’s meal?

Nobody Knows. But this Nobody would say…uh…yes.

The real question is: How many people really care?

November 29, 2020 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , | Leave a comment

Nobody Wins When the Elites are UNTOUCHABLE

Nobody Wins

I was still pissed off about the debate, when I wondered WHY in the world did the Comey Senate investigation was held on the day AFTER the first debate when they KNEW that everybody would be talking about the debates.

Well, Lindsey Graham did this. He waited…and NOBODY showed this anywhere but on C-Span. The REAL criminal in the illegal and treasonous coup was held on NO channels but C-Span, (I don’t get OAN anymore so I’m not sure if they showed it) while we were bombarded every single day on every single channel Russia, Impeachment, Ukraine…whatever. Every hour of every day, but NOOOOOOOO WAAAAAAYY did they want us to see what James Comey had to say about weaponizing the FBI to take out Trump.

And like Hillary, he didn’t say much. He didn’t remember much. “I don’t know” is the get out of jail free card for every democrat ever under oath.

Lindsey played his usual two-step: Declaring that the hearings were all about making sure the FISA court was straighten out.

NOT The FBI. NOT the criminals who committed the crimes against the American people. No…we’ll just fix it and get on with things.

By the way, there are many people like me, who are tired of Lindsey’s all talk and no action. ALWAYS protecting the status quo while making statements that he really is going to do something…and….never does. 

Cruz does the talking here. But notice. Comey goes Scott-ree. We are suppose to just be satisfied that we were TOLD of the crime.

That’s suppose to be enough for us. The elites are UNTOUCHABLE.

Here’s an excellent article you can read to sum it up.

In the meantime, how did Joe Biden cheat?

Nobody Knows, but there is a good suggestion in the following video.


Today everybody was talking about the debate…and Biden seemed so very up on talking…here’s another way he could have cheated.

September 30, 2020 Posted by | American History | , , | Leave a comment

Nobody’s Perfect: The Queen of High-Haughty Eyebrows: Nancy Pelosi

Nobody’s Perfect

She’s a prevaricator of the highest order: the Queen of slanderers, a muckraker of preposterous lies, made to order from the deep state of oligarchs determined to destroy our country, and leading the never-ending attack on the American people, is none other than the mistress who owns the visions of tearing up the constitution and our elections by any means necessary:

Nancy Pelosi. The woman who had a face lift to lift her eyebrows into unknown dimensions so she could appear to be…trusted. After 80, having to move them up and keep them there was just too much of a chore.

What was her suggestion this week? They know they are going to lose the election, but they think they have enough voter fraud with the Covid-ID, and the endless media damage they have done so far, to make the election SEEM close.

So, Nancy will decide who wins. Or, so she has given herself this right…this is how it will go:

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has officially informed her Democratic Party caucus that the House of Representatives could decide the presidential election — and has urged them to focus on winning races that could decide the outcome.

The House could decide the election if no candidate achieves a majority in the Electoral College.

They can’t do that now, BUT if they win a few more seats in the House, then Nancy will pick who will be President.

Who will she pick?

Herself? Biden? Kamala? Obama? Schumer? Michelle? Or….

Drum roll please….Hillary?

Frankly, I think it would be hard for her not to pick…herself.

Darling that she is. I think she WANTS Air Force One. A bigger plane! How could she resist?

To this thought, THIS Nobody wants to give a quote written by one of our founders, Alexander Hamilton, in No. 57 of the Federalist, where he comments on the House of Representatives:

If it be asked, what is to restrain the house of representatives from making legal discriminations in favor of themselves, and a particular class of the society? I answer, the genius of the whole system: the nature of just and constitutional laws: and above all, the vigilant and manly spirit which actuate the people of America: a spirit which nourishes freedom, and in return is nourished by it.

If this spirit shall ever be so far debased, as to tolerate a law not obligatory on the legislature, as well as on the people, the people will be prepared to tolerate any thing but liberty.

Hamilton thought that term limits and regular elections would also solve this, so, HOW in the world do so many of our representatives get to stay there until they die?

Nobody Wants to Know.

Congress did NOT have to abide by Obamacare, and they can skip paying taxes, and make millions in foreign deals…and well, Hamilton would have said that WE have lost our spirit to even allow this to happen.

Will the American people get enough spirit to get rid of this tyrant named Pelosi?

We shall see soon.

But, its time we retire her to the dungeons of tyrants of history, where even her plastic surgeon won’t be able to get to her.

