Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Elon: And the Population Collapse.

Nobody Cares

When it comes to the population problem there is one thing that is driving me absolutely nuts: the reason so many people are NOT having more kids:


Notice how one of the guys in this video says that it’s all about how much it costs to raise a child. Women who have HAD abortions say the same thing: there is no man there to help support the child, and she can’t do it alone. Most of the time: one-night stands, men have porn, or pick-ups, there are more single women having kids than marriages at the moment.

After WWII, there was a baby boom. But the American economy was strong and a middle class built on the strength coming out of that war.

Then came LBJ, and the welfare state, which put the blacks into a baby boom fun house. They got paid for every baby they could produce. And they KEPT up the lie that most of the abortions were done in black neighborhoods. Well, maybe that was the plan at first, but the LBJ made sure that the more babies born, the more black votes for the democratic party.

They have been lying to the ‘whites’ for years about the blacks. They LIE big time about the numbers of blacks, and Hispanics.

These are the races they want to replace the white population. And I see it in my own neighborhood.

When I went to high school. It was mostly 95 percent white. Now, it’s 95 percent black. AND they are bringing in hundreds of blacks to put in that school from all over the world. I know, because I still get the flyers from the school my taxes are supporting.

It’s not the fact that ‘colored’ people are replacing whites, it just all the lies that have been coming out to us for over 50 years.

But getting back to this “The earth has too many people on it.” Elon is right. That’s a big fat lie.

Anybody who has flown from the East Coast to the West Coast and looks down from the plane can see, that there is more than enough room for people.

The Jews took a desert and made it into a thriving place called Israel. So, yes, we have the room.

But how does the Earth repopulate?

It’s the economy. Will the new tech and A.I. be able to support all these people losing their jobs? Will they just have more sex with more time on their hands? Or will they just live in a virtual world where sex is SO much better.

Well, until someone starts talking about how to fix the economies of the world…. it’s going to be a long road to haul.

Hopefully, Elon will have some YOUNG people on Mars by that time.

February 20, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , | Leave a comment