Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Play-Do Dred Locks!

Nobody Wonders

A new TV commercial came on tonight that I had never seen: Play-Doh.

Now, the very young girls can start designing dred-locks as soon as they can!

With all different colors!

Of course, they will say the white girls will want them too..look, it’s a white girl with dred-locks.

We’ve all seen the new fashion on everybody from old white ladies to black women with died purple and red dred-locks! But what if some day, you don’t have this fashion, but keep your normal hair, will you be ostracized by the masses?


Since everybody knows that the best lessons that stick with you is when your brain is being formed between birth and 5, I can just imagine in the future…

Will the White blond still be the desired hair color? Or will it be considered, racist?

Something tell me, Play-Doh has a hit!

And the market for hair die will triple.

Nobody Wonders…will anybody in the future have the REAL color of their hair?

Nobody Knows.

April 7, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | | Leave a comment

Nobody Wins with Reparations

Nobody Wins: I couldn’t stop laughing at this lady…with the Africa sign behind her…and wondering what kind of house she lived in, what college she went to, whether HER ancestors had ever owned slaves, and when was the last time SHE was a slave. The whole concept of “My ancestors hundreds of years ago were slaves therefore HAND ME THE MONEY.” is absurd. It’s extortion. It’s like saying to any person of any color of skin, “Hey, you owe me money because long ago, in a galaxy far away, somebody in my family picked cotton for you. I want your house…give it to me. “

Basically, it’s thievery. Steal money from one group of people and hand it over to another. Didn’t all these black people study in all their churches learn “Thou shalt not steal?” Oh…let’s ignore that.

What this lady is REALLY mad at is that they are giving illegals/mostly hispanic/ money now. And that’s less for them, so they want a piece of that pie…never mind that they voted for the black democrats that are now ‘replacing’ the vast money grap bag with another race, of a sort of lighter color. For much too long, the blacks have gotten a free ride…affirmative action put many of them through college, even though they left all their grade school systems prisons of ignorance. But no matter. The color of their skin has gotten them rewards for decades now. The government filled the welfare office with black employees so that they could dish out as much as they could.

And now, they are furious that here comes, another race, that will actaully WORK for their pay. Not many people know this, but even when building the White House, blacks were hire, but goofed off so much that Abigail Adams could stand it no more. She replaced them with Irish white workers who got the job done.

Remember that next time you hear them claim “WE BUILT THAT HOUSE.”

Now, I live in a 60 percent all black area. The ones that have JOBS, know the con, and know they’d better be nice to the whites. They also see what is coming. And they are not falling for this lady, who is hyping up the “Blacks NEED that money more than the illegals. We DESERVE that free money!”

Nobody deserves free money. Unless they were injured serving some dumb war somewhere and lost legs, limbs, and cannot work.

But she is funny. The democrats have used the blacks for their own selfish reasons…to get themselves rich. Carpetbaggers. But notice this lady does not condemn the democratic party.

Abraham Lincoln once wanted to start an African area nation so that they could all go back there, he felt so sorry for them. But keeping the race card alive? That BIG money in the pockets of the democrats.

So lady, you’re mad? Hate it here? There’s always Africa! Go ahead, I hear it’s a wonderful place.

I’m sure YOU have enough money to buy a first class ticket!

December 28, 2023 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , | Leave a comment