Joyanna Adams

Nobody's Opinion

The Knife, the Gun, the Weaponized Data

Nobody’s Opinion

I don’t know about you, but I’m getting tired of going into my doctor’s office and watching them NOT talk to me. I miss the old doctors. They would take the time to tell you their opinions, about every subject.
Now, you are lucky to get ten minutes of their time. Evidently, they get paid to limit the time.

Thank you Obama.

We now wait just like those in Europe over six months to get into see a specialist. Some doctors don’t even call back if you request an appointment.

So, be it. Now, what you DO get is the pleasure of sitting there and watching the doctor spend the 10 minutes of YOUR time, typing information into their computers.

They aren’t doctors anymore. Now, they are simply data gatherers.

The day is coming when they will just be computers.

They can’t even give you an honest opinion now. All they can do is look at blood tests, and the insurance companies no longer cover these blood tests, which can run into the thousands.

They DARE not give any answers other than what they are being told. Obamacare, changed all that. Obamacare pretty much destroyed our medical system. THOUSANDS of doctors retired…and now, they have a shortage.

Was this a planned change that Obama had in mind? You tell me. Fewer doctors, more deaths. State saves money.

Even my doctor, before he quit, warned that this shortage of doctors was about to happen.

So, because there are fewer doctors the whole medical system is being digitalized.

In AARP magazine last month, there was a big PR piece on the wave of the future. Your doctors will visit you by your phone. If you are in the hospital, you will be monitored 24/7 by a computer, and the doctor will visit you on a screen in your room. The nurses will pretty much just change the sheets.

If you’re lucky.

Be rest assured, these ‘visits’ will be recorded and sold to the highest bidder: Just like Zuckerberg sell your data…oh wait, he just lets the advertiser come and do it themselves.

And everything that is wrong with you will be in the NSA data bank forever more.

The NSA has been gathering everything on us for years: through the internet and our phone. Google tracts you EVERYWHERE you are…and stores it. What sites you visited, when, where you were when you google it, and Google knows all.

Facebook keeps your bank records that you make on your phone…did you know that? Zuckerberg was trying to get the medical records from the hospitals.

Tell me Obama wasn’t behind that sweet little secret.

Now the ‘tech’ companies want you to talk to a cute little round machine in every room, and that sweet-talking machine will talk back to you!

And also ‘listen’ to you if they want, and that will give them even more information.

EVERYTHING you say, will be recorded whether you want it to or not.

And with computers now in schools, the kids are being data banked from the time they set foot in a government kinder garden school.

Thanks to Bill Gates:

From Michelle Malkin:

Under the guise of customizable assessments, public and private preschools in Colorado experimented with toddlers whose student activities and social/emotional behaviors were tracked using the TS Gold (Teaching Strategies Gold) system — funded with $30 million in Race to the Top subsidies under the Obama administration. As I reported in 2014, parent Lauren Coker discovered that TS Gold assessors in her son’s Aurora, Colorado, public preschool had recorded information about his trips to the bathroom, his hand-washing habits and his ability to pull up his pants.

Now, let’s be frank: Our schools have been secretly gathering information on all kids since the 1960s. And parents were NOT allowed to know that. They made the kids write personal diaries in class. And if you were a parent, you were NOT allowed to see that diary.

I never saw one reporter every talk about that.

Long ago, I remember reading in the library about how the ‘industrial’ age would be destroyed and replaced by the knowledge revolution. Whoever held the information, wins.

So, Data now, is the new gold…it’s how the rich are getting so much richer than everybody else.


And as we are finding out: the ‘deep state’ has now  weaponized it…against it’s citizens.

It will be the most powerful weapon ever invented…for if someone knows everything there is to know about anybody, they can use it to destroy that person.

Obama spied on Trump. He weaponized all data gathering and is using it to try to get rid of him. The elites treat Trump and the American people as the enemy, and use all the methods used in all past wars to win the day. And that includes spying, disinformation, propaganda and surveillance.

Yes, this IS War to them. Our own government (deep state) is at war with the American people.

Knowledge IS power. And it’s not how much you know, but what you DO with what you know.

What the American citizen chooses to do with THAT information, will decide the fate of us all.

April 22, 2018 - Posted by | conspiracy, corruption, Deep State | , ,


  1. Mrs. O.

    That was one of the most informative articles written about Mueller that I’ve ever read. I’ll write a post to try to give it some more ‘light’.

    I’ve always thought that Mueller was one of the Bush’s attack dogs. The Clintons and the Bushes are basically on the same criminal NWO global bus to destroying the world for the sake of what? Both dynasties want Trump destroyed, and they will take down America if need be.

    I’m sure, President Trump knows all about this.

    You always see the same players. Anyway…sorry it took me so long to get to this…

    Thanks Mrs. O. I’ve put that spot in my favs!


    Comment by Joyanna Adams | May 2, 2018 | Reply

    • You didn’t take long Joyanna~ I only sent it to you the day before! 😃
      I thought it was an excellent article too, and I look forward to your post.
      Blessings, Mrs. O


      Comment by Mrs. O | May 3, 2018 | Reply

  2. Hey Joyanna,
    Didn’t reply to this post earlier, because since I first saw it, I have been finding all kinds of stuff related to it (the data gathering that’s been going on for ages) and I wanted to send you some of it. You may have already read it, but if not, the following link has some good information I think you’ll appreciate:

    In any case, it just goes to show us that our instincts are often right.
    Blessings, Mrs. O
    P.S. I’ve run across a lot of info on Devin Nunes at that site as well and it’s been very enlightening.


    Comment by Mrs. O | May 1, 2018 | Reply

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