Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Nobody’s Fool: Dr. Robert Epstein

In the last election…The FBI worked with Zuckerface to make sure to surpress Hunter Biden’s laptop stories. Twitter did the same.

Here Dr. Epstein talks about how they are planning to make SURE the information on Google is controlled to, influence the next election.

June 25, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Nobody’s Perfect: ME

Nobody’s Perfect

I just saw my girlfriend Rosa, from Puerto Rico. Her and her husband drove to Wisconsin to attend her son’s wedding, so we watched the dog.  They came over tonight to pick up CHICO, and she showed me the wedding pictures and I had to ask her…was that a SnapChat one?

Most of them were.

Rosa introduced me to this app. You put it on your phone, and you can pick all kinds of effects. And some of these effects can make you look like the movie star you are NOT.

Any woman that spent 30 minutes putting on makeup, can tell you, it takes time to correct imperfections. This app puts makeup on you in seconds and you can instantly send it to your friends.

The picture above is Smapchat. It’s called “glamerous.”

And there I was: Hooked on selfies: “Why I look ten years younger!” I would tell myself. And then I realized that all these models you see on TV, splashed on the front cover of magazines…must have the same tech to make THEM look beautiful. What do they REALLY look like I wondered.

Tonight I looked at my phone and saw I had taken almost 100 Snapchats of myself.

“WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!”  I said to myself.

“Are you crazy?!”

So, I decided to get rid of them. And then I thought, it’s one thing for an older woman to try to make herself look younger, what happens to all those young girls who spend hours on social media getting depressed because they don’t look like Taylor Swift?

Some commit suicide.

Last summer, some of the old gals at the pool had this app, and they looked 30 years younger. All winkles are erased, and then I thought…there’s a danger here. Some of them started believing they really looked like that. Sort of how liars start believing the lies they tell all the time.

Liar Joe Biden could use a Snapchat.

I thought of dating sites. Men AND woman could be sending out these pictures…and show up and maybe NOT look like the picture the man or woman thought they were going to meet. Not good.

We have become a nation of youth, and beauty.  And the population now is growing very old, being replaced gleefully by a younger invasion of NOT WHITE, as the elites so joyfully express. And yet, when was the last time you actaully saw a girl like THIS at the pool?

And yet, we have VERY old politicians.

Go figure.

Anyway, this tech is here to stay. And what do we do about it?

I’m hoping more of the elites and professionals who use this tech admit it. In the latest Indianna Jones movie they admitted they used tech to make Harrison Ford look younger. He did many interviews and looked his real age. I think more movie stars should do that.

Yep.LOL…No glamour…just a smile.

Yeah…I prefer the first one too.

Still…I wasn’t born pretty. And my mother never put beauty of any importance, so when I had buck teeth as a child, she told me…not to smile. “Stop it! She would yell at me.” Try living your childhood NOT smiling. I do a lot of it now.

She would also say: “You walk like a farmer.” So, I never thought I was ‘pretty’ in any way, and in this world where all men love beauty, it was a curse to grow up thinking you’d never be beautiful.

I look back now at my old pictures and think “Gee, I wasn’t THAT bad!” But it didn’t do me any good then, and much to my mother’s delight…she was happy that I didn’t become a ‘snobby’ bitch.

“Remember. There will ALWAYS be somebody better than you no matter how good you get at anything!”

She loved to say that. Well, why the hell try? I laugh at it now, but not a big confidence builder my mother.

My mother looke a lot like John Adams so I see her reasoning now.

Still we all love beauty, and the wisest of us know that beauty is also what comes out from inside.

In that respect, while the second picture is truly me..the first one shows the feelings from my soul through my eyes.

So, what to do? Men can stare at porn for hours, and never meet that dream woman. What do I do?

LOL…I’m getting rid of all those pictures. Nevertheless, I learned from Rosa…why get plastic surgery when you can just put an app on your phone?

