Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Pollsters: Nobody Believes Them.

Nobody Wins

Back in 2016…Hillary Clinton, according to ALL the best polling experts, was going to win the Presidential elections. Even the BEST conservative talk show hosts said that she would, and went by all the polls.

And yet, the America people were lining up in the rain to hear Trump talk. Those of us that were sick of both her and her husband’s thought the pollsters were on crack.

And AFTER he won, all the top pollsters who of course didn’t WANT him to win, were out going…I don’t HOW we got this so wrong?

REALLY? We do.

Now they are at it again. Turn on any conservative talk show and all you hear is “Its so close!” Only two points up here. Or in the key states, etc. “You’d better go out and vote!”

They can go on for hours and fill up the airways with all the airhead predictions, but it won’t matter, so here’s my Nobody’s Opinion:

The democrats control most of the stations which use ‘polling’ to try to effect HOW you vote, and IF you vote, because if you think it’s a tight race, then repeating over and over that Trump is leading only by one or two points (which is a lie when it comes to Biden) them many, who believe that the last election was stolen, will just stay home.

In other words, both Republicans and Democrats use ‘polling’ numbers to tell you HOW you should vote and for whom.

So, I don’t listen to them. I didn’t listen to them in 2016. Which mean, even if they put the man in jail: Don’t believe ANY of the polls, they have gotten Trump off all media and they do NOT want you to remember stuff like the ad you see above.

When they tell you WHO they polled, how the question was put, and how many they polled and where, I’ll start believing them.

They…lie. You know that. I know that. So WHY do you believe anything they say, when your own two eyes, tell you the truth.

Trust your eyes. That’s why God gave them to you.

At least that’s my Nobody’s Opinion.

June 5, 2024 - Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , ,

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