Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

China Will Have the Tallest Building: America Will Have the Tallest Ferris Wheel!

Nobody Knows

The Chinese have claimed that they are going to build the tallest skyscraper in all the world, and just to show the world how superior they are, they are going to do in…

Are you ready for this?

In 90 days.

According to its engineers, this will be the tallest skyscraper in the world by the end of March of 2013. Its name is Sky City, and its 2,749 feet (838 meters) distributed in 220 floors will grow in just 90 days in Changsha city, by the Xiangjiang river.  They also claim it will be able to sustain earthquakes of a 9.0 magnitude and be resistant to fire for “up to three hours,” as well as be extremely energy efficient thanks to thermal insulation, four-panned windows and different air conditioning techniques that were already used in their previous constructions.

Let’s see…the World Trade Center was started in April of 2006, and it’s still to this date in 2012, not completely finished. And it’s not near as tall as China’s Sky City is going to be—its 1,776 feet tall as compared to 2,749 feet. The tallest building now, in Dubai, is 2,719 feet.

So, what is America going to do about this? Mayor Bloomberg has come up with something he thinks America can be proud of, and it’s only going to take a year…starting in 2014. The biggest Ferris Wheel in the world. Yes, he’s proud.

Nobody Notes: The Plan for this Ferris Wheel have been in place for quite some time.

A plan to build a Ferris wheel that would exceed the height of the Singapore Flyer, currently the tallest in the world, as well as the London Eye and the planned ‘High Roller’ wheel on the Las Vegas Strip, was announced by Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg.

(This was planned BEFORE Sandy ).

The 625 foot New York Wheel, which would be the world’s tallest when completed, is part of a comprehensive plan that includes a new retail outlet complex and a 200-room hotel, all to be built on Staten Island’s North Shore, steps from the Staten Island Ferry in St. George.

The recently unveiled projects are expected to transform Staten Island’s waterfront by spurring economic growth, boosting tourism and creating more than1,200 construction jobs and 1,100 permanent jobs.

The projects are part of a city wide “sustainable blueprint” designed to transform the City’s waterfront with new parks, new industrial activities and new housing, “to promote water-borne transportation, recreation, maritime activity and natural habitats,” according to the Mayor’s office.

Okay. Uh. Is there anything LEFT on Staten Island?

Well, gee. In that case Hurricane Sandy just did a wonderful job clearing out valuable ocean front property to get ready for the Mayor’s new Theme park with the tallest Ferris Wheel in the world! Where nobody will be allowed to eat meat on Mondays, or drink a soda, but you will be able to freeze your butt off on top of the Ferris wheel, should you decide to go up in it.

Nobody Knows…If this Hurricane could have been helped out with the weather manipulators, but, that Hurricane is going to make a lot of rich union developers, richer. What are the odds? LOL! Getting all those property owners off the island will be pretty easy now.

They might even get it up thanks to Sandy, in 11 months!

Nobody Notes: I tend to lean towards the conspiracies if at all possible. Not only is it more fun, I always suspect when it comes to making the elites richer, they will pull out all things possible, and that includes…when you see a hurricane pushing your way…for goodness sakes, seed that sucker. The ends ALWAYS justify the means.

We have an election to win and a New Park to build!

China builds the tallest building in 90 days. The U.S. plans to build a Ferris Wheel, in 12 months…give or take a few years.

Yeah, we got this.

November 20, 2012 Posted by | American History, China, conspiracy, disasters, Hurricane Sandy, Uncategorized | , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Nobody Reports on Agenda 21

Nobody Reports

Glenn Beck has released a book about Agenda 21.  Not many people are paying attention to it, but it’s bona-fide evil, and Obama and Hillary Clinton are about to sign on to it. And legally, they can, because they just need the Senate’s help…and they have filled it with obedient Democrats.

This video shows you a bit of what is in Agenda 21. The United Nations plans to control the world and everybody in it, and America will be told to hand over its soverignty to the U.N., which as you know, is filled with people that hate us.

Some of this is already happening. Nobody Knows how much of it will be implemented in the next four years, but you can almost count on at least some, if not most of it, being done.

Unless of course, we go to WWIII—and some say, it has already started.

November 20, 2012 Posted by | Agenda 21, American History, U.N., Uncategorized | , , , , , , , | 2 Comments