What will they think of next?

Now, someone please me if there is a body makeover app…

Calling Mr. Speilburg…..I’m ready for my closeup.

June 24, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , | 1 Comment

Nobody Remembers

Because …let’s blame it on Joe Biden…

June 21, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Nobody’s Perfect: Rose Montoya

What’s a poor tranny to do? I mean really?

Why should you stop sexually aassaulting people just because you have fake boobs? I mean, really? What is the world coming too? President Biden loved him..her…it…When He/she/it exposed his breasts at the White House.

What’s wrong with you people?

We ALL can’t be perfect. Even Tranny’s have trouble controlling their other sex drive. He was accused of assualting another tranny…oh the horror. How DARE he. She. We. It.


This week’s Nobody’s Perfect Award goes to Rose. Joe Biden was so proud of her/him/it/?

Whatever. Congratulations Rose! You just couldn’t contain that “other” sexual organ. Damn.

For that ‘minor’ mistake, you win a year’s supply of fake eyelashes.

You can flash them at the judge when you go to court.

You’re welcome!

June 18, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Nobody Watches DOPESICK

Nobody’s Perfect

I was taking the day of today, since it was my birthday…with nothing to do, so I watched a 2-hour video interview with Tucker Carlson. And in that two hour, they both mentioned a series with Michael Keaton called “DOPESICK”. It was about the opioid epidemic that happened in America. So, my husband and I watched two episodes.

Now, I ALMOST turned it off. The series of course jumped right into kissing scenes of two young girls in love. Neither Tucker or the interviewer mentioned that.

And here’s the shame in it all. The whole thing is about the pharmaceutical companies showing poison down our population. It exposes how big pharma works…BUT…you must bear all the humiliating crap that doesn’t NEED to go into the series.

Like watching people throw up and pee. And gay’s kissing, having sex. You want your regular movie? Well bend over because they are going to show you just how worthless you all are…disgusting creatures to the elites.

I think the communists call it dehumanization.

Tucker mentioned the fact that the elites are doing this by building one ugly Dollar General Store after another…instead of the great architectural works of the old days. America no longer builds beautiful buildings. It’s the same concept, and I wish he would do a podcast on the movies alone.

Then again, there was a lot of masturbation talk and addiction talk…which Tucker usually doesn’t talk about. He said he did this interview because his son loves the guy.

Sorry, it’s my birthday I don’t remember this young kid’s name. He’s forty but dresses like he’s 16.

Birthdays…can suck.

So, what I’m TRYING to say is that the elites of Hollywood KNOW that you will watch movies like this, so they are putting in their destructive propaganda to make you feel…well…disgusted of your own species.

Having said all that, it was well worth the watch. If you can handle all the lesbian kissing scenes.

They personally gross me out, as they are meant to do.

It seems though that Tucker Carlson accepts this in his movies. If you want to see the good stuff, you have to put up with the bad.

It never use to be that way. And it seems like I am the ONLY one who gets grossed out watching gays kiss.

Well…Nobody’s Perfect.  But at least I’m still alive. Every day is a miracle…

By the way…it’s on Hulu.

June 17, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | 3 Comments

Happy Fathers Day to All the Great Dads!

June 15, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Calling Mr. Musk: PLEASE: Make a Tesla phone that can be found EVEN by Joe Biden!

Nobody Remembers

Okay. I have to admit I miss the landline phone. I grew up in the age where nobody was glued to their phone. You had one in the kitchen, your bedroom, maybe the basement, and one in the living room. And when it rang, you knew RIGHT where to go. Simple. Easy. “Hello?”

You weren’t scared of someone recording your conversation. And then later, there was a machine to record messages. You could cook dinner while listening to them.

Okay, sure, tech upgrades has made the cell phone fantastic. It’s like have a small computer in your hand.