As for me, I’d be happy if we could tie her hands behind her back…at least for an hour. Also, I’d love to see her made to get a broom and pick up the many piles of human feces on the streets of her city, San Francisco.

THAT would be the kind of community service I think we ALL could support.


September 28, 2020 Posted by | American History | , , | Leave a comment

Nobody Wonders About the News

Nobody Wonders 

At the headlines news today:

Hunter Biden’s Chinese Firm Helped Buy Out Michigan Automotive Company to Create Jobs Overseas

NOBODY Wonders: Joe and his son also agreed to keep the United States ships out of the China sea, while they built their military’s bases in the middle of the ocean.  So, was that part of the 1.6 billions Hunter got from China? Which means if Joe Becomes President, his son Hunter will probably sell China Texas.

Are Antifa and BLM rioters starting the fires in Oregon and Other States?

              Nobody Wonders: Is the real plan to completely destroy the state of California and New York, so that EVERYONE that can will leave, and go to red states and turn THOSE states like Texas and Florida blue? Then in order to keep California and New York IN the union, the rest of the red states will have to bail them out, and then they will STILL be blue.  And the democrats will own us ALL the U.S.!

President Trump Announces Supreme Court List, Includes Senators Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton and Josh Hawley

Nobody Wonders: Ted Cruz would love it, but who can you trust anymore? Josh says he doesn’t want the job, thank God. We need him here in Missouri. But…would Ted Cruz vote against Trump? Tom Cotton would be a better choice. Great picks Mr. President.

The Left: The United States Is a Racist Hellhole where many more Black and Brown People should Live

              Nobody Wonders: The blacks here want to move back to Africa. No kidding.

President Trump Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

Nobody Wonders: As well he SHOULD be, but don’t get too excited. That little snot nose girl will get it, or they’ll give it to Fauci. The way the world is right now, you have to wonder if they didn’t nominate him just to NOT give it to him.

The Oscars Are Going to be more Woker Than Ever

Nobody Wonders: Is ANYBODY going to watch? I mean, what movies? Do I care to see Michelle Obama once again come out and tell us how racist we all are? Well, just in case you didn’t know…this lady will tell you and you can skip the Oscars and just watch this:

And to end the day on a high note…

September 9, 2020 Posted by | politics | , | Leave a comment

A Russia Author Explains…Why EVIL Takes a lot of Practice

Nobody Reads

I found a book at a book sale, for a quarter…a novel called The Yawing Heights. The author’s name was Alexander Zinoviev. He was born in 1922, and he was a research fellow at the Institute of Philosophy of the Soviet Academy of Sciences for 22 years in Moscow. He moved to Munich and was stripped of his Soviet citizenship in September 1978.

While I was wondering today how SO many liars, criminals, extortionists, and just plain evil people can walk the halls of Congress, I came upon this paragraph today in his book.

I found it interesting, and so, posted it here. Maybe you will too:

(The highlights are mine.)


On stupidity, baseness and other characteristics of the individual.

The qualities of the social individual, can be divided into the positive and the negative. An example of the former is intelligence. An example of the latter is stupidity. I wish to demonstrate that the former cannot be regarded as the absence of the latter, nor the latter as the absence of the former. Intelligence is not the absence of stupidity, nor is stupidity the absence of intelligence. This does not contradict the fact that these two qualities, beyond a certain value, are mutually exclusive. When in common speech we say that a man is stupid (or intelligence), that is an intuitive indication that the man has the attribute of stupidity (or intelligence) to a fairly high degree. When we say that a man is not stupid (not intelligent), then we mean that he does not possess the attribute of stupidity (or intelligence) in sufficient measure. Everyone knows that people can gain in intelligence. But for some reason one seems to pay little attention to the fact that people can also gain in stupidity. (Nancy?) In life, we often meet stupid people of whom we can say that are outstandingly stupid. Here we can distinguish between talented and untalented imbeciles. Stupidity must be learnt, just as intelligence is. People can attain to a really high degree of stupidity only after a long life and a great deal of practice. Absolutely the same is true of such attributes as cynicism, baseness, guile, jobbery, trouble-making and so on. The ability to be really vile doesn’t come instantly. To become an egregious bastard, you require not only a natural talent for it, but also a long and single-minded apprenticeship. So, it is not surprising that the really outstanding bastards are to be found more often among the ranks of the elderly and well educated. Moreover, where society plays a dominant role, negative qualities are not regarded as shortcomings.  (Bill Clinton?) Quite the opposite, they are regarded as virtues, and encouraged by every means. Here (In RUSSIA) they are normal. An outstanding intelligence is regarded here as an abnormality, and outstand stupidly as outstanding intelligence. (Obama?) Highly moral people are regarded as amoral villains, (Trump?)  and the most abject nonentities as models of virtue. (The POPE) What is in question here is not the absence of one quality, but the presence of another. As a result, a strangely negative type of personality is formed which reacts to the positive in the same way as the electron to the positron. (or vice versa)

