Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Government Overload:Future- Wall.E?

Nobody’s Opinion

Many, MANY, years ago, I was reading an article in the National Geographic about a small island somewhere in the Pacific, if my memory serves me well. And it was all about how half of the people on this small island, (It was owned by the French) wanted the government to change, but the OTHER half did not. Why? Because the people that ruled that island knew that if most of the people depended on the government for their survival, they would never revolt.

A lesson I bet every person at the WEF knows, but doesn’t want to admit. They are still trying to figure out how to decrease the population first.


That stuck in my head because it was such an obvious fact. Now, here we are, years later, and I see the same thing happening here in America. Sometime, just go to the library. (Before they disappear) There is a reference book with the names of ALL the departments that work for the government. There are thousands. The book is so heavy, you could use it as a stepping stool in the kitchen.

So, when I saw this headline last Friday in the Liberty Daily, it hit home to why there might be no way back from American’s demise; our national debt is 31 trillion and rising.

Uh…Planet Earth: We have a problem….

Unless someone does an Elon Musk solution, comes in and gets rid of all the black holes that our taxes go down, we are doomed for takeover to the highest bidder. (Elon for President.)

 And that’s just here in our country. That doesn’t include the spending we are doing all over the world with our military and humanitarian spending.  

Giving pensions to the Ukrainians? Will there be any Ukrainians left to receive it?

Good question.

Allan J. Feifer, thank goodness, thought to finally write about this problem: (Please click on link…it’s good.)

Our Ever-Growing Government Is Not Sustainable – 🔔 The Liberty Daily

—Progressives have convinced millions that limitless government spending translates into prosperity. They are either unaware or blind to the fact that the government can only take money from the producers and redistribute it to others after taking a hefty slice for themselves. No knowledgeable person would believe otherwise. Government spending is the reverse of a perpetual motion machine; it is more akin to a black hole where money and dreams to die.


I live not far from Ferguson, MO. When the Ferguson riots were being blasted all over the world, you would have thought that the whole city was full of poor black people who just couldn’t take it anymore. I live near there, and I’m here to tell you that the black people in the northern suburbs of St. Louis are doing quite well. You see, most of them work for the government or in the school systems, or in the medical field. The average wage for a government worker is $146.000. All the streets are filled with blacks driving $60,000 SUV’s and huge Trucks. The poor white retirees are still driving their old cars.

The redistribution of wealth from the whites to the blacks has been going on for decades—they don’t show you the rich blacks, and there are plenty of them.

Now, the illegals are coming and that’s where the money will be going. The Blacks know this, and they don’t like it one bit.

They might have great jobs, but their neighborhoods are being destroyed by the youths who have been told since Obama: They deserve to steal. And boy did they steal. There are almost no stores left in North County. Wall Mart, Cosco, and the Dollar Store. That’s it.

In other words, the welfare system in the United States had bought the democrats votes, but it has also destroyed much of the country. And the elites know, if they give illegals welfare, everyone will depend on the government for survival.

 God help us when…they run out of money, because you destroyed the very middle class that was keeping you afloat.

Nobody Wonders if that isn’t the plan. Overwhelm the system and take over. Obama was raised on Sal Alinksy’s methods, and if Michelle runs for President, it will continue until we really do become a third world country.  

I also wonder if America will survive? Or will high tech replace all jobs and people will just depend on the government for everything? And then what?

Will all mankind live a cartoon existence, like predicted in Wall.E?

Is this our real future?

Mmmmmm…….yeah…Elon? Uh…are you too busy?

February 25, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , | Leave a comment