Everyone can get any information they want on their cell phone, and carry it with them anywhere. As Elon Musk says…when you can’t find your cell phone it’s like you have ghost syndrome. That’s like what someone has after having a leg cut off: You still think it’s there and the anxiety kicks in because…it’s gone.

Same thing happens when you can’t find your cell phone.

I have so many “apps” on my phone, I don’t even know what they are all for. They stare at me with eyes like so many people going “Touch me~! Touch me now!”

In the Dollar Store the other day, a young woman was trying to pay at the cash register with her cell phone. The line behind her got longer and longer and she could NOT find what she was looking for: probably some kind of coupon. We all got so bored we started talking about surgeries: knees, backs, hips…and I was thinking…keep going…we’ll get to our husbands soon enough. I hope she hurries up. Knowing my luck, the FBI would send what I said directly to HIS phone.

And I must confess I lose my cell phone in my house. All the time.  I lay it down somewhere and then I can’t find it. I’m not Joe Biden yet, it’s just that, I don’t want to deal with it. There are only so many hours in a day, and erasing emails takes me forever. But now, that got that little square up and they WANT you to scan. That big square: GO AHEAD! SCAN IT! NOW!

NO! I won’t. I’m going to go outside and trim my rosebush.

I admit. Us boomers are not going quietly into that good cell phone night. It’s a wonderful invention…but…true confession: I am NOT fond of anything that controls my time.

And cell phones do that…BIG TIME. On meaningless BS that will hook you on watching the latest cute dog feed his food to his pig buddy. My brain is locked into cuteness. I scrool enough on my computer, thank you very much.

THEY KNOW THIS…you will go to your grave thinking “Wow, that guy could really dance!”

SO…I have a suggestion for Tesla, who is coming out with a killer phone and so this nobody makes a request to Elon Musk:

Guys: PLEASE…put something in the phone so that WHEN the boomers cannot find their phone, there is someway they can figure out where they last left them.  I know Mr. Musk, you would just put a wire into their brain so that the phone could call them and say, “By the way, you left me in stall in the bathroom at your work.”  And we all know, brains of boomers need a tuneup…but…

YOU could wire the message from their cell phone into their head. That would work. BUT

But frankly, I don’t think we can wait that long.

How about you put some kind of ring tone on the phone where if it’s NOT near its person, it rings and sends a message to your computer that says, “YOU LEFT ME IN THE CAR STUPID!”



Wait that won’t work either. Maybe your Telsa could keep track of it and you could just go out to your electric car and say “Where is my cellphone?”

Get the car or your new Tesla house robot to find it.

Because Austin: We have a problem. There are many boomers like me out in the world of high tech, that just want to get away from their phones. They want to get away from their spouses but that’s another blog.

I learned my lesson two years ago, when I did NOT take my cell phone and my car broke down in the middle of a major street…and the cops refused to help me get it off the road.

Year ago, I would have gone into the nearest store and said, “Can I use you phone?” Sure, they would hand me their land line.


NO! There ARE no phone booths. LIne lines are gone. And most people will NOT let you use their phone.

This cop that came to my car got mad at ME because AAA did not show up for over an hour. He was missing his lunch hour.

And if you are stuck out in the middle of the desert or snowstorm or flood, and you did NOT bring a charged phone? What then?

I don’t EVEN want to go there. Just think how you would feel if you were buried alive without your cell phone. How would you pass the time?

Okay, I’ve made my point.

So please, Mr. Musk: Make a Tesla phone so cool, that it even has a way to find it’s way back to you. It seems from the video you have blown all the others away…except…what about the people who lose their cell phones?

Get your best engineers on this right away.

And I promise, all the boomers will be leaving Apple for that one idea alone.

Twice I’ve left my cell phone on some restaurant’s table.

And with a finding device on my cell phone, (Or my car) I can go into that cartel’s drug house and just politely say, “Uh…that’s my phone. Thanks! You took it OFF that table I was sitting at. By the way…what’s that smell? You might want to take care of that. Whew.”

