Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

Nobody Flashes A Boatload of “Vote Him Out! ” Video’s

Nobody Flashes

Nobody Thinks, instead of me pontificating, I’ve decided to post some of the great video’s being passed around. Watch a few, or watch them all…but remember to VOTE. We simply CANNOT afford to give Obama what he wants:—The chance to make himself a dictator. He’s already done too much of that.

The first one is for us to be able to even have food and warmth. He WILL destroy our energy.

And how about those recent job numbers? Let Rick Santelli figure it out for you.

This little boy thinks that if he votes for Obama, he won’t have to pick crops…which is exactly what Michelle Obama is trying to get all the little black kids in the cities to do…plant gardens.

And by all circumstantial evidence so far: Obama watched the attack in Benghazi, and told everyone to “stand down” That’s why this Hurricane was so important to him. He is taking no questions on it, and anyone who even asked one, is told that they should NOT make it a political issue.  Obama has NOT got your back.

So, here’s a man who is confident that Obama is toast.

MY FAVORITE!!!! If only our first black President had been Allen West…

Oh my…it’s just keeps getting better! Michelle Parties! How many will she take in the second term?

War on Women? Uh…sure.

How does Seal Team Six feel about their Great Obama Commandar? Watch.

Sums up Obama’s 4 years…

And here’s the support from a Jewish Democratic woman:

How do the Marines feel? Let’s see!

Enough? I have more…maybe a few more tomorrow…

November 3, 2012 - Posted by | Barack Obama, Presidentcial Election, Uncategorized | ,

1 Comment »

  1. Good luck to America. By the Lord Harry, it needs it.

    Send a message to the World. You tried false ‘hope’, now let us try Truth, Integrity, Freedom, Work and Family. The real family, that is.

    You tried false ‘Faiths’, reaping the seeds of the wide variety of mini and not so mini Anti-Christs, and now we need to get back to God and Country, and faith in the Constitution.

    You tried false ‘charity’, asking people to eat stamps and taking the hard-earned money coerced and expropriated from their hard- working neighbours wallets at gun-point, and now it is time to get back to personally giving to the poor instead of the Government sending your aid to fill the pockets of home-grown and foreign thieves.

    Queen Michelle’s holdays have to be OVER. Finished. No Mo’.

    Vote O’Bugger out.


    Comment by Amfortas | November 3, 2012 | Reply

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