It is comparatively rare to come across individuals with highly developed positive characteristics. (James Wood, American founders…Our President)  Individuals with highly developed negative characteristics turn up in big numbers. (Our Congress) But in the great majority if cases negative and positive qualities do not reach a level where it is possible to say of an individual with a precision that he is intelligent, stupid, mean, noble, or what have you. The normal individual has, in a more or less developed form, both positive and negative characteristics (he is averagely intelligent, averagely stupid, averagely noble, averagely mean and so on). Only in a few strong manifestation’s does the positive characteristic exclude its opposite (negative) doppelgänger. For example, a person with highly developed intelligence totally lacks stupidity, or a least his stupidity is wholly underdeveloped, and a highly developed crook (Hillary) either has a total lack of nobility or possessed it only in embryonic form.

Nobody Comments In our current progressive politicians, we can all admit that their embryonic forms were aborted. Nancy’s is still on the floor of the house. Bill’s is still on the cigar, and Hillary’…in the basement of the FBI.

September 3, 2020 Posted by | communism, Congress, Deep State | , , | Leave a comment

DNC Convention: Most Boring Words Ever spoken. (With 3,475,833 lies.)

Nobody Wonders

As I sit here TRYING to watch this parade of…depressing progressives DNC morons, endorsing a man who is hardly able to say a sentence, I am thinking: If anything could turn off a people to politicians and politics, it’s this ridiculous montage of lies, and blames, and just sheer audacity of pompous rich liberals trying to convince whomever to “get big things done.”

Hillary was almost funny. Pelosi was clearly running for the office of the Presidency herself.

There is a lot of time devoted to poor beat up women, gun violence, and the poor economy that Trump is not helping. They BLAME him for it. Business people complaining he didn’t help them. Schools not being open HIS fault.

ALL…and I mean ALL of it is theirs. They kept the whole country “locked down.” THEY did it. And now they blame him for it

Now they are showing President Obama giving Biden the Medal of Freedom. (Ha ha, he looked even spaced out then too.)

THIS Nobody still can’t remember a single thing Joe Biden has done except enrich himself and his family at our expense, THIS Nobody is amazed how this smacks of a Russian TV program.

Obama is in Philadelphia…trashing the Constitution! Well, why not?

The great speaker, the man who committed treason, the audacity of lies, and communism.

Trashing the President. Well, sure he is! It’s come out what he did.

Oh! They are blaming him for the deaths of the virus. This man is….


Ha ha ha ha ha ha…his brother! Joe’s Decent. (Ha ha)

It’s takes a real criminal to stand in front of the Constitution, and act as a patriot.

Sorry Obama. You took us down a road of hatred and racial division. You got VERY rich, and ‘fundamentally changed” the great republic that we lived in.

Joe just got rich. And hey, I GOT H1N1, where were you Joe?

Joe helped with Obamacare?

Marxist, Muslim, Liar, and the worst President in history. And also, most likely very GAY.

But he sure can talk.

Joe and Kamala care about every America says Obama.

Ha ha ha ha.

NO one is about the law? Says Obama.


The question is: How many people are going to put up with this slick willie of a disgusting person?

Is it me? Or is it time to kick these elite egotistical, and very rich assholes into the great big garbage heap off bad history and horrible tyrants.

Okay, I’ve heard enough. (Wait, he saved the black as slaves history for last.)

Obama, get off the stage. You are…beyond belief and I’m so sorry that we had to suffer you. WE did it with dignity. Not you. Oh no.

Ending with pleads to the blacks to save us all. And of course, President Trump is not even close to his magnificent self.

Now, Kamala, you’re next President.

She has to follow Obama? Ha ha ha.

I’m going to bed. I don’t think I could hear another boring speech. Kamala will be President?

What have I got to say?

Is that the BEST you commies can do?

Bring it on.

August 19, 2020 Posted by | American History, political races | , , | Leave a comment