Mr. Musk. I believe in you…make that new Tesla phone. Apple wants to gather all our data. Even when it’s lost. Not good. Besides…

Apple is SOOOO yesterday. Tesla…is the future,

A future so bright your brain will light up. And Apple will be left in the dustbin like old land lines waiting to be put back into service. Sort of like the boomers.

I can’t wait. Just so you know Mr. Musk, I offer this idea…for free. But you COULD send me a new phone.

Really, I think I deserve one.

June 14, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Nobody Flashes

A favorite song…so true.

June 12, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Nobody Sends Message to Tesla Voters:

Nobody’s Opinion

If you own stocks in Tesla, and you have been listening to all the doom and gloomers saying that the stock is down, and no man should get that much money…let me say this:

I do NOT own Tesla stock. I’m not in the game. The schools in America are SO bad and have been for years, that people just go to the biggest banks and put their money where they are told to. They are barely taught how to read or do simple math, let alone about the stock market or capitalism.

No, only a dumb population can be controlled. I can’t vote to help out Elon Musk tomorrow. But what I can do, is remind you that AMERICA is being destroyed “ON PURPOSE”, in order for a small group of elite and evil snobs at the top to gain power and control forever of the planet.

They have even stated that’s their plan.

We are being destroyed step by step. One by one…and unless the world wakes up…we are doomed to poverty, and so are our children.

I WANT you to look at this picture: THAT’s the world lite up, at the hands and hard work of ONE man:

Thomas Alva Edison. Now, I don’t know about Tesla, he was certainly a genius, but did he light up the world? No Edison, like Musk, was all about leaving a useful product for humanity. And he worked his ass off every day, JUST LIKE ELON…to get it done.

Edison made it a point to help the regular man. Elon is the same.

Our educational systems have made SURE that we take our greatest inventors for granted. WHY? Because the bankers don’t WANT the individual to succeed. It’s all about “the collective”

Which is doublespeak for 1984 communism.

Edison not only gave us electric light, but SOUND, and MOVIES—THINK about that?

And yet, there is no mention of him anywhere.

Elon’s biographer, Walter Isaacson, tells the story of how Elon on Christmas Eve, went into the twitter serves, borrowed a knife from his bodyguard, and cut terminals, and moved them.

He was told it could not be done. Don’t tell Elon that. Put him down, he will come back with a roar so strong your ears would pop.  

Edison once did the same thing. He was laying cable to light up some streets of New York, and there was trouble laying the wires. Edison went out into the streets himself, and got down in the holes, and pretty much did a lot of it himself. He also that night, helped the gigantic generators that were going to run that electric. Like Elon, he was everywhere.

By the way, BOTH Ford and Edison worked on an electric car for 2 years. They gave up. Elon? He did it. He didn’t give up. He worked 80 to over 100 hours a day to make it happen.

How DARE one woman take that away.

 President Trump has said: We must protect our genius. And as usual—He’s right.

Yes, Elon worked for nothing, for ten years, day and night, and succeeded into making it the top electric car company IN THE WORLD, he was promised his reward if he did the impossible.

He did. It was a PROMISE.

So, if you are thinking well the stock went down…Think: Why did the stock go down?

Biden. China. Biden personally went on to destroy Elon, just as he is trying to destroy Trump.

Remember that when you vote. Biden is a criminal. His son, who was just convicted of the small crime of buying a gun will just go into rehab. You watch. They’ve made millions off the taxpayers and also got many of our military finest killed.

Biden and his family are crooks. Everybody knows it.

Now, you may not like electric cars. But there is NO doubt, electric care are superior. And will save many lives. The whole infrastructure will have to be changed. Instead of endless wars we could be laying out the infrastructure for electric cars. We all must get to our jobs. Eisenhower built the highway system. And he also warned us about the military complex becoming evil.

