Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Prince Andrew….Did NOT Kill himself.

Nobody’s Perfect:

Its been reported that Prince Andrew has been suspended from his Royal Duties because he basically was one of Jeffery Epstein’s many visitors to his many mansions of young female hosts. Notice: They didn’t suspend Prince HARRY when he was walking around naked in Las Vegas, so what’s the beef?

That was okay. Now Prince Harry has married a ‘black’ American woman, and plans to support probably Michelle Obama running in 2020.

The English like to keep all odds open.

Yes, the kids are taking over. Harry has embarrassed the Queen.  Forget the high standards of the Queen, her descendants have all given her more than a sleepless night I’m sure

.Epstein accuser Virginia Guiffre says she was forced to have sex with the prince in 2001 when she was just 17. A photograph appears to show the royal with his arms around Giuffre in the London mansion of Ghislaine Maxwell — Epstein’s alleged procuress.

Prince Andrew and Epstein were rather best buds.

But, how can we critisize the Royals when we had a President who sat right along on the plane rides to Lolita Island?

We also are tying to cover up our politician’s crimes.

Today on C-Span some really old lady I found out, runs our prison system and says that guards fall asleep all the time, and she won’t put up with it! HA~They were talking about Epstein’s not being watched in Jail.

But, have no fear: Attorney General Barr, has added protection: Too many mistakes were just made he said. Epstein…killed himself.

Not many believe that of course, but like always, the rich are protected.

Somehow, when it comes to the crown, America always bends to it’s wishes. It’s almost like we never broke up.

So, congratulations goes to Prince Andrew, for being the first royal kicked out of the Queen’s favor.

Historically speaking, that’s a first I believe.

Somehow, Epstein, Harry, Andrew, Bill Clinton,, and the Royal House of Elizabeth all fit together.

Sex…is an open sport for the elites. After all, they outlawed fox hunting right? What ELSE are they suppose to do with their time? And if they have that much time for sex, the question remains:

WHY are taxpayers paying them anything?

Are the Royals the true bloods in Harry Potter?

Nobody Knows.


November 25, 2019 Posted by | British, Uncategorized | , , | Leave a comment