Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Nobody Knows: Who Will Be Trump’s VP?

Nobody Knows.

I’ve been following the MUSKZONE video’s and here it is said that Elon Musk supported Vivek for President. Clearly, nest to President Trump, Vivek was extreamly popular with Trump supporters and also with the younger generation. While not the genuis engineer of Elon Muck, Vivek hits the mark with just about every subject the conservative is concerned about. Not to mention, he is wicked smart, and a great speaker on his feet, which is something every politician needs. He has a lot of good ideas.

Will Trump pick him as VP? Not sure. But he better well put him in a great cabinet spot. Whatever happens, clearly Vivek will stay in politics.

Who knows? Maybe someday Elon Musk will run for President and Vivek will be his VP.

Okay, I dream. America needs wiser heads, and now that seems to be Elon and Vivek. Men who made their fortunes in America and want to preserve it.


On another note, I am always on Youtube, and I got a tip from Kim Komando about how you can use the keyboard to flick through some of these long Youtube presentations if you just don’t have the time to watch the whole thing.

If you type any number betweetn 0-9, it will take you into the video. For instance, type 5 into this video, and it will take you halfway. (Where Elon starts.) Likewise if you type 8, it will take you 80 percent of the way.

Type k and it will pause the video

Type J and it will rewind.

Type L, and it will fast forward.

For those of us who did not grow up on computers, (Like me) I thought this was fun. And who has that kind of time anymore? This saves it.

February 29, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , | Leave a comment