 Our government, once again, is trying to get rid of Elon. They are still angry that he bought Twitter. Complete control of ALL media was a must for them.

They want to control Elon Musk. AND then want to control you.

  Elon Musk is our Thomas Edison. Elon Musk will lead the world into a future that one day, those left to actually THINK, will know: Elon Musk did this, bought us into a future that we only dreamed of. Like Edison, Elon is changing the planet: internet, Boring company, Electric cars, and soon interplanetary travel. Elon will go beyond Edison…because Elon is managing all these different inventions and companies…Edison only had a few.

 Just like Thomas Edison did long ago…he lit up the world…gave us sound, and music, he gave us LIGHT. And that was a leap forward in mankind. Good god people! Think about that. Everything you do or see, one man worked to give it to us all, on which all was built.

You think that was easy? It just happened?

Elon will do the same. Someday, on Mars, or the Moon, or in a driverless car, or you recover you speech from a stroke, or get your sight back if your blind. Elon is one of the world’s priceless treasures, and frankly if ONE idiotic woman can stop him, then forget even starting a business again. The rich will get everything, and you will. As they like to tell you:


And trust me: they mean it.

 Do you really want that world?

 If you do NOT vote to give Elon his power, and the money he so much deserves, then Telsa will no longer be the same. Electric cars made in China and Mexico, will have A.I. in them and THEY, the powerful, will USE that A.I. to make sure you go only where they want you to go.

Elon will not let that happen. He protected free speech; he will protect your right to take those beautiful cars wherever you like.

Elon will take all of humanity into a future where the individual will proper. The whole world will change.

So ask yourself: if this future is going to happen, and they’ve already started on it: wouldn’t you want a man like Elon Musk on your side controlling the outcomes instead of Joe Biden?

Or Klaus the swab?

Or would you rather be poor, watch your country continue to be destroyed and your children’s future to go on being controlled by an elite evil few at the global top? And end up eating bugs the rest of your life while watching soccer games on cable: hiding in your house with fear due to the crime outside.

Like I said: I’m too poor to own stock in Tesla. But your vote could literally save the world.

I love America. I love the rest of the world. I hope you to too…

I hope tomorrow the voters of Tesla will make a resounding vote: Vote for the man who will protect you all…Because without our genius, without our inventors…

The world will surely sink into darkness.

June 11, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

RIP: My Twin

Nobody Knows: For years, as I traveled around my area of the world, so many times people would call out my name: “Diane!” Then, when I told them my name, they would say, “You have a twin!”

For years, I never ran into her…but then her sister saw me one day and arranged for us to meet.

Diane is on the left, I’m on the right. I was a bit older than her here, but don’t ask me how old I was: I don’t keep track of time OR birthdays. (ha ha.) If you wonder, I always know what time it is or when my birthday is (June 17th) but I purposely try to forget about “time.”

Because…like a bad divorce, I want to forget all about it, since I know it’s limited, and you could die any day……

Years later I found out that she had overdosed on Cocaine.

I just ran across this picture today, and thought: what a shame. So young, so vibrant.

My twin is dead.

Do YOU have a twin?

June 9, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | 2 Comments

The Education of Joyanna Adams

Nobody Cares

Just a note:

I’ll be taking a vacation for a bit.

Not sure how long.

In the meantime, everybody hang in there and PLEASE get outside and enjoy this wonderful summer.

Best to you all.

Joyanna Adams

June 7, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Starship: Biden Step aside, we have a better Message for those Vets on D-Day.

Nobody Wonders

Today, Joe Biden gave a speech at Normandy in France, and behind him where the remaining men who stormed the beaches to save France from the Germans. To me, they all look disgusted. As if they hated being there. First, what did they fight for? Look at what Biden has done to the country?

That was sad. Later on in the day Tom Hanks tried to save the memories of that day, but talked about how American will ALWAYS do what’s right when it comes to defeating evil. Which was doublespeak for “We should stay and defeat Russia.” He didn’t say that of course…Hanks is a smart man.

