Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Nobody’s Fool: Jordan Peterson explains ADHD

This is a great insite into just how many people have ADHD.

I was telling a friend today, that when I was young, my mother bought this toy plastic clock that taught you how to tell time. I was about five. I HATED that toy. She made me sit every day to learn it, but I knew that this was bascially a CONTROL lesson, and there was no way that I was going to have MY time controlled by any clock. And I knew she would use it to do just that.

I did not actually learn how to read a watch until I was a freshman in college. As Jordan says, they controlled all of us through bells. You didn’t have to know a thing about time except you couldn’t WAIT to get out of the school.

Years late, my doctor put me on Ritalin he said to “Help me with all my racing thoughts.” It was a form of speed…and I took it for years, in fact, when I got pregant I asked my doctor what the drug would do to the baby, and he said, “We don’t know.”

My son was born at 6 months premature, and while he was in his incubator at Children’s Hospital downtown, I asked him why my baby was shaking?

He said, “We think he’s coming off the Ritalin.”

The next day, I went cold turkey. Never took another pill.

My son has been diagnosed with ADHD.

And now he’s on some kinds of drugs.

The thing is: It’s not normal for kids to sit in a classroom all day and ‘obey’ and ‘memorzie’ when they want to be playing.

Elon Musk has started schools that I wish every child could go to. Google his schools, you will wish your kids could go there too.

Yes, once again, Jordan Peterson’s great truth comes out to help us all.

Even if it’s too late for me, it’s not for you or your kids.

Don’t let them put your kids on drugs to ‘calm’ them down.

Let the kids, be kids.

April 9, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , | 1 Comment