Next, I got up to watch the Starship, which I watched with great joy. One of the flaps was damaged during splashdown, but it was great. That’s me watching..whoa! They’ll get it right the next time. Thomas Edison had to try over a thousand different filiments before he got JUST The right one. And that was just a lightbulb.

I’d say Elon Musk and Space X, are well ahead of Edison.

Turning on my Cable TV, ALL I saw was nothing about the fabulous rocket launch but all kinds of news about Boeing launching…I didn’t care. Boeing, Biden…China. They are all after Elon Musk.

Guess what? They won’t catch him. I don’t care HOW much dirty propaganda they put out on him…

He’s way ahead of them all…so I was in a good mood the rest of the day.

Go Space X! ON D DAY. Coincidence?

Wow…amazing! Enjoy if you missed it.

Now THAT’s a way to honor our Vets on D-day!

June 6, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Pollsters: Nobody Believes Them.

Nobody Wins

Back in 2016…Hillary Clinton, according to ALL the best polling experts, was going to win the Presidential elections. Even the BEST conservative talk show hosts said that she would, and went by all the polls.

And yet, the America people were lining up in the rain to hear Trump talk. Those of us that were sick of both her and her husband’s thought the pollsters were on crack.

And AFTER he won, all the top pollsters who of course didn’t WANT him to win, were out going…I don’t HOW we got this so wrong?

REALLY? We do.

Now they are at it again. Turn on any conservative talk show and all you hear is “Its so close!” Only two points up here. Or in the key states, etc. “You’d better go out and vote!”

They can go on for hours and fill up the airways with all the airhead predictions, but it won’t matter, so here’s my Nobody’s Opinion:

The democrats control most of the stations which use ‘polling’ to try to effect HOW you vote, and IF you vote, because if you think it’s a tight race, then repeating over and over that Trump is leading only by one or two points (which is a lie when it comes to Biden) them many, who believe that the last election was stolen, will just stay home.

In other words, both Republicans and Democrats use ‘polling’ numbers to tell you HOW you should vote and for whom.

So, I don’t listen to them. I didn’t listen to them in 2016. Which mean, even if they put the man in jail: Don’t believe ANY of the polls, they have gotten Trump off all media and they do NOT want you to remember stuff like the ad you see above.

When they tell you WHO they polled, how the question was put, and how many they polled and where, I’ll start believing them.

They…lie. You know that. I know that. So WHY do you believe anything they say, when your own two eyes, tell you the truth.

Trust your eyes. That’s why God gave them to you.

At least that’s my Nobody’s Opinion.

June 5, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , | Leave a comment

The Laws of Human Nature and Who Need to Know?

Nobody Knows

Well, it might be obvious. I’ve been pretty fascinated with Elon Musk lately…and this morning I was watching an interview with the author of the 48 Laws of Robert Green

He was promoting his new book:

And he was telling very personal stories about WHY he wrote books. He didn’t really know how to read people he said. I’ve always had problem. So…he had this theory…you must examine your childhood, and really examine yourself when you become an adult.

The part I liked was when he said that he found he was always competitive. Had the be the best, a bit of a narcissistic personality. And that he found that painful to admit.

He also said he had a painful childhood, and if you USED that pain to become the BEST at something, then that’s a good thing!

And isn’t that exactly what Elon Musk did?

Nobody Wonders if Elon read this book. So I ordered it off Amazon.

The 48 Laws of Power is a book everyone should have in their library. It’s historical, well researched, and you won’t find a book like it anywhere.

Robert Greene has written other books. So, happy day to find another fountain of knowledge to explore.

Everybody has a weakness, and mine is books. So, I plan to get all of them.

It’s always a good day when you find a good author…who did ALL the research for you! Thank you Mr. Greene! I can’t wait to read it.

June 4, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | 1 Comment